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#5kMay2020 Check-In #3

It is time for the 3rd official CHECK IN!!

Let me know that you are still officially in the challenge by CHECKING IN below. Simply leave a comment on this page, telling us:

  1. MAIN CHALLENGE: Have you run and / or walked at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2020?
  2. BONUS CHALLENGE #1: Have you read the 3 chapters of scripture each day so far in May 2020?
  3. BONUS CHALLENGE #2: Are you participating in the #5kMayhem? And if so, how is it going, (or how did it go)?

*All first-time comments need to be approved, so if your comment doesn’t show up right away, don’t worry. I will periodically be going through and approving the comments throughout the day.*



456 thoughts on “#5kMay2020 Check-In #3 Leave a comment

  1. 1. Yes!
    2. No; I’m doing my own Bible reading/study with my church
    3. No mayhem for me. I do plan to do more than 5K though.

  2. 1. Yes to the 5k!
    2. Not quite all the scriptures
    3. Yes to the Mayhem! Currently fueling up!

  3. 1. Yes to 5k a day
    2. Listening to the podcast
    3. Wouldn’t miss it. Good luck everyone 🏃🏽

  4. Yes, Yes, Yes – heading out shortly to get started (it’s 5:20 am now) – Mayhem in May is coming!!!

  5. yes to the 5k’s yes to the scripture but unfortunately we are on the road for ten hours in our car this morning so I wont be able to do the Mayhem as planned (but ill be don’t my 5k on the beach today 🙂 GO Mayhemers!

  6. Yes, a lot of walking this year
    No, but catching up days I missed, loving the podcast
    Yes getting ready for Mayhem now

  7. 1.Yes
    2.1 day behind, will catch up today.
    3.Attempting Mayhem as well 👍🏼😳💪🏼

  8. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Kinda. I was planning on running the mayhem, but got a bit of ankle tendonitis. Finally decided (reluctantly) that I shouldn’t run. Rather, I’ll be biking 8.3 miles every hour, to reach 100 miles by the end of the day.

  9. Yes! Yep! And currently walking as I type! My bonus challenge is going to be from 5:30 AM to 5:30 PM- I hope that still counts!

  10. Up and ready to go. I have kept up with the first two challenges with no problem. I wasn’t going to attempt the Mayhem challenge at first, but am going for it today. It will be an interesting 12 hours coming up. Praying everyone stays safe and rises to their own challenge today.

  11. 1. YES!!
    2. Yes, your podcast. Thank for this!!
    3. No 😕 best of luck to all who are!!!

  12. 1. Yes to the 5k
    2. Some didn’t realize you had them on apple podcast till a lil over halfway through.
    3.Yes the farthest I’ve ever run before was a 1/2 Marathon so I’m hoping to get to hour 5

  13. Checking in. Up to date on runs and bible reading. Have to work today so out of the Mayhem Madness challenge. Have fun today all of those who are running or walking today.

  14. No, as I had a medical procedure which caused me to miss one day.
    Yes to the scripture.
    My wife and I intend on walking as many 5k’s as we are able.

  15. Definitely YES
    Enjoyed listening to many but not all.
    Working today so no Mayhem😢
    Good luck to all!

  16. Yes
    I have listened to many but not all
    Not ready for mayhem
    This was fun. Thank you!

  17. Emma Vierheller and Elle Lutz checking in. We have done our 5k’s , Elle has done the scripture, and we just finished our first 5k of the Mayhem here in Toledo, OH!!

  18. 1. Yes to the 5k a day
    2. No to the scripture
    3. No to mayhem, good luck everyone participating!

  19. Yes
    No- planning to do some extra 5Ks tomorrow. Good luck to everyone running today!

  20. 1. Yes!
    2. Yes, I caught up after last check in and have been on track!
    3. No, I’m setting a goal for next year though.

  21. 1) Yes
    2) Yes
    3) I’m very sad but I will not able to participate in Mayhem today. Good luck everyone!

