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#5kMay2020 Check In #1

It is officially May! YAY!!

Let me know that you are still up for the challenge by OFFICIALLY CHECKING IN by leaving a comment on this page. Please tell us:

  1. What is your name?
  2. What state are you currently living in?
  3. What aspect of #5kMay2020 are you most looking forward to?

*All first-time comments need to be approved, so if your comment doesn’t show up right away, don’t worry. I will periodically be going through and approving the comments throughout the day.*



679 thoughts on “#5kMay2020 Check In #1 Leave a comment

    • My name is Rebecca Hawks. I live in Ohio. I’m most looking forward to running the same amount every day. I’ve been training for a half marathon so this will be nice to just concentrate on one distance for awhile.

      • Melissa Gallion and Zeke Galbraith from Ohio just hoping to get motivated and moving

    • My name is Jacqueline Noe and I live in Ohio. My senior year in college has made me really in inactive. I’m looking forward to kickstarting my running again and finding a way to actually celebrate graduating college!

    • 1. Lanna
      2. Tennessee
      3. Excited to walk each day with my sister to strengthen and encourage each other.

    • Kevin Beachy, Ohio, just cool to be doing an event with other people. Also looking forward to reading the 3 chapters each day.

    • My name is Gracie Mitchell. I live in Ohio and I’m excited for the structure and sense of accomplishment.

  1. Jeral Imhoff from Ohio,
    Righting is hard for me but perhaps this challenge is God way of growing me in this aria.
    Although this challenge is much of a normal for me it still has two benefits; for me to be accountable; and for me to be intentionally. So today I and challenge by Mat.3:14 -“I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” When I try to tell God how it should be; John submitted to Christ every though he didn’t understand at the time, am I willing to do the same? So help me God.
    Jeff thanks so much for this challenge. I am exited about growing together in Christ.

  2. Bill Miller, here in Ohio. I am looking forward to building up some mileage. I had already decided to try to up my daily average to three miles for the remainder of the year, so this challenge fits right along with that.

  3. My name is Sheri and I am from Ohio. This is my first year doing #5kMay! I am so excited to do this event with my family! I am most excited about growing spiritually while staying active. Thank you for organizing such an amazing event. God Bless!

    • 1. Marvin Yoder
      2. OHIO
      3. Looking forward to mayhem since Bobs backyard ultra was postponed

  4. Michael Sullivan checking in. Wooster, Ohio. Looking forward to finally running with someone again…someday. 😂 Really, looking forward to reading my3 chapters and then going out on my run to reflect. We all know how our minds go when we are out there.

  5. Tracy Goebel from Ohio checking in. I’m looking forward to committing to one hour of me time every day this month.

  6. Travis Williams
    me vs me for Christ. I want to train my flesh and force it to submit to God.

  7. Ron Detweiler from Ohio. Looking forward to this challenge and pushing myself and proving I can do this

  8. My name is Melody and I am from Pa. I am hopeing to build some discipline and endurance over the next month.

  9. Barbara Adams in Georgia checking in. I am looking forward to challenging myself and reading my chapters.

  10. Dede Sullivan
    I’m looking to be active and healthier. Hoping this will kick start a life change.

  11. Grace in Ohio checking in. I’m looking forward to the spiritual and physical challenge of my first #5KinMay!

  12. Hey, it’s John Furniss, from New Phila Ohio checking in. Up early and got my 5k run in for the day and got my phone out to read the Scripture verses on my Bible app. Looking forward to the challenge!

  13. Jess Stutzman from Ohio. Looking forward to getting out there being in my happy place and running everyday!

  14. Amber Schisler

    I am originally from Massillon, Ohio and currently live in Monroe, NC

    I’m excited to challenge myself by running/walking all month. I am also looking forward to the spiritual challenge.

  15. Heidi Hartzler
    Orrville, Ohio
    I love walking and this continues to give me motivation to walk everyday. I also look forward to your podcast!! The podcast makes my walk go fast!

  16. Mid Knight White
    Wooster, Ohio
    I love the accountability with time with God, reading scripture & keeping healthy as I run/walk each day. Thank You!!

  17. Sara Wakefield
    I haven’t had accountability in the exercise part of life for a long time, so I’m looking forward to getting back to that. And three of my kids are doing this with me, which should make for an interesting month!

  18. Hello from Maumee, Ohio. I’m in for the challenge! 💕🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

  19. Jeremy Shantz from Ohio. I know the discipline it takes to read 3 chapters & run 3 miles a day will be good for me. I am looking forward to the challenge!

  20. My name is Luann from Ohio. This is my first year doing #5kMay! I am looking forward to a challenge

  21. Crystal Shantz from Ohio checking in. Looking forward to building some good habits this month

  22. Mary Beth Miller
    Apple Creek, Ohio
    I am looking forward to improving and growing in my physical/ spiritual health. This is a great motivation! Thank you for this opportunity! I’m all excited and look forward to the month of May:)

  23. Morning, my name is Milisa, I’m from Canton Ohio.
    I’m hoping that this challenge gets me motivated to train.

  24. I am Keri Yoder from Ohio. I am so excited to challenge myself knowing that others are doing the same.

  25. Keith Byler from Ohio. I’m looking forward to connecting with my family as we do some of these runs together.

  26. Brandon Polley from Wooster Ohio! I am most looking forward to the 5k a day, having fun with the MAYHEM, and getting back out to run again!

  27. What is your name?
    Shana Miller
    What state are you currently living in?
    What aspect of #5kMay2020 are you most looking forward to?
    I believe God created people to thrive with good community and my personality is no exception. I love the working together and encouraging each other to keep running the race from two different perspectives.

  28. Teresa Strine from Ohio. This is my first time participating in an event like this and looking forward to the challenge.

  29. Hi! Miranda Jones from Mansfield, Ohio. I’m most looking forward to getting back into a daily routine. Running is my therapy and I had three races canceled/ moved to virtual races and I’m trying to still keep myself accountable.

  30. Hii, Becca Clark from Salem, Oh. Looking forward to the challenge of getting runs in everyday and reading more scripture. Here we go!!

  31. Good morning!
    1. Thresa Venables
    2. Ohio
    3. The commitment … quarantine has gotten me all off and this is a great way to get on track from growth and routine!

  32. Charlene Leimeister…. Ohio…. I have been hit and miss with running lately… I am looking forward to the accountability this will give me and hopefully get me back on track. Jeff, you and I may pass each other on our runs, as I live close to you. Looking forward to reading scripture together too.

  33. 1 Jonathan Slade
    2. Lincoln Park, Michigan
    3. I’m looking forward to challenging myself with new things

  34. Hello! My name is Jana. I am from flat southern Indiana. I love running and run regularly and am excited about the challenge and kicking up my training a bit! I am also excited abo it listening to scripture as I run!

  35. I’m Jodi Polen from Ohio. I’m excited for our family to get out and run together and to see so many people join in on this challenge.

  36. My name is Amanda Gurdish. I am from Pa and am doing this challenge to motivate myself!

  37. David Heatwole from Virginia. Needed the motivation to run. Looking forward to reading some extra scripture. And besides who wouldn’t run 5 everyday for a bag of Better Life Coffee. James says, be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only. Hopefully we can all grow closer to Christ through this physical and spiritual exercise.

  38. Karen
    I loved the podcasts and music last year and I like a challenge to keep me moving and make me get up from my desk at home and get out and run!

