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#5kMay2020 Check In #2

It is time for the 2nd official CHECK IN!!

Let me know that you are still officially in the challenge by CHECKING IN below. Simply leave a comment on this page, telling us:

  1. MAIN CHALLENGE: Have you run and / or walked at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2020?
  2. BONUS CHALLENGE #1: Have you read the 3 chapters of scripture each day so far in May 2020?
  3. BONUS CHALLENGE #2: Are you planning to attempt the #5kMayhem by running and / or walking at least 3.1 miles every hour on the half-hour from 6:30am to 6:30pm on Saturday, May 30?

*All first-time comments need to be approved, so if your comment doesn’t show up right away, don’t worry. I will periodically be going through and approving the comments throughout the day.*



578 thoughts on “#5kMay2020 Check In #2 Leave a comment

  1. I have been doing my 3.1miles (and most days a little extra) a day. I do listen to the podcasts, and read the chapters ( I some days double up if I missed a day) I would like to try the extra challenge, but not sure I’ll be able to get it all in.

  2. 1. Yes- woohoo!!
    2. Yes- lovin this!!
    3. I did not officially sign up for this. I MAY do something that would be Mayhem for me… but not 3.1 every hour… let’s not get crazy 😜 !

      • 1. Yes I have ran 3.1 miles everyday in May so far
        2. Yes I have read 3 chapters in the Bible everyday in May so far
        3. Yes I plan on attempting to complete the 5kMayhem and seeing how many 5ks I can accomplish that day
        Thank you for this challenge

  3. Some days it’s hard but I’m still going strong. #2. This has been a blessing to me, it’s a great challenge, and #3 I’m all in…. come on let’s do this together

  4. Yes I’ve been running a 5k everyday.

    I’ve been listening to the podcast everyday if that counts for reading?

    I’m planning on trying the mayhem. It seemed easier at the beginning of the month.

  5. 1. Yes!! I’ve been walking every day!! Attempting to jog some, but not going so well with my knees 😕
    2. I’ve listened to your podcast every day not physically read. I believe you said that counted?!
    3. No wayyyyy. It’s sounds awesome but I’m dying now! So glad I’m doing the challenge 😊 Thank you!!

  6. 1)yes
    This has been an amazing journey thus far. I’m so thankful to be part of a group of men that we hold each other accountable.

  7. Yes. Ran half walked half. Body holding up pretty good. Increasing my mental and spiritual toughness too!!

  8. 1) Yes I’ve kept up to date on runs. 2) no. I’m up to date on personal plans, but not on the additional reading. 3) undecided. My original plan was no, but im ultramarathon training so it is on the table

  9. So #1 yes to the miles. Sciatic nerve problems throughout, so these are slow miles. 🙂 #2. reading my bible, but NO not keeping pace with you. #3. Probably not due to my back issues.

  10. Yes, at least 5k per day so far. My best time is 25:01. No, I have not read any chapters. And yes!, 5k Mayhem at the end of the month.

  11. 1) Yes
    2) Yes and I’ve really enjoyed listening to the podcasts in the morning while getting ready for work.
    3) Yes, I will be attempting the Mayhem and trying my best.

  12. 1) Yes, I have ran or walked at least 3.1 miles everyday so far.

    2) No, I haven’t gone with the set plan of reading the Gospels through to Acts 4. However, I do have my own reading and donations I do daily.

    3) No, I have to work that date, otherwise I was gonna give it a try

  13. Yes, no, probably not. I thought it was a mile every hour not a 5k every hour for 12 hours

  14. Sara Wakefield
    1. Yes – some walking/running, some walking with the kids. But on running days I’ve been able to meet my personal goal of increasing my pace each time 🙂
    2. Yes, and I really enjoy your commentary and guest commentary on the Scripture passages
    3. Not even considering it! But I will be impressed with all of the rest of you.

  15. 1) Yes, I have walked at least 3.1 miles everyday

    2) No, I haven’t as we do another set daily with all our children

    3) No, but I will do 2 long walks with my wife that day and try for a personal record

  16. 1. Yes
    2. I’m a day behind, but working on catching up! 🙂
    3. No, but I’m excited to cheer on all the “Mayhem-ers” I hope everyone gets their coffee!

  17. 1. Yes, I have walked 3.1 everyday.
    2. No. Tried to. But we as a family are doing another devotional and the Bible in one year reading daily.
    3. No. But we, my husband and I are hoping to walk two 6 mile walks that day.

  18. I have been walking the 5k everyday .
    Yes I have been reading the chapters everyday .
    No I will not be doing the Mayheim however I am going to continue with a 5k 5 days a week and take Wed and Sun off 🙂
    I have enjoyed this challenge and am feeling so good !