  22. Yes I have. I even completed yesterday after spending .most of the day curled in a ball with stomach pains. But just as the bad weather moved out my stomach pain was gone and I was able to get out and complete my 3.1 miles. God is good!
    No, I haven’t been listening to the scriptures (in the middle of other plans)
    No I am not doing Mayhem, but I am rooting for all those that are! If I tried, my body would disintegrate.
    My goal for this is to actually run an entire 3.1 miles by May 31. I’m going for that today instead!

  23. 1. Yes! This has been great – I’ve signed up for the run across Ohio now too. 🙂
    2. I fell behind and ended up doing my own scripture reading.
    3. I had something come up for today so I am unable to participate in the Mayhem.

  24. 1. yes
    2. not everyday but I try to listen to the podcast most days! love it!
    3. yes! 2 rounds down 10 more to go! so fun!!

  25. Yes I have walked a 5K everyday
    I missed a couple days of reading but will catch up today

  26. Yes I walked everyday in May. Didn’t read all the scriptures. Not doing the mayheim

  27. 1. Yes
    2. Disappointingly No
    3. No
    Doing 5K a day has been way more mental for me. Not all miles were ran either so it wasn’t a physical strain. I can’t imagine doing hourly 5Ks like many will do for the Mayhem Challenge. I cheer y’all on in the attempt and rejoice in only two more 5Ks for myself.

  28. 1. Yup, and my legs are ready for a small break but not yet.
    2. Yes
    3. No, wife is due with a baby any day. She would have a cow (haha) if I dedicated the whole day to running.

  29. 1.yes
    3.No.. decided not yet..but I am proud of how far I have came..done two 10milers this month couldn’t barely do a 5k (running) 2 months ago! Thankful and Blessed.

  30. 1. Yes! I have really enjoyed this challenge.
    2. No, I kind of fell behind😔
    3. No, it’s a little too crazy for me haha

  31. 1. Yes! And my tired legs can attest to that!
    2. Not all but love the ones I have 😕 I have been on a different plan as well that I’m following.
    3. I wish!!! Someday when I don’t have “extra” kids who require constant supervision and I have a little more freedom, I will!

  32. 1. Yes to 5K.
    2. Not reading but listening to podcast.
    3. No but I did accidentally sign up to do it but there’s no way my body can do it, so just doing norm. Good luck to all participating!

  33. 1. Yes
    2. Not as much as needed
    3 it would most certainly kill me but I’m in awe of those of you doing it!

  34. Yes, no, and no. This has been so good for me again. Since April 2 I have dropped 23 pounds and Wednesday of last week I ran 13.1 miles for the first time!

  35. Heidi Hartzler
    1. YES!!
    2. Missed three, but listened to podcast on others!
    Thank you for reading this! I love your guest speakers 😊
    3. No

  36. 1. Yes!!
    2. Yes and following along with podcast!
    3. No, but I am committed to doing 3.1 x 2 today!

  37. 1. Yes to the 5ks
    2. Yes to the scripture.
    3. No to mayhem but I am praying for the runners who are.

  38. Yes! And plan to continue with the Run Across Ohio!
    Reading? No. But listening to the podcast. Yes.
    Nope. Heading to my nephew’s graduation parade in a bit so I wouldn’t have been able to even if I wanted to (I was debating anyway and then this was scheduled….darn *sense the relief* 😉

  39. Yes to the 3.1 daily, and feeling great about it! No, doing a different Bible study currently. No to the Mayhem, but best of luck to those who are!

  40. 1. YES!!!
    2. Still catching up
    3. Not running the Mayhem but will finish May out strong.

  41. 1) YES- I’ve completed 30 days of 5K’s!!!
    2) No
    3) No- Mayhem is not my kind of challenge in this season of life. Maybe when I’m 52 and my kids are in college 😂.