  39. Piper Polen from Ohio. I am looking forward to getting in shape through this challenge.

  40. Ally Lintern
    Looking forward to the challenge of running every single day. Here’s to hoping for good weather in May 😊

  41. Kaitlyn Michalow
    Pittsburgh, PA
    I’m doing the challenge because I enjoy working out and running. This challenge is a great motivator!

  42. 1.Gail Bleibtrey
    2. Ohio
    3. The extra motivation to get out there every day!

    Thank you for doing this!

  43. Jeff Fink
    I live in the state of quarantine confusion (also Ohio)
    Just trying to get a solid base (and maybe shred some pounds off to get back to a good running weight for me)

  44. Ryan Boettler
    North a Canton,OH
    Daily activity on the heals of working from home the last 6 weeks+scripture = sanity protection. Love it.

  45. Brandon Polley from Wooster, Ohio! Looking forward to the challenge, the MAYHEM, and running again!

  46. Debbie Hoffstot from Pennsylvania. Looking forward to the challenge of getting outside daily and running again. Staying motivated and healthier with each step.

  47. Good morning!
    My name is Annie McDowell and I’m from Ohio. With the uncertain times we are living in right now, running has been something constant for me, so adding in this daily challenge is perfect. I’m also looking forward to listening to your podcasts! Happy May, everyone!

  48. Sheri Lane. Ohio. I’m looking forward to the Bible reading and the 5k each day. What a great sense of accomplishment we’ll feel when we finish!

  49. Deanna Clark from Wooster. I have been running for 3 years and had a spinal fusion L3L4L5 in January. I’m using this challenge to get my life back.

  50. Chrissy Fratena from Ohio…this is my first time doing this challenge! I have never ran (or walked) a daily 5k so I am excited to push myself in this challenge!

  51. Sheri Lane. Ohio. I am looking forward to the daily Bible reading and 5k. What a great sense of accomplishment we will feel at the end!

  52. Alissa Crossen
    From Ohio
    Looking forward to challenging myself and having the extra motivation from knowing others are doing the same thing.

  53. Lori Butler from Ohio. Goal this year is to complete the Bible reading challenge as well…

  54. Kendrick Byler here from Millersburg, Ohio. Looking forward to the spiritual aspect of this challenge. Running is a great time for me to talk to God.

  55. Joshua Edwards, Oak Park Illinois, most excited about seeing God during this time in a new light and learning something new about Him!

  56. 1. Derek M. Bourgeois
    2. Gulfport, Mississippi
    3. Re-establishing good consistent habits with my running and bible reading…… and attempting the 5k mania challenge at the end

  57. Debbie from Virginia 🙌🏻💕🙌🏻💕 and I’m looking forward to pushing myself to do this! Working on adding more things that contribute to the lifestyle I want to live! I’m 50 and so now is the best time!!

  58. Hi! I’m Sheri from Ohio. I am looking forward to accountability with both aspects. I need to get back on track through the quarantine!

  59. Corey
    Looking forward to having a goal to stick to that will help me get back into running consistently and also running with my friends.

  60. Allene Gentry
    Looking forward to completion! Signed up last year but was a few days short of competing the challenge. Day one is in the books already so off to a good start 😜

  61. Sierra Gingerich
    Challenging myself daily to become a better person through running and being in scripture with a group of people!

  62. Christopher Cymek, Aberdeen Maryland Looking forward to Gods work in me with spiritual disciplines, physical strengthening, community with my brothers and, sisters in Christ

  63. Nathan Battershell, Oklahoma. I’m most excited about regaining some self discipline for being in God’s Word daily!

  64. 1. Emma Vierheller
    2. Toledo, OH
    3. I’m doing my runs first thing in the morning, which is a change. I’m excited to start each day with a run!

  65. Jeremy Yoder
    Looking forward to having a daily reason to get out and do something!

  66. 1. Rick Petry
    2. West Virginia
    3. Looking forward to consistency of reading God’s word daily and racking up some mileage for the month.

  67. Scott Price
    Wooster, Ohio
    I am looking forward to seeing what God can do through each of us as we push ourselves, especially progress in my friends who joined!

  68. Hey everyone! My name is Jason, and I am from West Virginia. I’m looking forward to the commitment and discipline it will take to complete the challenge. I know life will try to get in the way, and I will have to be creative. I also know there will be days when I won’t want to do it, but I’m committed, so I have to remain dedicated. Good luck to everyone else taking on this challenge.

  69. Jason Bell checking in
    Looking forward to see how God opens my eyes through this challenge.

  70. Deana Fresenko from Ohio. I am most excited for the spiritual challenge, I have been trying to get myself to start a habit of reading the Bible on a daily basis, this challenge came at the perfect time!!

  71. Julia Grossniklaus
    Looking forward to reading the gospels and the challenge to accomplish the 5k everyday!

  72. Brittany Grimshaw
    I’m excited to have a challenge to motivate me during this crazy time!

  73. Ryan Grimshaw
    Wooster, Ohio
    I am looking forward to logging some miles and listening to the daily pod cast!

  74. Karen Alexander. Millersburg, Ohio. Getting a jump start on my journey back to fitness and achieving new, yet undetermined running goals.

  75. Alison Shockley
    I’m looking forward to getting more for and growing my relationship with Christ!

  76. Cheryl H
    Live in FL but also Ohio sometimes!
    I’m in Ohio now and it’s too cold. Have to get some motivation to go outside in this cold, gray and log my miles!

  77. Stephen Brown
    Lowell, Arkansas
    I am looking forward to completing this challenge and growing closer with my brotherhood of SoulCon men!

  78. Day 1 Complete!
    My Name is Allison and I am in Ohio.
    I am most excited about challengeing myself and seeing what God can do on not just the everyday 5k but also the Mayhem! I can’t wait to see what He has in store!

  79. Michelle Kendall
    I am looking forward to challenging myself to complete a 5k each day and reading scripture.

  80. Heather Heatwole from Dalton, Ohio. Love that I get to do this with family as well as having the accountability of a larger group.

  81. Paige Ludwig – Georgia
    I’m excited to push myself and accomplish something I would have never dreamed I could do.

  82. Kary from Ohio! Day 1 complete! Looking forward to the challenge as a whole! Something to focus on other than “stay at home” orders, etc!

  83. Kevin Griffin
    Greenbrier, AR
    Looking forward to re-establishing my self discipline and for God to reveal his next steps for me in His service now that COVID has momentarily broke our current plans.

  84. Brenda Yoder, Millersburg, OH, I needed motivation to keep running. My daughters Haley, 13, and Brooke 11, also are joining me on this journey.

  85. Rosalie from PA. I’m hoping to build some discipline and endurance in my life by sticking with something for a whole month.

  86. Good morning! It’s my son’s wedding day! I’ve got a few things to do this morning an then I’m getting those 3.1 miles in.
    I’m Tracey Wheeler
    I live in Panama City, FL and
    I am looking forward to the discipline that I’ll carry long after May is done. It’s my third year, and I know it’ll be a challenge, but I will get it done!

  87. Brooke Yoder, Millersburg, OH…I have a prize at the end of the month to look forward to.

  88. Kelly Uksas
    Necedah Wisconsin
    I am looking forward to the time with God.
    I signed up last year, but in the middle of the month my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer so I did not complete this challenge . I am mostly looking forward to say I have completed what I had started.

  89. 1. Bri Zimmerman
    2. Canton, Ohio
    3. Excited to get into shape again and be able to run and enjoy it!