  19. 1) YASSSS I love to RUN!
    2) Catching up! Almost there!!! Thank you for the needed balance with Run Time & God Time
    3) Mayhem Absolutely!!! Cassie Chance will be my partner in crime for this Challenge.
    Thanks Jeff for all your time spent sharing God’s Great Message🙏🏼❤️🙌🏼

  20. 1) Yes, cant believe we are at the half point already.
    2) i have my own reading Bible plan for this year. (About 4 chapters a day, but different passages)
    3) yes, im.hoping so.

  21. 1) yes 2) no 3) no
    This has been a great experience so far! I need to catch up on the reading.

  22. 1. Yes 2. No 3. Heck yes I am up for another challenge! Thank you for setting all of this up. It has really been enjoyable to get out everyday and spend time with the outdoors, family and friends!

  23. 1. Yes running and walking
    2. Yes, but have a couple days we read double so technically a no to the rules.
    3. I signed up for it (not reading it fully). I can’t do that. Want to back out, but then on my training plan for this week Brian mentioned it…😳…..I don’t know.

  24. 1. Yes (with more than a little pain) Bring It!!
    2. Yes (I’m very much enjoying Jeff’s music, input on the scripture, and all the special guests)
    3. Nope (just no) 🙂

  25. Leah Bechtol…1. Yes! 2. No, I started with it but didn’t keep up with it. 3. No.
    I’m enjoying this challenge, thank you for putting it together!

  26. 1. Yes, getting my miles in
    2. Yes, getting my reading done
    3. No, but will be participating in the Mayhem for Kenya event.

  27. 1. Yes run one day walk the next. Legs are SORE!
    2. Yes listen to the podcast while doing the 5K. Love the guest speakers and having Jeff breakdown the scripture.
    3. Accidentally signed up for the mayhem, that’s what I get for not reading the whole sign up. I may do something but will not do a 5K every hour on the half. I definitely won’t be able to do that!
    Thanks for doing this and keeping us all motivated and sharing the scriptures!

  28. 1. yes!! some days even more! 2. no 3. yes i am planning to attempt the mayhem!! my goal is to at least see how far i can get. Thank you!!

  29. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No
    Through snow and rain and dark of night
    This years May has been a sight
    With winds so strong it just ain’t right!
    With 7 the fellowship began
    One opted out, 2 chose bikes, but 4 still ran
    With eyes on the end
    Growing stronger by the day
    Dillion, Dean, Kael, Adyn
    Will run all the way
    And finish this challenge
    Of 5k May

  30. Checking in. Still in on 5K each day and up to date on reading. Out on the Mayhem. Gotta work that day and not in a place fitness wise to do that yet. Jim

  31. Kathy Baker
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Hope Jess Stutzman will be pull me along the Mayhem on May 30th! 😃

  32. Yes I’m still in ! This is the most mileage I have done in this amount of time
    Yes reading and listening to the chapters
    No on Mayhem

  33. 1. Yes, I’m up to date on the 5Ks. 2. No, I missed one day 🙁 3. I do not have the fitness to attempt the full Mayhem but am considering some sort of modified challenge to see how many 5Ks I can do in the time period while being smart about not getting hurt.

  34. First 5k challenge and loving it!! Feeling great and excited to continue to the end. Pushes me each day to become stronger. Thanks!!

  35. I have missed three days of running and reading but not quitting. And no but going for a 31 minute 5k on the last day

  36. I am on track with the 5K a day challenge but need to catch up on my scripture. Don’t plan on the mayhem challenge.

  37. 1) Yes
    2) Yes, Thanks! 😊 I needed this challenge, so easy to skip when life gets busy
    3) Yes, Looking forward to it 🤪😃

  38. #1 Yes #2 Yes #3 Probably not all of it. I might try part of it. I’m an MS survivor and managed to get out of the wheelchair so this challenge has been huge to me. Loving it! I ran most of them. Thanks for the opportunity!

  39. Good morning!! 1) yes I am still in the 5k challenge!! 2) no I have missed some days of reading and 3) no not able to do the challenge on the 31st 🙁

  40. 1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Omg….too much….No. Ha! But I will do a longer run that day….like 6-10 miles 🙂

    • Yes! Me and my 9 year daughter have completed a 5k everyday in the month of May!
      No we have not kept up with the daily podcasts.
      And no we will nor be running the 5k Mayhem.

  41. Yes! It’s been my couch to 5K every day in May!
    Yes! I’m a little bit behind. Listening to it on my commute to work.
    Yes! I can’t wait to watch my legs slowly fall off over a 12 hr period. 😁

  42. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No. I am going to try for every 2 hours instead of every hour. I’m too slow!

  43. 1. Yes, I have completed a 5k every day thus far. I have 4 5k walks in and 13 5k runs in. The 7th is the only day that I only walked and didn’t run just because of time constraints and my walking date. And I already have run dates for this evening and Saturday am.
    2. Yes, I have listened to the podcast or read my assigned scriptures everyday thus far. This is my first year listening to the podcast and I have enjoyed it quite a bit.
    3. I am pretty sure that my body isn’t up for the Mayhem that you have planned, but I will probably attempt some form of modified Mayhem myself.