  42. 1. Yes, I’m still in it. Either running or walking every day.
    2. Yes, either reading or listening to the podcast every day.
    3. Not participating in the Mayhem but will get in more than 1 5k run or walk today.

  43. 1. Yes…I did the daily 5K
    2. No…I did not complete the Daily Bible Reading
    3. Sadly No…I had plans to, but life got in the way

    Thanks for organizing this effort!

  44. 1)Yes 5K + a day
    2)My son and I did our own Bible plan

    Thanks for putting this together! My son and I both enjoyed this.

  45. 1. Yes

    2. No. I missed May 26.

    3. Yes. My right foot hurts. I’m gonna need to change up my shoes and socks more often. If you are mostly walking, you are mostly spending your entire hour trying to finish your 5K without time to prep for the next one. And I did zero prep work yesterday. There’s very limited time to pee, eat something, add electrolytes your water, grab something you forgot, change clothes, clean up a little bit, mix up your location, drive somewhere to meet somebody. The struggle is real.

  46. 1. Yes. Everyday…even a couple of them finished at midnight 🙂
    2. No, but my loss. I did a couple of days and your thoughts and effort were very inspiring
    3. No Mayhem for me! I’m on a 17th wedding anniversary getaway. Thanks again for being an inspiring family. Go Polens

  47. 1. Yes. Finished a few at midnight 🙂
    2. No, but it’s my loss because the few times I did read and interact on the blog I was greatly inspired and blessed
    3. No Mayhem for me! Not a chance…on a 17th anniversary getaway with bride of my dreams. Gonna do some hiking and biking WITH her, but no Mayhem. Thanks again Polen family for being so simple and real and sharing that with us. You really have motivated and inspired us toward God.

  48. 1, Yes I have enjoyed the challenge of doing at least a 5K everyday!
    2. No, but have done a daily devotional
    3. No, Not going to make it today

  49. Yes to the 5k
    Yes to scriptures
    No to Mayhem.
    Good luck to everyone doing the mayhem today!

  50. Day 30 was a challenge but I got it done. I look forward to my walk/jogs now just and wish I could improve enough to jog all of it. I’m going to keep going and get it. This challenge has helped me so much. With the current state of things I was getting very depressed and this challenge has brought me out of it and he given me something to look forward to. To God be the glory!

  51. Yes!
    No (probably the most important)
    Partly-13.5 miles down. Resting now then going to do at least 1 more round!

  52. 1. Yes
    2. Sadly no, I’ve missed a few days
    3. No, I wanted to, but I have an important place to be today.

    I loved this challenge. Thank you for putting it together.

  53. Yes I have done 3.1 daily. I’ve read about half the scriptures. Currently getting ready to start 5K number 6 of 12 for mayhem.

  54. Adam L
    Yes – 30 down, 1 to go!
    Yes – podcast every day!
    No – but I did double up and do two 5k’s today! 🙂

  55. 1. Yes
    2. Readings/devotions done daily
    3. No. But praying for everyone that is. I completed a virtual Spartan Race this morning.

    Thanks for this program and challenge. It kept me motivated this month.

  56. Bryan Corban

    Yes ran at least 5k every day

    Yes read chapters and loved pod cast.

    Didnt have time to run all day so did a 15k. Average time 10:20 pace. Not bad for an old guy.

    Loved this challenge thanks for the invite.

  57. We’ve all done 5k every single day! Sara has done the Bible reading, and Jacob is doing today’s crazy Mayhem. He’s been running about 10-minute miles, the same route each time. Getting a little sore but still energetic. We have a canopy set up with a table of snacks to welcome him back each time. And Sara is looking forward to that coffee!!

  58. We have walked everyday, so far! We usually walk together as a family. 1 day was by ourselves because of our schedule.

    I have been listening to most of the podcasts with a few days missed.

    I am not participating in the #5KMayhem. That is too much for me. However, I’m looking forward to it next year! We plan to continue walking 5K’s as a family together after May!