  90. Sheri Lane. Ohio. I am excited for the daily journey and for the feeling of accomplishment at the end!

  91. Marian Shoemaker
    Akron, Ohio
    Looking forward to virtually “socializing” with others & having an excuse to get outside to run & walk 😀

  92. Paul Mullet from Ohio. Day one is in the books!
    I’m looking forward to challenging myself to see how far I can walk on Mayhem!

  93. Beth Fuciu
    The stay-at-home order has me sitting around way too much! I’m excited to challenge my body with 3.1 miles and my mind with scripture!

  94. Seriously asking myself why I am doing this challenge! But then again, why not? Looking forward to soaking in the Gospel truths.

  95. 1. Rebecca
    2. PA
    3. The motivation to actually move my body everyday and hopefully drawing closer to Christ through the process.

  96. 1. Jason Gates
    2. Oklahoma
    3. Doing 2 things I love together with others- running and reading scripture.

  97. My name is Sarah and I’m from Republic, OH. I’m looking for a challenge to help get me out of this slump from being home for so many weeks. I’m really looking forward to this. 🙂

  98. Ally Lintern
    Looking forward to running every single day! Here’s to hoping for good weather in May!

  99. Sam LaMar
    Rittman Ohio
    I’ve got a baby on the way due in June. Need to shed pounds so I can be active and so that I have energy throughout the day to be present.

  100. Rich Davis
    Akron, Ohio
    My daughter and I have been running together 2 or 3 times a week since September. I’m looking forward to spending more time with her and the discussions we’ll share during our runs.

  101. Michelle from Ohio. I am a long time runner and I am looking forward to the accountability to run everyday. With races being cancelled, this is a great way to continue training and keeping your faith while doing it.

  102. What is your name? Jennifer Adams
    What state are you currently living in? Ohio
    What aspect of #5kMay2020 are you most looking forward to? Looking forward to proving to myself I can do this!

  103. Heather from Ohio. Checking in again because I didn’t see my original from this morning, possibly because I didn’t have coffee yet.
    Excited to get started!

  104. Stacie Raber checking in from Ohio.
    Looking forward to the physical challenge and seeing how it will affect my spiritual life.

  105. Allison from Ohio. I don’t see my comment anywhere so sorry if this is a repeat… I am looking forward to seeing how many laps I can do on Mayhem!

  106. Good morning, Jeff and 5k-ers!

    My name is Mary Ruffin and I am from Mississippi!!!! I just wanted to check-in today. I am most excited about being intentional each day through the month of May. Intentional with action, thoughts, observations, connections, scripture, etc. Thanks for putting this together, Jeff!

  107. Molly Brockway from Ohio! I’m looking forward to being challenged to read three chapters in the Bible! I hope this will challenge me even pass the challenge!

  108. Todd from Ohio. I am looking forward to both the challenge of the daily walking/running as well as the bible readings. Thanks for doing this Jeff

  109. Hi, it’s Kerri Glass from Virginia. I’m excited for a new challenge and to better myself.

  110. Derrick M from Ohio. I am excited to have running mandated daily…I think that’s the way it should be anyway. I’m also excited about hearing from the men who travelled w and learned from Jesus again.

  111. 1. Liz Schlabach
    2. Ohio
    3. I am looking forward to completing this challenge, and growing in scripture along the way!

  112. Michelle Knox
    This is my second year doing #5keverydayinthemonthofmay
    Looking forward to it! I love the podcast and accountability!

    • Ben Ford. I look forward to doing with some brothers from Soulcon Ministries and I look forward to seeing if I can build myself up to where I can jog an entire 5k without walking or stopping.

  113. Emily Byler from Ohio.
    I’m looking forward to enjoying all these runs/walks with family and friends.

  114. 1 Lena Soisson
    2 Jacksonville Fl
    3 During these challenging times it’s important we challenge ourselves to stay healthy, positive and focused.

  115. Caitlin Compston
    Looking forward to just getting myself out and moving while getting to spend time with my baby, and maybe some alone time sometimes too.

  116. Ryan Yoder from Berlin Oh. I am looking forward to completing the challenge with my family and having something to motivate me more through the lockdown.

  117. Marisa from Florida! First year doing the challenge and excited for a reason to make myself leave the house everyday!!

  118. Laurie R. from Ohio.
    This is my first year doing this! I am excited for the fitness and the spiritual component.

  119. Port au Prince, Haiti
    Running is not my favorite but I’m looking forward to the daily challenge

    • At least you don’t have to Hills I’ve got I’m out of breath I might give in and believe in the people of told me I can’t do it

  120. Richard Strain
    I’m Looking forward to seeing how much I can improve by the end of this challenge. it’s going to be a tough month.

  121. 1 Carol Turner
    2 Phx Arizona
    3 I m looking forward to doing something together with those I can t be near with right now but love and adore. Also an opportunity to grow and become stronger and healthier.

  122. Isaac Leimeister from Washingtonville, OH! Excited to do this with everyone, scripture and all.

  123. McKayla McCanna
    I’m 7 months postpartum so I’m really excited to see the changes in my body and runtimes by the end of the month! My goal through this challenge is to prioritize making time for myself and my heath everyday.

  124. 1. Jordan Butler
    2. West Virginia “yee yee baby!”
    3. Competing against myself. I wanna get faster and stronger and remind myself I’m in charge of my body and not the other way around!

  125. Hannah Heatwole from the beautiful state of Ohio! Participating to be ready for soccer season.⚽️🥳

  126. Edithe Holliday. Florida. I am looking forward to exercising everyday and reading the daily verses.

  127. Candacie Eads, I’m from Bloomington, Indiana! I am looking forward to doing a daily 5k rather than 4 a month! This is my first time doing anything like this but a challenge is always good!

  128. Jesse Mullet from Dover
    Excited to get refocused and realigned with my personal goals after being out of work for 6 weeks. Good luck to everyone- never quit!

  129. Katrina Nickoloff from Ohio. I am looking forward to the spiritual and physical benefits of this challenge.

  130. Abigail Davis, I am from Akron Ohio, and I am looking forward to getting outside and running everyday with my dad who also signed up for this challenge.

  131. I’m Christin and I’m from Michigan. I’m most looking forward to just staying active regularly. I’m a weightlifter and it’s been a challenge since my gym closed mid-March due to the lockdown. I miss it. 🙁 Need to keep myself moving and challenge myself in a new way.

  132. Rhonda Best from Ohio
    I’m looking forward to getting back into a routine again and getting myself up and moving.

  133. Amanda from Ohio. I’m looking forward to holding myself accountable to this running/reading challenge!

  134. David Shupe
    New Mexico
    I’m looking forward to this in the aspect to growing my relationship with Christ and going through this with my wife!

  135. Carol Phillips from Ohio. This is my first challenge and I’m excited to accomplish this goal.

  136. Emily B officially checking in from Ohio and excited to try to bring consistency to my runs!

  137. Jennifer Fisher from Phoenix Arizona. I’m looking forward to getting out of my house and getting back to running.

  138. Michelle Cendol
    Very excited about every aspect of this challenge!!
    Also, I tried to make a donation but said my debit card didn’t work. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  139. Julian Coblentz from Ohio…looking forward to the daily stress release that running offers. Thanks for doing this, Jeff…I’m also looking forward to your podcasts.

  140. Leah B checking in from Ohio. I’m excited to be doing this challenge with my son, looking forward to getting stronger and more consistent together

  141. Jaime B. Wyoming. I’m excited to be a part of something, and for the accountability with scripture! Thanks. What a fun event. 🙂

  142. Blough Family from Ashland OH! Checking in for myself (Tanya) and my son, Greyson! Looking forward to seeing my son’s accept this challenge and grow in both physical and spiritual health!