  44. I’m enjoying the scripture and walking, especially today in the glorious morning we’re having! I’ve done both everyday.

  45. 1)Yes! 2) No.3) I am planning on it but may have to adjust the day or time I start… Just found out our church is meeting outside the next 2 Saturdays at 6pm. I plan on doing 5kMayhem but am considering starting at 4:30am or just doing it on Sunday instead.

  46. 1. Yes
    2. Yes I love the podcasts and will be so sad when I don’t have your awesome interpretations of the scripture to listen to any more
    3. Hopefully!! I’ve been battling a slight foot problem so I’m hoping it heals up by then!

  47. Still working this challenge daily!! Some days are by running, others by walking, sometimes a combination of the two! Wondering how i will do 12 of them on the 30th, but still planning on giving it my best effort!!!!

  48. Yes, I have kept up with the walking and the chapters. I am doing an abbreviated version of Mayhem. I am doing Mayhem for Kenya by walking 21 miles to raise money to provide food for Kenyan people that don’t have money to buy food.
    I’m halfway to the finish line for May!!!

  49. #1 yes – #2 -No- #3 I don’t think so . I have really enjoyed this, gets me going and motivated. Look forward to my walk everyday.

  50. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. No – I’ll be doing a modified version called Mayhem for Kenya. I’ll be walking and raising money for hungry people in Kenya.

  51. 1. Yes! I didn’t even let having my thyroid taken out on Monday stop me!
    2. No
    3. I’m signed up but we shall see how I’m feeling.

  52. 1. Yes
    2. Catching up this morning
    3. Still undecided. That day might be a virtual mini day for me.

  53. 1. Yes- more difficult than I thought, especially when it’s raining almost all day.
    2. No, but I’ve read through Ecclesiastes and going through The Gospel of John in Song I’m reading the @YouVersion plan ‘The Book Of John In Song’. Check it out here:
    3. No. No time. LOL

  54. Day 15 in the books. I am still running at least a 5k every day. So happy for the nice weather this morning. I am reading three chapters a day and listening to your podcast. I am going to come to the mayhem to run several loops not possible to do the entire 37 miles but do want to be part of the group.

  55. Happy Friday! Checking in Day #2!! Wooooot! Still in the challenge, haven’t kept up with the bible study. Will try for the mayhem!

  56. Jodi checking in here for myself and Taylor, Abigail, Piper, and Elijah. We have all been doing at least a 5k everyday this month. And we have been listening to the podcasts or reading the chapters. I don’t think everyone is up-to-date on that part, but some of us are. As for the Mayhem, I am going to see how far I can get that day. Not sure if any of the kids will join me yet or not.

  57. I have been doing a 5k everyday.
    I have been listening to three chapters while I run.
    And yes, I’m going to see how many laps I can do in Mayhem! Preparing throughout the month!

  58. 1. Yes!!!
    2. I read this morning, but typically I listen to the podcast while doing my 5k. I am really enjoying your comments and special guests!
    3. I was considering but found out scmy nephew’s school is having their “drive by” graduation parade on the 30th 👨‍🎓🚗

  59. I’m still in it!! We’ve had some COLD days, some snowy still coming down. So I’ve done some days inside. But this is amazing! I’ve grown so much each day I can go faster. It’s a big surprise. It’s exhilarating and refreshing. Sadly, I haven’t been able to keep up with the bible study, it was my intent to do so. I will attempt Mayhem!! Wooo!

  60. 1 Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Sadly No

    Legs are sore, tight, and almost unbearable to run on left leg. Time for new shoes I guess.

  61. Yes! Yes mostly and loving the podcast. No way to Mayhem but will do something extra challenging. Thanks for this!

  62. I Love this challenge! Making up some days after being sick, however this challenge has given me a run for my money/ lol. For me its about commitment and I love listening to the podcasts.

  63. Yep.
    Yep. Great job w the podcast. I feel like having you as a running buddy once a week, and w you reading and breaking down the Word, I basically have my own personalized 5k May coach.
    50/50 on Mayhem

  64. At least 5K a day everyday. I’ve read the scriptures every day. And I plan to do the mayhem. 😬. I love this challenge. It’s one of my favorites. What a great way, physically and spiritually, to enter a new season.

  65. 1. Yes, I ran everyday! I may have PRed on Tuesday!
    2. Yep, done all the reading!
    3. Still deciding about this one! Would love to do it but don’t know if I can make it work with the family schedule!

  66. 1. Yes, I’ve even got my 82 year old mom out walking some of them!
    2. No
    3. I would like to.

  67. No – I had a medical procedure that prevented me from participating one day.
    Yes – Loving the podcasts. My wife and I are listening to your music, special guest and scripture while we walk the 5k.
    No – We are going to attempt to do as many 5k’s as we can possibly do.

    God Bless!