  59. Yes I have made it one more day to go! This has been the really different I have walked in rain snow cold sun shine ! I walked by my self for the most part with some days a grandchild running out to meet me with all that has gone on I enjoyed my morning walks and my talks with God it was very peaceful!!!!

  60. Yes I have walked my 5k a day ( and I am also running a 5 k a month this year so one of my 5k a day was a run earlier in the month). I have been reading my 3 chapters a day too and will continue reading into June. I’m not participating in the mayhem this time around😏

  61. 1) yes
    2) no, but I am trying to catch up. I have been a bit of a Bible reading slacker of late
    3) no mayhem for me. Y’all are nuts (in a highly respectable good way)

  62. 1. Yes!
    2. Still a few days behind. Loving the podcast!
    3. No, but good luck to all participating! 🙂

  63. We’re here at last! Almost, anyway ~ For today’s check-in I can say that 1) Yes, every day a 5k, 2) no, but followed along with readings, and 3) no, but cheering on Sandy & Sheri – those Mayhem Mamas!!
    Deb Lee

  64. 1. Yes, I’ve completed the 5k each day.
    2. Listened to podcast most days
    3. No, but good Luck!

  65. 1. Yes I am still going strong! Thought I would walk some of them but have actually ran every time!
    2. No
    3. No I decided not to do the mayhem 🙁 I did however run 12 miles today! Its great weather out there! Good luck to everyone running the Mayhem!

  66. 1. 5k every day, most with the company of my bride and children
    2. Enjoyed the podcast every day
    3. Was planning on the mayhem but got called into work so maybe next year

  67. Hey there! Been participating today in mayhem but I’ll admit that I’m not able to all of it. I have sat out 2 rounds so far but I have already done more than I have ever done before so I’ll hold my head high and continue do my best! I set a new goal is to hit 21.7 -24.8 miles total for the day.

  68. 1. Yes. Shoutouts to Ryan Grimshaw for the invitation, it’s been fun!
    2. No.
    3. No.

    • My answers were wrong!
      I have completed the 3.1 each day but have not done the scriptures and am not doing the mayhem challenge.

  69. Yes, yes, and for mayhem the boys and I got a cumulative 39 miles in. Lev did 2 rounds, Jeremiah got 4 rounds, I did 4 rounds and an 8 mile solo run. Didn’t follow the hourly script though. Good times all around!

  70. Yes to 5k’s and Scripture…although no the current reading plan but one that I started at the beginning of the year. No to the mayhem…that is just nuts!

  71. I have missed a couple of days but have tried to make it up in miles. Yes on the scriptures and no I am not participating in the mayhem. Maybe next year this being my first. I have taken away so much from this that I am going to continue through June… This group is amazing.

  72. 1. Yes. Im over 200 miles this month thanks to this unique challenge
    2. I have my own Bible reading plan for this year.
    3. Attempting. Round 8 is done, but my legs are feeling it. #4more #lets do this

  73. 1. YES! I have run or walked a 5k every day.
    2. YES! I have listened to Jeff’s solid voice read 3 chapters of the NT to me every day. I enjoy your character voices Jeff 🙂
    3. NO, I do not think I will run Mayhem.

  74. 1. Yes, I have loved this challenge
    2. I’m not caught up but have been listening to some of the podcasts
    3. No but I’m encouraged by all of those that are doing it. Way to go!

  75. Ok, I am praising God right now!!!! I am so blessed to be able to say that I have ran a 5K everyday!! Just finished today’s!!!
    I didn’t finish the Bible reading I am not participating in the Mayhem!
    Thank you again Jeff for hosting this challenge!!! It’s a blessing!!