  143. Danielle Shupe checking in from New Mexico! Most excited to push myself to do the 5k every day!!

  144. Karen Eberly from Ohio!!! I’m looking forward to getting back out there!! I didn’t realize how hard it would be on my physical body going from running around teaching to sitting in front of a computer trying to teach. I’m stiff and sore- even tho I had been going out for walks and exercising during quarantine. My body is used to moving way more than it had been in the last month… so I’m hoping to get out of the quarantine funk & get back about there!!!

  145. Shawna Stackhouse from Ohio, most looking forward to spending time running with my husband!

  146. MaryLou from Alliance Ohio. I’m looking forward to this. And just want to keep physically healthy.

  147. Janelle and Heidi Hart from Uniontown, Ohio…looking forward to pushing each other while having quality time!

  148. Wendell Knepp
    I’ve been working at losing some pounds and looking forward to how this will help with that.

  149. Benjamin Mullen from Mississippi. I’m looking forward to the challenge of doing it daily and not sporadically throughout the month. Hopefully, I can shorten my 5k time and prep for longer runs.

  150. Caedon Blough from Ohio, I am looking forward to having a reason to get out of bed before 12.

  151. Beth Babulski from Ohio. I am excited for this challenge to get back into shape and run with my kids.

  152. Ed Babulski from Ohio. I am excited to do the new challenge this year on May 30th– Mayhem Challenge.

  153. Michelle Walker from Ohio. I am excited for the extra motivation to keep exercising on a daily basis and to include my family in the fun!

  154. 1. Jason Gates
    2. Oklahoma
    3. Ready to do 2 of my favorite things with other believers- read scripture and run

  155. Heidi Haas and Doug Haas
    My husband and I are using this time to work on getting spiritually fit and physically committed to a regular workout!

  156. Sarah Polley from Wooster Ohio. I’m looking forward to spending time with my family being active and hopefully some nicer weather.

  157. Holly Bishop from Ohio. I am excited… I’ve never had enough self confidence to believe that I can do any RSD’s so this is going to be a first attempt. I believe the Lord speaks to me through my running and when a friend told me about this challenge, I felt it on my heart that this is something I am supposed to do for God and myself

  158. Hello, My name is Jana from southern Indiana! I am looking forward to this challenge, to read scripture and kick up my running training!

  159. Michelle Shane, OH
    Looking forward to the accountability and challenge at the end of May!

  160. Jeanette Hostetler.
    I am looking forward to have something to focus on and push me towards my goals.

  161. Melissa Murphy
    North Canton, OH
    This sounds like such a fun challenge (I may feel differently later on lol)! And I’m hoping it will really push me and keep me motivated towards my fitness goals!

  162. Trent Kuzma
    Wooster, Ohio
    I’m excited to have a different challenge, since track was cancelled.

  163. Lucinda Greenawalt- Ohio
    I will see how this goes, have never done anything like this before.

  164. Jason Perry
    Lakewood, Ohio
    I’m looking forward to challenging myself everyday and also to get back into a routine of working out!

  165. Lexi Acierto
    I’m looking forward to intentional physical activity after not doing much throughout this quarantine, and for a daily regimen of scripture!

  166. My name is Philip Bergeron and I am in Walker, LA. It’s hot down here, y’all! Anyway, I am looking forward to telling my flesh to shut up when it whispers in my ear “wouldn’t you rather have a double stuf Oreo than do anything 3.1 miles”?😂

  167. Reef Allen
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    I’m 59 and just started running in January! Looking to see how I can challenge myself–body, mind and spirit–as I press into God!!

  168. Grant Beachy
    Hartville, Ohio
    Looking to get in better shape for a half marathon this fall!

  169. Wanda Amstutz
    Orrville Ohio
    With all the races cancelled or rescheduled, this will be a way to keep me motivated and be accountable for the month of May and going forward.

  170. Denise Seachrist
    From Ohio
    Eager to return to running following bunion surgery in December. Let’s do this!

  171. My name is Kristina Loisel. I currently live in Texas! I’m most looking forward to seeing how my time changes throughout the month, mentally pushing myself (as best as I can with Texas heat that is), and changing up my workout routine a bit!

  172. Joyce from Ohio. Looking forward to the discipline that comes with being to comitted to this every day.

  173. Rob Michalow- Bentleyville, PA. I had two other running events canceled so I wanted one to help maintain a regular schedule. Looking forward to the 5K for May Challenge!

  174. Joe Vigil
    Farmington, New Mexico
    Looking to learn how to be more consistent in my spiritual walk, as well as in my physical health.

  175. Kara Gorglione
    I’m looking forward to getting back into an active grove and out of quarantine funk.

  176. Hello! My name is Margie and I am from Ohio. Looking forward to getting back to working out everyday.

  177. Christie Hockenberry
    Huntington Township, OH
    I’ve needed motivation to do something!! Got walk #1 in this morning. Thank you!

  178. Paul McKinney checking in from Newport, Arkansas. I’m excited about staring at this mountain in front of me and climbing closer to the summit day by day. I have some even more daunting mountains in my personal life right now, and these smaller victories in the 5ks will help give me the confidence to overcome them all.

  179. Trevor Gingerich, Winesburg Ohio. I’m looking forward to building mileage towards my first half marathon.

  180. 1. Stephanie Miller
    2. Wisconsin
    3. I’m most looking forward to when I can run with my friend again! For now, I’m excited about the motivation that comes with a challenge like this!

  181. 1- Kris Borntreger
    2- from Ohio
    3- I’m looking forward to accountability and motivation to get going again postpartum!

  182. Eric Coblentz and I’m from Ohio. Looking forward to finishing this plan family and build up my strength!!

  183. Hi! Tammy Polen from Wooster, Ohio and I am looking forward to our whole family participating and some “normal” during this time.

  184. Elizabeth Yuhaniak
    I am looking forward to challenging myself and getting back into shape

  185. Mark Lemke
    Loudonville, Ohio
    Trying to stay close enough to see Terri out in front of me.

  186. Kelsey Hudgins
    Athens, Ga
    I am trying to make myself accountable and exercise everyday!

  187. Mikey Taylor from West Virginia. I’m most looking forward to the challenge of running everyday!

    • Tiffany and Elijah checking in from Ohio. I’m looking forward to spending time with my son and studying God’s Word together!

  188. Stacey Rogers, Ohio. I look forward to having a positive and rewarding goal during all the current craziness. Stay healthy everyone!!

  189. Becky from Canton, Ohio. I got a 5k in before my fifth grade Google Meet this morning! I am looking forward to trying to improve my 5k time and also for having a running plan since training plans for races are kind of a wash at this point. I also look forward to the community that develops from this kind of “event”.

  190. Elisa Hill
    Akron Ohio
    Trying to stay healthy! I walked/jogged 5K during my lunch break!

  191. Rachel Burgett
    Lakeville, Ohio
    Getting outside every single day to walk or run with my kids.

  192. •Jean Mason
    •From South Carolina
    •I am REALLY looking forward to the discipline of doing this every day it has been a goal of mine for years but never could because of work, even though I can’t run it this year because of hurting my knee super excited to walk it out every day!

  193. Renee Slembarski
    I’m looking forward to getting healthier and logging some miles!

  194. Carly Desphy
    I’m most excited about setting and achieving a healthy goal after the last half a year or so has been mostly chaos and inconsistency.