    • I am sorry to hear that a medical procedure prevented you from participating one day. Way to keep going!

  68. 1) YES! I have walked every day 🙂 and I’ve even gotten my husband and kids involved 👍
    2) No
    3) No, I’d be walking all day!

  69. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. No

    This has been a great way to discipline myself! Its been very beneficial!

  70. 1) Yes, sometimes more.
    2) Unfortunately, no.
    3) Attempt? Yes. I’m thinking maybe every 2 hours due to my slooooooowwww pace.

  71. 1. Yes!
    2. No I have not kept up with the reading
    3. No, I do not think it will work for me.

  72. 1)YES
    2)a little behind- but planning on catching up today when it rains..
    3)NO- but I might do extra miles that day!! 😬

  73. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    I am having to walk some of the 5k’s because of the increase of weekly mileage but I am still going
    Derek M. Bourgeois – Gulfport, Mississippi

  74. 1) YES
    2) YES (reading 3 or more chapters a day using the ReadScripture App read thru Bible in a year plan)
    3) NO – maybe a 10K, or 10 miles, but definitely not 37 miles 🤪
    Thanks Jeff! Fun to do this together.

  75. 1. Yes!! I have walked/jogged/ran 3.1 every day! (oh do my muscles feel it too)
    2. Yes, however I am 2 days behind on reading (plan to catch up this weekend) but I have listened to the podcast everyday.
    3. No, I don’t think I could physically complete it, however I will attempt to do at least 3.1 times 2 as an effort to push myself.

  76. Yes, slogging but getting faster in this crazy May weather.
    Yes, love how Jeff reads the passage and teaches us about the scripture readings. Enjoy the inspiring encouragement by Jeff and guests.
    Yes, signed up without reading what Jeff meant by a 5k Mayhem lol, I had a different expectation in my mind (not 37 miles for sure lol). Will push for at least a half marathon and will do what I can toward the full mayhem, Jeff’s version, in 12 hours. But I really need 24 hours.
    Bonus, made donation to JPM to say Thank You for inspiring us to move everyday with the word of God.

    • Thank you so much! I’m glad to hear that you are going to push yourself on May 30. Good for you!

  77. 1: Yes 2:No (committed to a personal reading discipline for the year) 3: See how the legs feel by then

  78. #1 Yes and then some!
    #2 No, not doing so well
    #3 If I can still walk, I will try!
    Thank you for my motivation, when I feel like taking a day off, I CAN’T!

  79. Checking in on day 15!!!
    I’ve met my 2 week goal I set for myself and managed to jog 3 days in a row the whole 5k. It was tough but I made it. On day 14 though, my ankle was swollen pretty bad and I didn’t know if I could complete yesterday. But, i wrapped my ankle and with Gods will, I made day 14 happen even though the pain was excruciating. So far, I’ve made it through the first 14 days and am going to get today done even if I have to go to Walmart and do a few laps because unfortunately, Oklahomas weather has decided to produce downpours and severe storms today.
    I want to tell everyone to keep going! Dont give up. With each others support and most importantly, God’s support, we can complete this challenge.
    I havent done much reading but I have pulled out my collection of Christian Contemporary Music and Christian Rock and been listening to those while walking or jogging. And as for other running challenges? I just want to get through this one first.

    Keep on keeping on everyone! We can do this!!!

  80. I need a little secret signal or sticker reflector or something – so many local runners, as I’m headed through Wooster I’d love to know who else is out on their 5k/day run! And I don’t think I would yell out, ‘Hey, are you doing 5k a day in May??” Or maybe I will! 🙂

  81. 1) YES 😁😁😁 and learning to love every bit of it. I started out walking and now I’m jogging some. Maybe by the end of the month I will be able to jog all of it 😁

    2) YES: doing my daily reading through the Bible app

    3) don’t think so….

  82. 1. Yes! I’ve mostly walked, but also ran a few! 2. I’ve tried to listen while I am doing my 5k. I usually end up listening to extra chapters, but I like hearing it repeated the next time. It helps me to think about what is being said. 3. Nope! Everyday is enough for me 🙂

  83. Main Challenge: Yes, I have run or walked at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2020.

    Bonus #1: No, I have not read them, but I have listened to you read them each day Jeff! Thank you for that – and you voices for religious leaders, etc., are great!

    Bonus Challenge #2: It is highly unlikely I will do the #5k Mayhem on the 30th, but we shall see!

  84. I’ve enjoyed my walks every day seeing Gods beautiful world and reading His word. Thank you. I will be going back to work June 1 so I’m great full to have this chance to do these 3 mile walks every day. Thank you.

  85. Norman Lambright / Fredericksburg, Ohio
    1. yes, I have done my 5 k every day. I’ve got hurting legs and feet but I’ve been able to pull through every day. had to do some days of walking/running to get through. It’s been fun, no pain no gain,haha.
    2. keeping up
    3. not planning on it

    Hang in there everybody we are half way!! Thanks so much Jeff. We’ve ran with Mark and Michael and had a blast.