  76. 1) Yessss!I’m so proud that I’ve made it this far and have stuck with it! 😁
    2) No
    3) No

  77. #1 Yes
    #2 No
    #3 Tapped out after round 6
    All around a fun challenge, just underestimated the Mayhem challenge a bit.
    Thanks for organizing. 👍

  78. Yes
    And yes! Wasn’t able to finish the whole thing but got a PR for distance of 27 miles ! I’ll take it! Lol

  79. 1. Yes! And I’m pretty proud of that!
    2. Almost! I missed two days. But I have enjoyed the added dimension that I’ve gotten from doing the reading. It opened my eyes and put my heart in a better place every day.
    3. Ummm….. no. But I cheered you all on as you did it!

  80. Yes I am caught up on challenge # 1&2.
    Did our own version of the Mayhem with Mayhem for Kenya and walked 21 miles

  81. 1) Yes
    2) Yes, listening to the podcasts
    3) No, but got 26.5 in for “Mayhem for Kenya”

  82. Yes
    No – however I set out to run one mile each hour. I finished by completing 15.5 miles; more than I have ever run in one day in my life. I couldn’t be more proud. Thank you for hosting this change throughout the month.

  83. Yes to the 5K every day. I missed 2 days of scripture. I did the full Mayhem!!!!! I signed up saying no I wouldn’t try. Then I thought maybe I’d do part. Today I did my 9th marathon, first 50K and 37.2 miles – a 5K every hour for 12 hours! Couldn’t have done it without all of you!!

  84. 1 Yes
    2 Yes
    3 Yes!! It was really hard at the end, but with God’s help I was able to finish!!

  85. Yes!!
    Trying, but running behind.
    Nope to mayhem. But all the respect to you warriors that did it.

  86. I have done the 5k everyday. I am about halfway through the scriptures. I did not do the mayhem today but I am so impressed with those of you who did!

  87. 1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Tried and had to stop 28 miles in. Was super frustrated but my body was done especially since I’m not even 3 weeks since surgery.

  88. 1. Yes, and this was the motivation I needed but my legs will never forgive me! I think I’m going to do this in June too!
    2. I tried but could not keep up
    3. NO

  89. Yea I’ve done a 5k everyday of May.
    I started off great on the scripture reading but did not keep up with it all. I have enjoyed the pod cast!!!
    I am doing the mayhem and finished it. 😬

  90. 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. No. Congrats to everyone who participated in the Mayhem!! You guys rocked it!

  91. 1. Yes
    2. Yes…..except yesterday’s…..only about halfway through that one.
    3. I attempted it, but I’m new to this….prior to 5 K May I was pretty sedentary outside of work. I walked 21.7 miles until 1:30. The group of 4 other people I was with completed it. Going to keep moving this year to complete the Mayhem challenge next year. This has been a great experience physically and spiritually…..many thanks to you and your family and everyone else responsible for putting this event together. I learned so much from the podcasts and your guests and the blogs… and I feel so much better physically (especially after sheltering in place for two months). Thanks again!

  92. Yes, a 5K walk or run everyday!!
    Not quite on the scriptures
    No to the mayhem! I wish I could have. I enjoyed watching the live updates from everyone!

  93. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes finished it 🙌 Best part is seeing friends get distance personal bests 😊

  94. 1) yes
    2) no (maybe I can find the podcast)
    3) no

    This was a great challenge! There were days where it was tough bc I was busy but I did it! Like today, I will get my 5K in late bc we are on the road.

  95. Mostly run/but walked also at least 5K for every day in May. Just completed the 5K Mayhem (9 running & 3 walking). I’m tired. Lol

  96. YES
    Yes/No – fell behind when a family member became ill but going to keep going until I get them all finished
    No – I did get two 5K’s in this afternoon (one at 2:30 and the other at 3:30)

  97. #1 Yes
    #2 Fell behind
    #3 – finished it and had a blast – running buddies are the best!

  98. 1. Yes I have. This has been really good for me in more ways than 1 i am definitely hoping to keep it going 3 days a week from here.
    2. Yes. I have read these chapters each day.
    3. No I am not

  99. 1. Yes.
    2. Yes.
    3. No…I couldn’t commit to the entire day due to other plans, but I had fun doing the first 6!