  195. My name Is Brayden Burgett. I live in ohio. And I look forward to seeing the chicken dog.

      • On the walk Brynlynn and I have been on several times there is a dog who barks just like a chicken. Brayden is hoping to see him too. So far no luck. Everytime we go that way he’s inside.

  196. My name is Brynlynn Burgett, I’m from Lakeville, oh, and looking forward to seeing chicken. (Chicken dog is a dog who barks like a chicken when we walk/run by his house, also his real name is NOT chicken dog we-as in my mom, me, and my brother-don’t know his real name) 🐔+🐕=Chicken dog.

    • HAHAHAHA!! Well, that clears up the mystery of the “Chicken Dog”. So glad you are joining us this year!

  197. My name is Jim Seelye, from Canton, Ohio. I look forward to rising up to this challenge and seeing others do the same!

  198. Marian Cozmiuc,
    Sugarcreek, Ohio
    Love challenges and never ran 30 days consecutive. Should be fun

  199. Victoria Rodriguez
    Currently living in California
    I’m doing this challenge for my friend McKayla

  200. My name is Deb Lee, from Ohio ~ I’m looking forward to improving my physical AND spiritual fitness!

  201. I’m Lorelei Suehrstedt from Bay Village. Today is day #1 and I got my 5K in. I’m glad to be a part of this group. It pushed me out the door! I’m getting ready to read the scripture.

  202. Stephanie Sommer
    Pickerington, Ohio
    I am excited for the podcasts to help me learn and the motivation of the group to keep me going!!

  203. 1. Logan Miller
    3. Normally I am always at the gym and I haven’t been able to go with all that’s going on and this opens a path for me the exercise with no need for gym.

  204. My name is Tammy Taubler from Rootstown Ohio. I miss going to the gym with my fitness buddies so looking forward to being part of this group.

  205. My name is Nancy Black and I’m from Cleveland, Georgia. This quarantine has really got me struggling and the #5kMay2020 is a great way to get my heart, mind and body back to where it needs to be.

  206. Amy Geiser from Ohio. This is my 4th time doing 5k May…I think….yep, it is – I just counted my shirts! I look forward each year to the challenge and the pushing myself. I loved Jeff’s blogs last year and am really looking forward to those again!

  207. Lindsay N, Ohio. Looking forward to the challenge of a 5k everyday. Got today’s done, hope I can get the rest.

  208. Mark Kister
    I am looking forward to the accountability and possibly working towards being able to complete the final challenge.

  209. 1. Laura W
    2. Tennessee
    3.I’m looking forward to getting to the end of May knowing I completed a challenge!

  210. Danielle Romanishin from Texas 1st time doing this inspires by my Cousin and Aunt. Interested in this to be more active, and seeing what the podcast or blog may be like.

  211. Jules Bogner I go back and forth between Fripp Island SC and Wooster, Ohio Running in Ohio during May 2020. Ran 3.5 today and already feel the challenge to improve my running and my attitude :-}

  212. Peggy from Ohio. Looking forward to undoing some of the negative effects (physical and spiritual) from “sheltering-in-place”. Being part of this group will keep me on track…..hopefully!

  213. Hello all! My name is Leslie Trexler and I’m from VA. I’m excited to begin this 5k everyday in the month of May.

  214. I’m Kellie Miller, and I’m currently living in southern Indiana. I’m most excited for the challenge this will bring.

  215. Ryan Brunk
    And I am going to use this a minimum of 3.1 a day to help with my training and as a way to jump start my training.

  216. Theresa Wright of Ohio looking forward to consistently moving my legs, walking that 5k, on my non-running days.

  217. Katy Reynolds from Ohio. Haven’t been a runner for a loooong time so I am hoping this will jump start a regular running routine to get back into shape!

  218. Jessica


    Looking forward to getting out each day (or at least on the treadmill if it rains!) and enjoying spring!

  219. 1. Marion Troyer 2. I live in Ohio. 3. The scripture reading/podcast!! Getting back in the routine of running every day!!

  220. Penny Reed from Ohio. Looking forward to the challenge of running every day in a month. Not sure about the Mayhem yet. It sounds like a great challenge, just hope I’m up for it by then!

  221. merle keim i live in ohio looking forward to see wat this will do for me have fun everyone

  222. Miranda Burroway. I live in Vinita, Oklahoma but am an Ohioan born and raised.
    I love being outside gardening, camping, horseback riding, and this is my first year for the 5k challenge. I’m looking forward to getting back in shape, listening to some of your podcasts and getting back into the scripture as well.

  223. Name – Mike Makselan
    Currently living In Ohio
    The thing I am most looking forward to is getting outside and starting to get back in shape. I love that I gave this group to keep me motivated.

    • Abby-living in Ohio. I am looking forward to getting back to moving more and the weather to be nicer 🤞

  224. Ida Troyer from Ohio.
    Looking forward to growing healthier physically/spiritualy.
    First time doing this.

  225. Jeremy Eley from Ohio. Recently started running and working out again now trying to train for 10k and eventually a half marathon. This challenge is a first time for me and the ministry behind it all is inspiring. I give it all to God and would love to start a Run For God @ our church.

  226. Hadley B from Ohio. I like to run and I like to read the Bible so both will be fun for me!

  227. K.Farrell, Ran this morning before work, in beautiful Orrville Ohio. I’m looking forward to the accountability of this group and getting stronger.

  228. My name is Tanaya Martin. I am living in Ohio, and I am looking forward to running! I know that’s kinda basic, but I haven’t run much lately and I am excited to get back out there.

  229. Benji Mast from Ohio. I love the challenge of taking no days off of running for a month.

  230. HI! My name is Kristy Matheson from Germantown, OH.I’m looking forward to this challenge !

  231. Isaac Stoner, North Carolina.
    Hoping to increase my fitness level to where it has never been before. I like the challenge and am planing to enjoy some nice weather.

    • Whitney Stoltzfus
      Apple Creek Ohio
      Looking forward to getting back into running after having another baby!

  232. Eric Hearn, Destin Florida
    I love running and try to everyday. This challenge is the incentive i need to accomplish that.

  233. 1. Shyann Galvan 2. Wooster, Ohio 3. Looking forward to the accountability and just getting outside with my kids!

  234. My name is Erin, from Magnolia, Ohio. I’m doing this challenge with a group Of Friends and looking forward to getting off of the couch every day.

  235. Kendra Mast, from Ohio, I am looking forward to the challenge and pushing myself to do something I’ve never tried before!

  236. My name is Diana Good and I am from Wapakoneta, OH. I’m looking forward to the accountability of doing this along with a large group of people.

  237. 1. Carmen Galvan 2. Wooster, Ohio 3. The thing I look forward to most is being done each day. (my mom is making me do this haha)

  238. 1. Terry Biers
    2. Rapid City, SD
    3. Looking forward to the community, and I’ve never run/walked a 5 k a day for 30 days, so looking forward to this new milestone.

  239. 1. Jackson & Kendrick Mullet
    2. Berlin, OH
    3. Run streaks are always fun, looking forward to doing this together!

  240. 1. Denise Gingerich
    2. Winesburg, Ohio
    3. I’m looking forward to the accountability and doing something Iv never done before.

  241. Sandy Knauf
    Canton, OH
    Looking forward to setting and meeting some goals and being inspired by the process to commit to reading Bible chapters daily! Personal growth on many levels. Maybe I will even commit to the May 31 extravaganza!

  242. 1. Christie Jackson
    2. I live in Toledo, Ohio
    3. I am looking forward to pushing myself out of my comfort zone since I normally only run 4 days. And running daily will help me clear my head as I finish the school year teaching virtually (this transition has not been easy!)