  86. 1. Yes and I’ve got hurting legs and feet.
    2. Yes and love the podcasts too!
    3. Planning on running the mayhem!

  87. Loretta Lambright / Fredericksburg, Ohio
    1. yes. legs are sore and yelling you’re crazy. I’ve enjoyed every day! From running with friends and on other days the most wonderful man in my life!
    2. Am listening to podcast. Like to read the chapters also but am faaaaar behind so need to catch up this weekend.
    3. am planning on it. I’m all for the challenge, all that can happen is not being able to pull through but with a great mind set we can do it!

    Thanks so much for everything, Jeff! Hey team… we are halfway!! Hang in there we can do this..its been fun

  88. Yes, I have ran at least a 5k everyday (most days are longer runs)
    I have listened to a couple podcasts
    I’m going to try the some of the mayhem
    I’m so sore!

  89. 1. Yes – I have done my 5k every day.
    2. Either read or listen to the podcast everyday.
    3. Did not sign up for the Mayhem but I am sure I will be talked into more than one run that day

  90. All good. Have run or walked a 5k every day. Listened to many but not all podcasts. Not planning on doing the end event. Enjoying being a part of this challenge.

  91. 1. Yes, I have done at least a 5K everyday this month.
    2. I haven’t read but I have listened everyday this month.
    3. I’m still debating about mayhem. I like the idea of maybe creating my own challenge for that day. So we’ll see what happens.

  92. 1. Yes
    2. Not getting the full 3 chapters in, but listening to at least part of the podcast daily.
    3. Yes, excited! Tips on what to eat throughout the day during mayhem?

    • Great question! I would be sure to get plenty of water for the whole week leading up to #5kMayhem (and obviously throughout that day). I would try to get a little breakfast in before the first loop, snack on Clif bars or granola bars between loops, and be thinking of fruits, nuts, and if possible, grilled cheese sandwiches. Nothing too big or heavy. Plan to eat a celebratory meal afterwards!

  93. 1. You bet, I’ve ran 3.2 everyday sometimes 4
    2. I am trying to keep up but in behind by a day right now
    3. I don’t know if my knees would be okay with that idea

  94. Yes, didn’t think I’d actually do it everyday and I have. yes, I’ve been listening to the podcasts and following along, no I will not be partaking in that event 😂

  95. 1. Yes, most with the company of my bride and three children.
    2. I have listened to the pod cast daily.
    3. Going to try, working on planning the logistics of child care as pushing a stroller and trying to wrangle kids on scooters and bikes drastically slows down the pace.

  96. 1. Yes, I’ve ran at least a 5k everyday.
    2. Yes, I’ve listened to the podcast while I run.
    3. No.

  97. 1) yes and pace has gotten faster/doing 5-6 miles 3-4 times a week now 😁 2) yes and I listen to music while running plus it has allowed me to use that time to talk with him as I run. 3) yes I want to challenge myself that day and hopefully Lord willing will complete. If not I am very proud from where I came from and where I am going.

  98. Yes, I have run at least 3.1 a day, loving the scripture readings an blog posts. Thanks for being an encourager!

  99. 1. Mostly walked but ran with a friend a two days A week when my newborn let me. Plus my knees started to hurt running. My chiropractor told me it can take longer since it’s only 3 months postpartum.
    2. I missed the scripture reading
    3. No

  100. 1) Yes, I look forward to my walk/run every morning
    2) No, but I need to
    3) No, I love a challenge, but that may be too much for me

  101. 1. Yes! Loving it!
    2. Yes! Most days I listen to the podcast, others I just read it.
    3. Maybe…

  102. 1. Yes, and loving it all!
    2. Not quite.
    3. I’m not at that level of fitness but I would like to attempt a modified version.

  103. 1. I have hit every day except the 2 Sundays
    2. I have not actually read all of the chapters but I have been listening to the podcasts when I am not able to read.
    3. I will not be taking part in the #5KMayhem

  104. 1. Yes. I’ve done a mix of walk/run while I’m out, but always hit the 3.1!
    2. Yes, via your podcast that I listen to during my walk/run. I have REALLY enjoyed these. They’ve made lacing up the shoes and heading out something I look forward to!
    3. No.

  105. 1. You bet
    2. No
    3. Have a challenge coming that day not sure if it will get me to that mileage every hour… but it will be epic!!!

  106. 1) No unfortunately I missed a day but plan on proceeding with the challenge. So I will have 30 days instead of 31.
    2) No
    3) Yes! Absolutely!

  107. Yes! I’ve completed 3.1 miles every day so far this month! Some days have been a bit challenging, but I did it!
    Yes, I’ve done my reading! I love this part. AND I love how those two parts enhance each other. I think about the chapters while I walk and I am more connected to God and His word as I am out in His world.
    Jury is still out on the mayhem….