  100. Yes

    Reading thru the Bible in a year plan right now, so I have doubled up on some gospel readings but ….with both readings going on it got to be too much

    Yes!!! I have completed the 5k Mayhem!!! And I’m sore as all can be!! But feeling very accomplished and happy!

  101. 1)Yes
    2) No, fell behind. Going to try and get this caught up and finished by tomorrow.
    3) No Mayhem.

  102. 1Yes
    3Yes!! The last part was really hard, but God provided the strength to get through!!

  103. 1. Yes
    2. For the most part yes.
    3. Finished right at 6:00! It was an awesome experience!

  104. 1. Yes! I have done at least a 5k everyday in May.
    2. No did always do the reading.
    3. Yes, finished the 5k mayhem with 38 miles!

  105. 1. MAIN CHALLENGE: Have you run and / or walked at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2020? Yes
    2. BONUS CHALLENGE #1: Have you read the 3 chapters of scripture each day so far in May 2020? Listened To
    3. BONUS CHALLENGE #2: Are you participating in the #5kMayhem? And if so, how is it going, (or how did it go)? Yes! Really well, feeling pretty sore but very happy about getting it done!

  106. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Unfortunately no.😔 9 miles and extreme headache the rest of the day 🤷🏼‍♀️

  107. I almost went to bed without checking in….
    30 days of 5k’s, last one tomorrow
    Listened to podcast every day (gonna miss it) -randomly burst out singing the Vertical Runner jingle
    Completed 5k Mayhem today (I r tired)
    Derek Bourgeois
    Gulfport Mississippi

  108. Yes, I have done the daily 3.1
    I have read about half of the Scriptures.
    Finished Mayhem today. It was brutal.

  109. 1. Yes.

    2. No, missed 2 days but got soo much out of it I honestly am glad I did it!

    3. No, I didn’t complete the mayhem, but with my new PR of running 12 miles it’s hard not to feel like a winner anyway. 😊

  110. Unfortunately I was unable to complete the May challenge, made to day 18 and ended up with a torn Achilles 😭😭 it was a great challenge and definitely one of the hardest I’ve ever attempted. Next year 🙂 I’ve got this.
    I have continued my reading and plan to continue with that. Thanks for the challenge, And congratulations to all those who completed! So proud of all of you. ❤️

  111. 1. Completed a 5K every day in May so far. (Plan to finish up tomorrow.)

    2. Read/listened to 3 chapters every day.

    3. Had a great day running/walking a 5K every hour from 6:30-6:30 with some amazing people!!

  112. 1. Yes (one more day🥳🤩🤩🥳)
    2. Almost all the days, currently catching up.
    3. Attempted; made it 5 5k’s in…the farthest I’ve ever run🥳🥳

  113. Yes to the 5Ks
    No to the scriptures (I’m very behind)
    No to the mayhem
    I’ve really enjoyed this challenge!

  114. Yes!!!! Rain, sun, heat, stroller and ALL!

    No, but I have read scripture most days. I got behind…..I will finish it though.

    No- wanted to, but difficult to do with a 4 y/o attached to the stroller all day. Lol. Next year when social distancing is over and I have a sitter.

    It has been awesome! Thanks so much.

  115. 1. Yes
    2. I didn’t read 3 chapters every day but I caught up to the schedule by reading extra chapters for several days… so I’m on schedule again
    3. No

  116. Yes and I am so excited that I have been able to stick to the 5k a day!!! And I have lost 8 lbs!!! No, and no.

  117. 1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Kinda… I walked 26.2 miles today… but not the 5k every hour 🤷‍♀️

  118. Yes, I have gotten all of my 5k’s in everyday. I have not been able to read all of the scripture readings, but I plan to. Unfortunately, I was not able to participate in the mayhem challenge due to my husband’s work schedule and our son, but throughout the day I was able to get 3 5k’s in.