  243. Ravonna Johanneck
    Durango, CO
    Accountability and vitamin d!!! It is something to look forward to every day.

  244. Oh my! 🤦 this run was not as good as I was expecting, but seeing that it’s the first day and its been a few months sense I ran last, I’ll give myself a break! 😅
    Anyway, I ran 3.576 miles, and am so glad its over till tomorrow morning! 😅🙈
    My name is Emily, I live in Ohio (sorry, I don’t like leaving the actual city! 🙈), and the thing I’m looking forward to the most is losing weight.. About ten pounds! 😅 and also trying to get a better time.
    I’m just super excited about the whole thing! This is something I looked forward to all year because last year I only did 15 days, and that was just depressing! 😭
    So I’m super excited for it to be May again and I’m ready to finish strong this year! 😁

  245. Hazel B., from Ohio. To get back to reading the Bible and because I like walking and running!

  246. 1.Jeremiah Schlabach
    3.That I get to push myself to keep going farther.
    got my first run done.😉😉

  247. 1. Adam
    2. Illinois
    3. I’m excited to tackle a daily 5k (starting out walking the. Building towards the run) as well as the podcast/reading encouragement.

  248. Josh Schlabach from Wilmington Ohio, looking forward to running and reading with my boys.

  249. My is Stalena and j i live in Ga I look forward to seeing if I can do a 5 k. a day

  250. 1) Ben Carpenter
    2) Parma, OH
    3) Pushing myself to not only complete the 5k every day, but to run a total of 100 miles in the month of May

  251. Dustin Guidry from Washington state. I am excited to me committed to running with others and growing closer to God through it. Got in 8 miles this afternoon to start the month. 30 more days to go.

  252. January Croke from South Carolina. I am looking forward to getting consistent exercise and fresh air.

  253. Paula from Barberton Ohio – checking in –
    I am looking forward to getting outside and getting some exercise and also to reading the scripture each day

  254. This is Missy Lemon checking in from O-H-I-O!! I am most looking forward to connecting!! (Socially- >600 signed up!?!?!😳, physically- a goal to work towards!!!🎯, and spiritually- more time in the word and new insight from Jeff!👍) Ready, set, GOOOO!!!🏃‍♀️

  255. Brittany Klugh
    Looking to push myself physically into a healthier me and getting in the word more.

  256. My name is Megan! I am from Ohio. I am most excited for how I will become more healthy and fit!

  257. Grace Lemon
    I am looking forward to hold myself accountable for running everyday.

  258. This is Patience checking in.
    Lives in Ohio.
    Completing a daily 5k and daily scripture readings.

  259. I’m Rachel Mathewson from Ohio. I’m looking forward to participating in this 5k challenge because I’m pretty much always up for a good challenge! I love the thought of everything this offers!

  260. Jim Sanderfer from Uniontown, Ohio. Looking forward to reading and getting back out for my health.

  261. 1. Sheldon Mullet
    2. Texas
    3. I think it will be good to have a daily constant in the midst of this storm and spending 30 minutes a day with my wife doing something neither of of necessarily enjoy a ton, but together it has been good for us over the past 3 years.

  262. 1. Patrick Williams
    2. Mansfield, Ohio
    3. I am looking forward to exercising self-discipline and mental toughness.

  263. Missy Mullet
    Richmond, TX
    I look forward to the peace that comes with each run I go on.

  264. Kyrstn Was checking in from #runAkron, #apsproud Ohio! I am finishing up running daily for the month of April (began on March 27 and will finish May 3)… I am looking to not run a 5K (I will run other distances), but walk a 5K daily with my dog Porter (he is not happy about this..).
    I am looking forward to structuring my day to HAVE IT ALL!

  265. Hi I’m Sarah. I live in Ohio. I’m looking forward doing this challenge with team members, and also working on my goal of getting 500 miles in this year. Here’s to great walks/runs!!

  266. Wow! So many check ins! This is Brian Polen from Wooster, OH and I’m more interested in helping motivate others than worrying about my own goals (I don’t really need an excuse to run).

  267. Melissa Shantz from Ontario. I’m looking forward to increased exercise every day.

  268. Ray Fryan from Jackson Township. Looking forward to seeing the challenge play out. Stay safe out there!

  269. Massillon…..sunny Ohio.
    Looking forward to the 5k a day. Kinda sounds like a vitamin 😀

  270. Hey there! I’m Sheila from Ohio…looking forward to commiting to and completing the challenge! Trying to come out of this quarantine better than ever!

  271. Katrina Wise from Atwater Ohio. I am looking for a way to stay accountable to keep moving! Thanks for the opportunity!

  272. Jacob Wakefield
    I am looking forward to getting better at running (and being faster than the other three Wakefields doing this!)

  273. Missy Rogers
    I’m excited about not only becoming physically fit but more so spiritually fit as well!

  274. Hi, I’m Jess Phillips from Ohio to check in. I’m looking forward to commiting to the challenge!

  275. Shannon Lehman. Pennsylvania is home. I need something to do since the Olympics were cancelled 🙂 Seriously though keeping streaks alive is always fun and motivating. I like this one because it’s gonna push me, but it has an end date too. Great idea and you’ve really inspired a lot of people.

  276. This is Beau Polen checking in! Wooster, OH! Looking forward to wearing out my dad! 😂

  277. Rob Ballou, Northern Ashland county Ohio in the town of Sullivan. Really looking forward to the community of like minded folks and the support that comes from that. The daily scriptures will hopefully be the start of a continued habbit.

  278. Barb Yoder
    I want to complete it this year
    Both 5k and Scriptures.
    Day one completed

  279. 1. Randal Ballew
    2. NLR/Sherwood AR
    3. Pushing myself to do something that I know I need but could never imagine I would accomplish.

  280. Janet Winslow – I live in Ohio and am looking forward to having an excuse to be outside in the nice weather. Coming back from some injuries so hoping I can make it through.

  281. Marlin Yoder
    Looking forward to keeping my 5k in the month of May streak complete and being able to listen to your podcast!

    Are we done yet?

  282. Lori Hershberger
    From Ohio 😊
    I’m looking forward to pushing myself in a challenge that looks impossible!

  283. Cara Will
    I’m looking forward to the accountability of getting up and getting moving every day.

  284. Brandon Doty and I live in Wooster, and looking forward to gaining fitness and getting stronger!

  285. This is Sandra Dravenstott checking in on day 1. I am from Ohio. Doing this for free tshirt and spending time with friends.

  286. Christy Morgan
    Looking forward to getting the exercise my body needs, being held accountable, and spending this time in the word!

  287. This is Tiffany Parsons checking in on day 1. I live in Ohio. Help me get fit on my journey to losing weight.

  288. Michelle Raber
    Having extra motivation for regular exercise and enjoying more fresh air outdoors!

  289. Chris Blough
    Ashland, Ohio

    Excited to share this experience with my family! This will be an awesome way to get moving as we prepare for an active summer of hiking and fun! Thank you for this program!

  290. Hi! My name is Jennifer Sliauter from GA. My best friend saw this on Facebook and we committed together to do the challenge! I’m proud of myself for pushing myself to do day 1 after a chaotic work day but determined to complete this!

  291. My name is Tina Downard…. I live in the great state of Ohio! I was so excited to come across this challenge! I’m committed to walking “at least” the 5K each day in May, and picking up a little spiritual guidance along the way….

