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Congratulations to those who completed the #5kMay2020 Challenge! Now it is time to claim your epic prize.


This check-in will only be open for 48 hours, so please check-in right away. Since this has been a daily challenge, it seems reasonable to expect a check-in within 2 days.

For the other 3 check-ins, you were asked to leave a comment on the CHECK-IN blog post. This check-in is a little different. The link above will take you to what looks like a registration page. Don’t worry, you’re not signing up for another month of 5k’s everyday, though you’re welcome to run those if you’d like. We decided to use a registration page because we added youth t-shirt sizes and had many incomplete addresses with the original registrations. Please make sure to fill out the form completely and correctly so that we can get you the prize that you worked so hard for.

Speaking of prizes, the t-shirt will be available at the Jeff Polen Music Ministry 5k & Musik Fest on Saturday, August 8, 2020 in Apple Creek, OH. There is no obligation to run the race, but it is a fun event. Local runners can pick up their #5kMay2020 finishers shirt at the event, or at Vertical Runner of Wooster for 2 weeks following the event. After that, unclaimed t-shirts will be shipped to their owners. Out of state t-shirts will be shipped at the same time as the JPM 5k & Musik Fest virtual run packets… roughly around August 8, 2020.

It has been an absolute pleasure to host this year’s 5k Every Day in the Month of May. We are so proud of each one of you, and we hope that you are proud of what you have been able to accomplish this month as well. Feel free to keep the Facebook page going with stories of success and encouragement along the way. Give a few kudos on Strava when you can. And hopefully we’ll see you for #5kMay2021!

We also want to thank Vertical Runner of Wooster and Better Life Coffee for helping to facilitate this incredible event. If you appreciate their contribution, please let them know by visiting Vertical Runner for all of your running/walking needs and by purchasing a few bags of coffee from Better Life to keep you and those faithful coffee farmers going strong.

May God bless you, may He keep you, may He cause His face to shine upon you, and give you peace!



47 thoughts on “#5kMay2020 FINAL CHECK-IN Leave a comment

  1. I never thought I could do it but I pushed through and got it done. I feel great!!! I’m so proud if myself. Looking forward to keeping it going but with some rest days in between.

  2. Final check-in complete! What a great experience! Loved having the “group incentive” to keep things going each day, with the goal to better myself and my overall health…. Will definitely do it again next year! God Bless, everyone….

  3. This has been much more than the 5k everyday for me. I have grown not only physically but spiritually and mentally as well. I will continue my 5k thru the month of June in honor of my brother and suicide awareness. Thank you all for the opportunity and courage to continue on. God Bless you all!!

  4. I never thought I could complete a 5k a day for a whole month but I did it! I not only grew physically but I also have grew spiritually and I look forward to keeping this going!!

  5. I enjoyed being able to complete this challenge, get healthy, and get out of my quarantine funk.

  6. This was a great motivator! Thank you! I was able to complete all 31 days. Even on some days I didn’t want to.

  7. It was the best thing I did over quarantine.. my body hurt so bad at the beginning- lol.. but now I feel so much better,!! It’s the boost I needed to get out of the funk I was in!!! Now to make my way across Ohio…

  8. I am so proud of myself that I was able to complete the May challenge . I never thought I could do it

  9. Final check-in complete! Thank you so much, Jeff and Jodi, for taking the time to organize such a great event that allowed so many of us to feel like we were connected during this strange and difficult time. Looking forward to next year!

  10. Fantastic event! Thanks to all who helped make this so much fun! Looking forward to next May!

  11. Thank you for holding this challenge! I ended up doing a 5K each day and I did 7 5K’s for the Mayhem. I’ve been reading more from the New Testament so that helped out too. I am going to try to keep doing a 5K everyday going forward. Thanks again and God Bless.

  12. It is amazing! At the beginning of the month I was thinking what did I get myself into? There were days that the 5K got done late! But it was done!!!! It’s amazing what the body can do! This was more than just a 5K challenge, this made me see that when I put my mind to something I will do it! No excuses , don’t give up! 105 miles total for me in May!!!

  13. I never thought that I would be able to complete 5k everyday, but I wanted to give it a try! I am so happy that I followed through! This has been a great experience!

  14. I thought I left a final check-in, but I’ll do it again just in case. I got my 5K in every day even when it was hard. I read every day. All in all, successful, though I could not do the mayhem as I had hoped. Thanks for putting this together once again. I love it and look forward to it every year.

    • Be sure to click the link in the Final Check-in Post above to officially do your final check-in. This check-in is different than the last 3. You will need to follow the link and fill out the form to claim your prize. Thanks!

    • Be sure to click the link in the Final Check-in Post above to officially do your final check-in. This check-in is different than the last 3. You will need to follow the link and fill out the form to claim your prize. Thanks!

  15. Awesome Experience!!Thank you, Jeff and Team ~ such a great way to stay focused and be connected to a bigger story! Blessings to you all – already looking forward to next year!

  16. This was great! Thank you 😊 so much for this encouragement. After have a baby in January I needed this push to get back into running.

  17. I really enjoyed this challenge! So fun to see the growth from the beginning of the month to the end spiritually and mentally!

  18. Final Check in complete. Unfortunately I tore my Achilles’ tendon and only made it to day 18 😭 but did continue with my ready 😊 great challenge, look forward to attempting it again next year.

  19. Hope that I’m not too late. Did the 5K daily, then forgot the sign in on June 1. Thanks Jeff for keeping us active in body and spirit.

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