  119. Ok. I may have already posted my check in but I’m not sure so I’m doing it again just in case!!
    1. Yes. 5k everyday!!
    2. No and yes. I’ve been listening but I’ve gotten behind. I’m not going to stop listening though. I’ve enjoyed this time in the Word.
    3. Umm no thank you.

  120. Unfortunately, my answer has to be no to all of the questions. I knew a week or so ago that I would not meet the “every day” portion of the challenge, but I was hoping to cover the total number of miles. Unfortunately that did not happen either. I HAVE covered more miles in one month than I have in a long time, and that accomplishment feels really great!

  121. Yes!
    No 😌
    Yes! It was pretty intense. But God gave us awesome weather!! My hardest 5k will be tomorrow. 😂
    Thanks Jeff for extra challenge.

    • Just realized that checking in at 10:08 Montana time makes it look like I didn’t check in till May 31 😢 Hoping JP will give me grace with the 2 hour time difference…😊

  122. 1) very proud of my commitment/accomplishment
    2) I’m legit behind, but equally committed to this
    3) this landed on a day my schedule just could not accommodate. I got 2 of the half hours in and was thrilled to see others slay it

  123. 1. Yes
    2. No
    3. No. Too much for me as I only have been walking

    I think my comments from yesterday were in the check in #2 spot and not this one 🙁

  124. Yes I have run at least a 5k everyday
    No I haven’t kept up with the reading
    Yes I completed 5k Mayhem

  125. Yes I have run at least a 5k everyday
    No I haven’t kept up with the reading
    I tried 5k Mayhem

  126. Yes I have run at least a 5k everyday
    No I haven’t kept up with the reading
    No I only completed 6 of the 5k Mayhems

  127. 1. Yes!
    2. Yes!
    3. Completed 8.5 rounds of Mayhem…had to stop early due to a sore ankle!

  128. I believe I just forfeited my T-shirt… Looking back at the original instructions, I guess I was thinking wrongly about needing to comment on May 30 even if we didn’t do the Mayhem.
    #1. Yes #2. Yes and #3. No

    • You haven’t forfeited anything… we have a little “grace period” on the CHECK-IN. Great job!

    • No worries. You’re fine. We have a little “Grace Period” for the CHECK-IN. Great job!

  129. I think I checked in, but doing it again to make sure.

    Completed every 5k,

    Behind on scripture

    Did not do 5k mayhem

  130. 1. Sure have
    2. No I haven’t. I was much better on this part last year!
    3. No. Doing a virtual relay last weekend wore me out!!

  131. Yes, no and no.

    I walked my 5K’s, but decided to run a little for the Mayhem. Guess what? I ran the whole way! I am very sore today, but I finished!

  132. I thought it was today as well:-( I hit my goal of 100 miles in the month of May! Got behind in reading so didn’t finish that:-( Maybe try Mayhem next year;-) thanks so much for doing this loved the accountability!!

  133. Good morning… Just wanted to leave my final check in for this challenge! I had a fantastic time! Loved pushing myself and getting up and finding the time and motivation to do this every day! The commitment and distracting was excellent for me and I’m just truly excited about what fun I had!!

  134. Well I realized this morning I checked in at the wrong place.
    2. I come up a couple chapters short.
    3. No
    Thank you for the challenge! It was very rewarding. Now I need to decided where to go from here.

  135. Yes, doing my last one on the beach was so fun! I did miss a few days of reading and as much as I wanted to do the mayhem we were traveling and couldn’t. thanks again for all the positive encouragement throughout this challenge & beyond.

  136. Yes, Trying to catch up, Going to try to do as many 5k’s as I can for the Mayhem… See how long my wife and kids can put up with me running every hour… 🙂 Going to have them bike with me for a few of them… Thank you for putting this together.

  137. Checking in the last time… such a fun journey and thankful to have completed the 5k a day challenge and to have participated in mayhem!! Next year I’ll be better about the readings and complete the 5k mayhem but I’m so excited for the commitment and progress!

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