  292. Hello! Taylor Troyer here from Tuscarawas County Ohio. Day 1, I’m feeling pretty optimistic. We’ll see how it goes! Looking forward to feeling fitter!

  293. My name is Monica Miller and I live in Ohio. I am most looking forward to doing this challenge on a daily basis and with family!

  294. Kelli Beckler
    This is my first time doing this challenge. I’m looking forward to logging the miles!

  295. 1. Michael Hostetler
    3. The physical challenge/the motivation to read my Bible everyday

  296. Charda Sanders
    New Mexico
    Looking forward to this daily exercise challenge – increasing from walking about four or five days a week to seven!

    We did what we call our “Riverside 5K” route today.

  297. Elle from Parma, Ohio
    Checking in for day 1✔️
    Looking forward to setting a goal and reaching it 🏃🏼‍♀️

  298. 2. Canton, OH
    3. I’m most looking forward to making time in my busy life to do something I absolutely love on a daily basis.

  299. Vickie
    From Indiana
    I am not sure I can do this but I’m looking forward to trying. Just finished Day 1 that’s a start.

  300. Checking in on Day 1. Hello my name is Angie Pritchett . I live in Georgia and I am looking forward to getting fit and growing closer to Christ. 🙂

  301. Rachel Yoder, Louisville OH- I’m looking forward challenging myself and making my friends proud. I’m not athletic so this will definitely be a change!

  302. 1. Remington
    2. Wisconsin
    3. I’m most looking forward to getting fit and spending time with my mom.

  303. Taylor, Abigail, and Elijah Polen from Ohio are excited to do this challenge as a family and to get in shape for soccer season.

  304. My name is Keishia, from good ol Georgia. What I want most from this is consistency in reading Gods word, and creating a healthy habit by walking.

  305. Brad Spaans
    South Dakota
    The accountability to complete what I know I am capable of and the personal growth that goes with that both physically and spiritually.

  306. 1. Tris
    2. Greenville, SC
    3. The accountability to get me up off of the couch and outside since all of my spring and summer races have been canceled. Also, reading through the Gospels again.

  307. My name is Ashley Rutlege, I live in Georgia. I’m looking forward to adding this Challenge in my daily exercise & getting closer to God with read is word on the daily.

  308. Shannon Lehman. Very northwest Pennsylvania. I need something to do since my Olympic event was cancelled 🙂 Love the challenge of maintaining streaks. Thanks for putting motivation and inspiration out there. It’s contagious

  309. Courtney Rhoades, Ohio. Looking forward to getting back in shape and reconnecting spiritually.

  310. Zach Yoder
    Great state of Ohio!
    I look forward to being done! But because of the commitment I made and finishing an awesome task! 😁👍🏻

  311. 1. Bradley Schlabach
    2. Ohio
    3. I’m most looking forward to not running anymore in June 😊.

  312. 1.Heather Lehman
    3. Getting back to running while doing it with friends and family

  313. 1. Jen Call
    2. Wooster, Ohio
    3. Aspect most looking for to – being active. Have been sedentary for far too long!

  314. Amanda Allen
    Smithville, Ohio
    Walking, especially outside, has always been a great stress reliever for me. I work long hours as an RN walking keeps me sane.

  315. Randy G. Ohio
    I am looking forward to running and exercising again. I also really enjoy 5K May challenge because it makes me feel good.

  316. Dillan
    I’m excited to get back in shape and get myself back to how I used to be!

  317. Hayley Unkefer, Ohio

    Getting my time back down to what my cross country times were. I’m also looking forward to dig back into God’s word for wisdom and strength during this stressful time.

  318. Linda from Tiffin, OH. I am looking forward to this challenge because I need a goal to work towards.

  319. Emily.
    I’m looking forward to the consistency of running everyday. Along with the 5k everyday, I am doing no sweets or desserts in May. I’m looking forward to starting some healthier habits!

  320. 1. Greg Dunn
    2. Pennsylvania
    3. With all the races being cancelled, I am looking forward to having a “finish line” to cross!

  321. Hi there. I am checking in. I’m Jenni from Ohio and I’m looking forward to this challenge because I know I’ll have to make the time to get out and enjoy a daily run.

  322. 1. Emily Robinson
    2. Ohio
    3. I’m most looking forward to just getting outside and getting back to the grind. Haven’t had a long distance run since a 5k in December, so it’s going to be hard getting back into the rhythm. But I’m going to love getting back in shape.

  323. My name is Jacqui Gurdish, I am from PA and I am doing this challenge with my family.

  324. Stephanie Bowman
    VA ( but my heart is still in WV)
    I am exacted about the challenge. I run about every other day so this is something different. I really want to take this time to pray and clear my head of all of the negativity. Things are crazy these days and running is my avenue to forget about everything that is going on and just go.

  325. Okay, I am checking in, so the party can now officially begin! Jody McCluggage. Ohio. Looking forward to the motivation to run every day.

  326. My name is Greg Gurdish and I am from PA. I am completing this challenge with my family.

  327. My name is Chad Gurdish and I am from PA. I am completing this challenge with my family.

  328. Rechecking in for my son, Greyson, and myself (Tanya) from Ohio!! Looking for to seeing my boys grow spiritually and physically through this challenge!

  329. Jolene
    I’m doing it for the challenge and proving to myself that I can do it.

  330. Joleen Detweiler from Ohio. Excited to get moving again! I’ll be walking probably due to pregnancy and not doing the mayhem challenge.

  331. Stephanie H from Ohio. I’m looking forward to this challenge for the motivation to log my miles every day and hoping to increase my 5k time by the end of the month.

  332. Megan from Ohio. I miss my gym and the monthly challenges they have there. Looking forward to challenging myself in a different way this month.

  333. I’m looking forward to gain more strength for both my body and my spiritual life. And knowing there are a bunch of other people taking on this challenge gives me strength of will already. Checking in from Polson, Montana. 🙂

  334. Carol Turner
    Phx Az
    Doing this so I can participate with family and friends across the miles. Also to grow and become stronger

  335. Lori from Ohio. Looking forward to the challenge of logging at least 3.1 miles every day.

  336. Hope Phelps
    Charlotte, NC
    Looking forward to running the 5k daily to improve my 5k time and to reading the scriptures daily. Thanks

  337. During these challenging times it’s important we challenge ourselves to stay healthy, positive and focused.

  338. Ohio

    I’m looking forward to running with friends and hope to make new friends this year like I did last year. The accountability is great with seeing others run. I’m looking forward to the Bible reading to see what God will be teaching me this year.

  339. Pam from Ohio. It sounded like a fun challenge, looking forward to “joining” some friends on this journey.

  340. My name is Joshua and I’m currently living in Ohio, I am mostly looking forward to be able to run a longer distance because I am a sprinter.

  341. Lena Soisson
    During these challenging times it’s important we challenge ourselves to stay healthy, positive and focused.

  342. Hello, Jennifer Lee here from the GREAT state of Louisiana ⚜️Currently working on getting back into shape physically & spiritually.

  343. North Carolina
    I’m looking forward to staying energized with this run in the midst of lots of work over the next month.

  344. Hello everyone, my name is Deanna Fohner and I’m from Massillon Ohio. The part of this challenge I am most looking forward to is a distraction from all the Covid19 worries in my head. I have been in a dark place and need some motivation .