  108. 1) Yes, I’ve done this daily. Today was a mile time trial and a 2.1 mile walk. 🙂
    2) Momma doesn’t get any bonus points today.
    3) I am gonna try.

  109. 1 – Yes
    2 – No, I’m already on a read through the Bible in a year reading plan.
    3 – I’m going to give it a shot, crazy, but it kinda sounds fun!

  110. 1. Yes
    2. No not all
    3. No my husband would kill me. These virtual race sign ups are making him crazy.

  111. Yes!Im loving the 5k a day. today the weather was a little stormy but I couldn’t miss my 5k a day! I am also enjoying bonus challenge #1 and I’m hoping to continue reading next month 3 chapters of scripture a day.

  112. Loving the Challenge! Doing the 5k-a-day and mostly keeping up with the readings. As to Mayhem….love the concept, gonna cheer y’all from the sidelines!!

  113. 1- Yes, never ran 2 days in a row before, running everyday is hard. 🙂 on the plus side my kids have started to run with me a few times a week, I love it!
    2- almost, am a few days behind but plan to catch up this weekend
    3- No

  114. Yes, at least one 5K a day and sometimes 3 to keep my friends on track! Yes, & Yes (im excited about the Mayhem, it will be a challenge as a walker!

  115. So far so good..
    Not every one.
    Debatable. Initially planned to but the heat here may be dreadful by then.

  116. Happy Friday!
    1. Yes, 5k so far.
    2. No, but I’m trying to catch up.
    3. No way…. 🙂

  117. No, chose my family over my run yesterday. I know I’m out of the running now. Good luck to all! Keep it up!

  118. 1) No, missed a couple days due to a car accident but I am very slowly making up those miles.
    2) No, but I am again making up missed readings
    3) No

  119. 1. Yes! Running 3.1 everyday sore legs an all. Love the challenge of it, and I’m learning a lot about myself.
    2. Yes!
    3. Are you kidding?! No, wish I was but pretty sure I’m not up for it.
    Halfway there team! All down hill from here

  120. 1. Yes!
    2. No
    3. Not the full mayhem but I will run a few miles, multiple times that day.

  121. 1. Yes
    2. Almost, I’m catching up.
    3. Undecided

    This challenge has been great motivation for me to run/walk everyday!

  122. 1. Yes! Almost midway thru and starting to feel it in my legs. But I’ve done it before, so each day I’m trusting what I KNOW can be done over what I FEEL able to do that morning. I would like a little less wind to fight thru though….
    2. Started strong, but am also doing a chronological Bible study plan so have missed a few days of this one. Officially a no but continuing to listen/read.
    3. Hard to say with the 2 little “extras” we have with us still. They’re high maintenance and I have no idea what I’d do with them that day. Might try to do an extra 5k or so just to push myself a bit. Going for a loooooong days walk (I would not be able to run that much that’s for sure!) really appeals to me though!!

  123. Yes I am still running!!!
    No I haven’t been reading the Bible plan, but have my own through the Bible plan that I have been doing.
    No way I can fathom running a 5K every hour for 12 hours.

  124. Yes I am still doing a 5K everyday.
    Giving it a shot when time permits
    No I don’t feel I a, physically capable to run for 12 hours

  125. 1) yes 2) no 3) no. It’s been going great. Feels like it’s getting easier but also not as much fun as it was to begin with. Feeling like I’m past the “honeymoon” stage.

  126. Yes!!! Greyson and I are on target!!!!
    But I’m behind on scripture and hope to dble up this weekend to catch up!!!
    And NO mayhem for us!!! 🙂

  127. 1. Yes 2. No (I need to get caught up) 3. No- I am way to slow and would be going non stop for 3 days

  128. Love the 5K everyday challenge and yes I will attempt the challenge to run every hour on the half hour on May 30, we will see how far I get.

  129. 1. Yes
    2. Yes. I’m not gonna lie it has been a struggle to read daily but I have played catch up and i am thankful for this journey. It has pushed me to read more of my bible.
    3. I will not be able to do the challenge but I am planning to run 5k that morning then another one that evening. I honestly don’t think my body can handle it. I’m not a regular workout/active person. So I will be taking baby steps and cheering you on from GA.

  130. Jeff: Terri Lemke: Challenge 1: 5/1-5/15 – 279.80 miles, have not missed a day.
    Challenge 2: No
    Challenge 3: Yes
    Mark Lemke: Challenge 1: Yes, haven’t missed a day.
    Challenge 2: No
    Challenge 3: No – I would like to think I’m smarter than that LOL.

  131. 1:yes 2: no 3:yes. every day I get more confident I can run and walk the Mayhem. I just started running. this spring so it looks like quite a challenge

  132. 1. Yes (and really loving it!!)
    2. Not everyday, but have enjoyed it when I have!
    3. Ohhh I go back and forth on whether or not I’m crazy enough to do it.