  345. Heather Hickman
    Needed motivation to get moving, this is the perfect opportunity for challenge with accountability!
    Checking in for day 1-complete

  346. Tim Stoner
    Navajo Nation, Fort Defiance, Arizona
    More exercise, time with my wife, and prayer walking.

  347. 1. Brittany Stevens
    2. Ohio
    3. I am excited to get back into shape after having my little girl in January

  348. My name is Joy Stoner. I live in Fort Defiance, Arizona on the Navajo Nation. I am excited about 5K in May 2020, because I was having trouble keeping up with my walks toward the end of April. I want to stay active, and keep diabetes under control. I truly desire to be healthy in order to honor Jesus as well. I enjoyed going to the local wellness center until it closed temporarily due to COVID-19.

  349. Hello! I am Ashley Smith from OHIO. I am excited to use this as a jumpstart into summer running and hearing The Word.

  350. Hi this is Brian Borntreger. Living in glorious O-hi-O! Looking forward to getting back in running shape and growing spiritually.

  351. Brian Borntreger checking in from Kidron, Ohio. Looking forward to physical and spiritual growth.

  352. Crystalann Boyer from Lula, GA. Looking forward to the challenge and spending more quality time with my family getting healthier.

  353. Robbie Brock from Lula, GA. Looking forward to the challenge and spending time with my family and getting healthier.

  354. Duane Byler from Winesburg Ohio checking in. Looking forward to the challenge! Love the podcasts!

  355. Katie Schulman from Massillon, Ohio. Looking forward to spending time outside each day!

  356. Crissy, Ohio, looking forward to growing as a person through exercising my body, mind and soul spiritually

  357. Robbie Brock from Lula, GA. Looking forward to the challenge and spending quality time with the ones I love.

  358. Michael Seitz
    I’m looking forward to completing this challenge with my boys and drawing closer to God through the scripture readings.

  359. 1) Margot Steiner
    2) Ohio
    3) I’m challenging myself to walk, but I hope there will be a few times that I’ll get to experience a run!
    Tonight I took my daughter on a crisp walk chanting “grace, courage, and strength!” I can’t wait to experience the many benefits of this commitment.

  360. My name is Liz and I am from Ohio. I am
    Most looking forward to getting back into running regularly and encouraging my family to join me!

  361. Carolyn McMullen here from Ohio. I’m looking forward to being more mindful and in the moment each day and to shift my focus from the news and fear of the world right now to focus more on the God who holds me and all of us and gives us strength to preserve in any battle.

  362. 1.Becky
    2.Ohio looking forward to the challenge of doing a 5k every day an also reading the 3 chapters a day.

  363. Taylor Thompson
    Excited to walk with friends and get fit and read more of God’s word!

  364. This is Jonathan Brannan from Ocean Springs, MS. Really looking forward to eating a bunch after burning all these calories! 🤗. Also looking forward to diving into the word while running. This is a great idea!!

  365. Preslie Davis
    I am excited to do this with two of my sweetest friends!🤗 (not sure this worked the first time)

  366. Conrad Yoder from Ohio. Looking forward to being part of the 5KMay team, the challenge and improved fitness.
    12:09 A.M…. still count for May 1st?:)

    • Especially when I am traveling through time zones, sometimes I have to go by sleep time rather than “real time”. In other words, if I haven’t gone to sleep, yet, then it’s still today and not yet tomorrow…

  367. Tara Vigil, from New Mexico. Looking forward to the challenge and shedding a few pounds. 😊

  368. Mary Miller
    Holmes county OH
    I needed something to keep me accountable. We had a family night so hadn’t gotten around to commenting before 12

  369. Kristi Wilson
    Minerva, Ohio
    I miss running races and thought this would be fun to try!

  370. Amy Miller, Fredericksburg Ohio, Getting active

    I did my 5k yesterday but didnt realize I needed to check in, so I dont know if I’m too late or not 🙂

  371. Hi Jeff!
    I am kinda in the same boat with Amy. I did my run and a brisk walk with Libby for a total of about 6.5 miles. I didn’t look at the blog post that came via email last night. Just got to it this morning. I thought I was checking in yesterday morning on your website. Sorry. I will still continue to do my 5k everyday.

    • You are not too late. There is a lot of grace on the Check-In process. Part of the reason that we have these periodic check-ins is to make sure people understand how it works. I definitely want people to keep checking in throughout the month-especially on May 15 and May 30, but the one that REALLY matters is June 1. Keep going! You are going to rock this challenge!

  372. Zach Miller checking in from Plain City, OH. Trying to adjust to working at home, and need some added structure in activity in my life. Not a runner, but excited for this👍

  373. Rachael
    Looking forward to doing something that before I could “never” have done. ☺️ I missed check in yesterday because this page wouldn’t load on my phone…

  374. I signed up yesterday but didn’t check my email!
    I’m Elizabeth from Avon Lake, Ohio, and we are participating as a family. Nice to have something positive to focus on!

  375. Signed up yesterday did not see this in my email until just now. I’m Scott Bourget from Saco, ME and I participating to better myself positively. Definitely excited to push myself further!

  376. Didn’t see that I need to post here, but checking in from day 1. Looking forward to getting back in the groove of running regularly. Sugarcreek, Oh.

  377. Kimberly from Indiana checking in. I’m excited to have a goal when everything else seems in flux. It’s a great way to include my kids in a challenge!

  378. Josh Boggs – Wadsworth Ohio – Looking forward to increasing the amount of miles I run each week.

    • No worries. You are checked in now. Be sure to check in again on May 15, May 30, and June 1.

  379. I checked in the first day under the other post with the podcast 😬 I’m from Ohio and have been enjoying doing a 5k a day, the Bible reading challenge, and sometimes including my kids in both of these things!

  380. Yay!!! I can’t believe we’re already half done!!!!
    My name is Emily and I live in OHIO!!! 😁
    I really don’t have one specific thing about the 5KMay but I’ll pick one!
    It’s the discipline I’ve learned through this challenge! It’s awesome but crazy at the same time to run a 5K everyday! But I’ve learned so much discipline through this challenge!!

    • Was getting concerned that I wasn’t going ro get my 1st day in!! But…a 5k walk for me! 1st 2 miles with my husband and daughter. Last mile on my own!

  381. Jill Brice
    New South Wales, Australia
    This is my first year and heard about it through Corey Yoder – she mentioned it in a quilting blog 🙂
    Signed up for Scripture challenge

  382. Hey there!!! I’m jen webster from West Virginia! This is my first time doing this. My husband has done it last year and has been encouraging me to join in! I’m kinda an indoor girl so this is out of my comfort zone but I’m excited and looking forward to it! We also have a big group of friends participating and encouraging each other. I’m looking forward to seeing growth in my physical and spiritual growth!💗

  383. My name is Hayley I’m from WV and I am hoping to get back into running regularly with this May challenge!

  384. Darius – Maryland. My co-worker and friend invited me. Good opportunity to fellowship and jump start a fitness routine. Amen.

  385. This is Lorelei from Bay Village Ohio. I’m late to check in, but I got 4.17 miles in today. I’m planning on participating in all the extras. Why do I do this?? Because I love it. Need there be more reason?

  386. Howdy, this is Diane from Nebraska! I need to get in shape and be healthier. My son is getting married in 4 months, so I want to lose weight and feel better about myself as “mother of the groom”. I am planning to participate in all the extras! I was introduced to this through a friend at church, what a fantastic idea!!

  387. Wendy Breneman
    Checking in – looking forward to the challenge of running and scripture reading each day!

  388. Hey! I’m Cody from Beaver Falls PA. This is my first time. I’m participating in all the extras. I’m also hoping to get back to having running as a part of my life.

  389. Julie Grossniklaus
    I want to do the challenge to feel better and something to do!
    Wooster, Ohio

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