  133. 1. Yes, Michelle is makes me!
    2. 😬🥴behind, I need Michelle to make me!
    3. Yes, Michelle is making me!

    Is it just me or does everyone see a pattern?

  134. Hello!
    1. Yes.
    2. No. I am doing a different reading plan with my church right now.
    3. Nope. I would literally be walking non stop for the entire day.

  135. Hey we’re halfway done! 1) yes, 2) unfortunately no) and 3) no… keep up the great work!!!

  136. 1. Yes! More walking than jogging… Haven’t run a full 5k yet (during this challenge), but *might* be able to by the end of the month. 🙂
    2. I have not been (on those). I do need to check out the podcast, I’ve been hearing good things about it!
    3. Nope! At my pace I would basically be walking/jogging for 12 hours with little breaks, and I’ll be 34 weeks pregnant at the time, so doesnt sound like a good idea for me lol. I do plan to do something extra, but thinking more like two or three 5k distances spread throughout the day 🙂

  137. 1. Yes. It’s been a great mental workout as well. Forcing myself to hit the trail everyday.
    2. No, I haven’t been keeping up.
    3. No, it still takes me over an hour to get my walk in. 😂

  138. 1 yes and not getting any easier
    2 on track
    3 still thinking not looking good still sucking for air after 3.1

  139. 1. YES!
    2. Yes but I need to catch up😬
    3. It seems a little too crazy for me. Thinking of tweaking the challenge to fit me personally a little bit!

  140. 1. Technically no. I had my 2nd ever grand mal seizure on the 3rd of May… so I rode my scooter a few days now but I’m still out there everyday getting exercise with my family! 😁
    2. No.
    3. And No.

  141. Yes, I have walked or run at least a 5K every day in May so far
    No, I have listened to every podcast, but one day I missed it and had to listen to two the next day.
    Yes, I intend to run or walk a 5K every hour on May 30 from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm

  142. Yes, I have been running my miles and keeping up with the scripture readings. I plan to attempt the challenge on May 30th! This challenge is so fun!

  143. I have completed the 3.1 miles each day! I have done a combination of walking & walk/run intervals. I am excited that I have completed these miles during the week after work each day! It has been a much needed stress relief!

    I have listened to a couple of the podcasts but have not been reading.

    I am not planning on trying the May mayhem challenge. I have other plans that day but probably wouldn’t do it anyways.

  144. I am still running 5k a day! Thanks for the challenge. Not sure I’ll do the Mayhem Challenge yet.

  145. 1) YES 2.) some (gotta get better at this!) 3.) yes, planning on it!
    Finishing today’s 5k in the rain after a killer workout!! My first 1.64 miles were running!

  146. I’ve been running/walking 3.1 miles a day as the challenge states and I have also been doing the 3 chapter a day. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the gospels. (my third time through in 4 months 🙂 I do not plan to do the second bonus challenge, mainly because I am not a marathon runner. Good luck to anyone who plans to do the second bonus challenge!
    Simply put: yes, yes, no.

  147. Yes, have ran/walked a 5k every day so far. Have been about 50/50 with reading the specific Bible chapters each day and no I do not plan to do the special May 30 challenge. Love and best wishes to all! Keep pushing!!! 💜💜💜

  148. 1) Yes – I have stuck with at least 3.1 miles every day!
    2) A little behind on the podcasts and readings
    3) I haven’t officially decided – probably some type of “version” of the challenge. Maybe try and run 3-4 5kid’s throughout the day. I have gotten horrible shin splints so it’s been hard trying to push through without hurting myself further!

  149. 1.) YES!!
    2.) will be at yes at bedtime tonight
    3.) highly considering it! I’m always up for a good challenge!

  150. 1. Yes I’m loving the accountability of the fb group!!
    2. No I didn’t do this challenge
    3. Yes I want to do the Ohio valley trail

  151. 1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes Goal is to run 16 in the morning and then walk the rest during the day!
    Thank you!

  152. 1. Yes 2. No 3. No I’m very thankful for this challenge, it’s motivated me during these weird times we’re in!

  153. 1. Yes, I’ve got the sore legs to prove it!
    2. Yes ~ missed a day here and there but am currently caught up!
    3. It was a hard no at first, but now I’m considering 🙂

  154. Yes, kinda?(tuning into the podcast daily to hear the scripture), and planning to attempt May Mayhem!

  155. Yes! Even a little extra on some days!
    No, a few chapters behind.
    Haven’t decided yet…

  156. This has been amazing so far. I was not sure if I could do it, but I have been on the elliptical every single day. I’ve actually done several 10K, a 15K, one 10-miler, and hit 11 miles today. My goal is to do a half-marathon on my birthday (May 27).

    I need to read more scriptures.

    I am not sure about the insane day – but I might give it my best shot!

  157. Yes, Yes, No. We have been dedicating each day to a “Fallen Saint”. People have been dending us names of Christian Loved Ones that have went to heaven for us to run for. Thanks for sponsoring the challenge.

  158. Yes. I’ve done 3.5 everyday in May to date.
    Yes. Sure thing
    I am Unsure about Mayhem. Not ruling it out.

  159. I’m still I. And hanging in there! I’m even more excited now than the first day! I hope everyone is excited and healthy.

  160. Not sure if my comment posted so I’m doing again 😂
    1: YES!!
    2: A little behind but trying to catch up

  161. Yes until today! 🤦🏼‍♀️
    Yes I’ve read all the chapters.
    Possibly doing the mayhem. Not 💯 sure. I’ve really enjoyed this challenge so far!! It’s exactly what I needed for that extra push! 6 pounds down! 💪🏼

  162. Yes on the running, not quite on the readings, let’s hope so (schedule dependent) on the Mayhem

  163. 1. Yes!! Loving it!
    2. Yes!! Love listening to the podcasts. It’s what gets me through my 5k. 🙂
    3. Hahaha no. I’ll be cheering all y’all on, though!

  164. 1. Yes, even in the rain!
    2. Kinda…missed a few days but plan to catch up this weekend
    3. Probably not

  165. Checking in from Northwest Ohio!!
    1. Yes! Walk everyday and run and bike every other day.
    2. Yes!
    3. Still planning on running the 5k Mayhem!

  166. #1) YES- I have run 13 and walked 2 days
    #2) I got off to a slow start, hoping to catch up
    #3) I haven’t entirely ruled it out yet

  167. Yes to the scriptures
    i got a little behind but I ve been pulling double duties to get caught up. But I did most days.
    No I can t do a 5k in under and hour so I would be walking for 12hours straight.

  168. Yes
    Sorta, little behind though.
    No way!

    (Sorry I was double checking that my post posted and didn’t see it. So this could be a duplicate)

  169. 1: Yes! (whew! did not think I would be able to say that!)
    2. No I did all but one day that I read it from like 11:50pm-12:30am… ;/
    3. No I’m not planning on it. 🙂

  170. 1- Yes I have been running a 5K everyday and will continue.
    2 – No
    3 – No. I signed up for it and thought that I would, but it will be to much for me.

  171. This is such a blessing right now! Something healthy our whole family can do – even the dogs! 🙂

  172. 1 and 2 yes! Scripture challenge has been fun with my wife, son and I all reading the same stuff.

  173. I have run and/or walked at least a 5K a day. Most times I do knew in the morning and another in the afternoon. I have really enjoyed the podcasts, although I dont listen everyday.

  174. Yes I have walked at least a 5K every day whether I felt like it or not and I love listening to the podcast and taking in the 3 chapters every day. I do not plan on doing the mayhem. I admit I am glad I’m working that day as it gives me a valid excuse not to 😂

  175. 1) Yes, even if it’s just before bed (like tonight)
    2) Yes and enjoying the version in the Jeff Polen Podcasts.
    3) as for #maymahem I’m shooting for walking a 25K that day.

  176. Tara Vigil yes- trying want to catch up – no
    This has been great, I have so much energy and motivation to push through to the end!

  177. 1. MAIN CHALLENGE: Have you run and / or walked at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2020?

    2. BONUS CHALLENGE #1: Have you read the 3 chapters of scripture each day so far in May 2020?
    Listened to yes

    BONUS CHALLENGE #2: Are you planning to attempt the #5kMayhem by running and / or walking at least 3.1 miles every hour on the half-hour from 6:30am to 6:30pm on Saturday, May 30?

  178. Yes! We are walking everyday! Love it!
    We have not been keeping up with the scripture reading.
    … isn’t THIS the mayhem? Haha.

  179. 1. Yes…and more most days!
    2. no, but trying to listen to scripture when I run–it gets me thru!
    3. Going to work on that

  180. Yes!! Half way through!!
    1) yes
    2) yes
    3) Im going to decline this. I don’t think I’m up for it this year.

  181. I’ve been keeping up with the run every day (run/walk), and reading the scripture. Definitely no to the mayhem. I ran a straight 2 miles the other day before I walked the last 1.2 miles. That was the first time I had done that in years! Maybe I can get back up to my half marathon status! Thanks!

  182. Jessica from Ohio excited to do the challenge to start running again I will be doing the Bible reading challenge but not the Mayhem challenge

  183. Justice Kiner keep in shape for cross country doing Bible challenge not the extra challenge

  184. Diane and Tom Boggs
    Yes we have been able to complete 5K per day in spite of being stuck in airports on several days. Yes we plan on completing this challenge. Mayhem challenge is a no for us. We feel blessed to make the 5K each day.

  185. Hello!!!! Yes! 3.1m a day walk, jog, crawl, cry, sweat, drenched in rain!! 😂😜 Staying up with the Bible pod cast pretty well! On occasion have to listen to 2 in one day 🙈 Gonna be cheering for those doing May Mayhem but too afraid to try it alone!

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