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#5kMay2019 CHECK IN – May 30

For our third #5kMay2019 CHECK IN, please leave a comment answering the following questions:

  1. NAME (first & last)



153 thoughts on “#5kMay2019 CHECK IN – May 30 Leave a comment

  1. 1. Melissa Shanks 2. Yes. If I missed a day, I’ve made it up the next. Mostly walking. 3. Yes, but with more movement among them rather than a stream in bulk like I did last year. 4. I’ve learned it’s easy to get filled with stuff to do and put it off. I have to be intentional about it. 5. I’ve learned the importance of forgiveness – of all sins – and that He forgives much easier than I do of me and others. And, others need compassion and forgiveness more than I’m capable of without Him.

  2. Allison Dougherty
    I have ran a 5k almost everyday, but walked the 5k the days I missed. So yes I have intentionally ran or walked 3.1 miles everyday.
    I have not read the three chapters a day. Most days I just listened to scripture as I ran.
    I have learned that my running experiences can be applied to running the Christian life and that with Christ I can do more than I thought I could.
    I have been reading the blog. And probably one thing that stood out to me was who Jesus is. I’m always amazed at the different characteristics that he possesses!
    And as a side note thank you so much for this challenge! I posted on my Facebook page everyday what God taught me concerning the resemblance between running physically and running the Christian life and it has really touched some people’s lives!

  3. Mark Rowe.

    I ran most of the miles and had a few walking miles in there too.

    I fell off the reading and did not finish it.

    How much of my mind affects my running.

  4. Corey Yoder
    I have not.
    I get more done in the day with some exercise in the morning than if I wait until later in the day.

  5. Ryan Yoder
    Yes, I managed at least a 5k every day.
    Yes, I got my 3 chapters by listening to the podcast every day.
    I learned that once I start something I tend to see it through to the end especially if there is a challenge involved.
    The reading has reminded me of Jesus’ love that he came to take our sins upon himself so that we can eternally be with him.

  6. Sarah Hostetler
    Yes I have done intentional 3.1 walking/running every day. There were a few days that I came in a bit short but made it up other ways. You have to be creative with kids around!
    I have not been following the reading because I’m in the middle of a different study
    I have learned I can run further then I thought. Walking was taking up too much of my day so I just ran!

  7. 1. Heidi Hartzler
    2. YES I have walked a 5k or more everyday!
    3, No, I have not read the scripture, but. I have listened to scripture every day on your podcast!
    4. One thing I have learned about myself is that I am very committed to meeting this goal!! No matter how busy or how tired I am, I got the miles in! It makes you tough mentally!
    5. One thing I have learned through the podcast is a reminder of who Jesus is and why we need to always have him in our lives!! Also to be an example to others by living the life God has intended us to live!

  8. Lori Butler
    2. Yes 5K every day
    3. Started out with the reading, but didn’t complete 3 chapters every day
    4. About myself…I learned I am more goal oriented than I originally believed myself to be.
    5. About Jesus…his faith and belief in all of us

  9. Cassie Chance
    I have intentionally walked or run at least a 5k Every Day in the month of May!
    I have skipped two days of bible reading and caught up the next day.
    I learned I am up for a challenge and committed but have still had shortfalls with the Bible reading and I need to look closely at my priorities!
    I learned that self confidence is not a quality Jesus cherished and I know that makes sense but as a mother and a teacher I have emphasized self confidence and now I need to reconsider nurturing!

  10. Corey Yoder
    I get more done during the day if I do my 5K in the morning rather than evening. It gets my day off to a good start.

  11. Matt Yoder
    1) Yes
    2) No, I dropped off in Luke.
    3) I’ve got what what it takes to finish. But it takes an intentional effort on my part [see 1 & 2].
    4) in reading the Gospels, I’m always awed by the compassion of Jesus, and how a simple word or touch from Him affected one person or the entire crowds.

  12. NAME Gail Bleibrtrey
    HAVE YOU READ AT LEAST 3 CHAPTERS OF SCRIPTURE EACH DAY IN MAY 2019? Sadly, I have missed a few days.
    I have read some of the blog, what I have learned about Jesus through this is that Jesus really wants me to love the difficult people in my life and that I too am a difficult person to him sometimes. It seemed that most of the reading I did centered around this theme.

  13. 1. Keith Byler
    2. Yes sir
    3. I love reading scripture, but I haven’t read 3 chapters every day
    4. Losing weight is a lot harder than I thought it would be
    5. Some of them. Jesus is amazing!

  14. Doug Patton
    At least a 5k everyday – check.
    I’ve listened to your podcast everyday – 3 chapters – check
    I definitely enjoyed the podcast with the interpretation – gave me some different perspective.
    My legs need to take a break every once in a while (old age) – check
    Learned about Jesus – while it seems simple, he was complicated at the same time – check

  15. Doug Patton
    Check – Ran at least a 5k everyday in the month of May
    Check – Listened to the podcast everyday – 3 chapters
    I enjoyed the podcast to get different perspectives on the readings
    Check – My legs need a break occasionally (old age)
    Check – While the story of Jesus seems simple, it is also complicaed.

  16. 1. Brittany Grimshaw
    2. Yes, I have completed an intentional 5K everyday.
    3. No, I have not kept up with the scripture.
    4. I have learned that I am much more likely to follow through if there is a challenge or a group to keep me accountable. I also know that I will make time if I need to, even if it means running at 9:00 at night- something I never would have done before!

  17. 1. Tamra Harrison and Levi Harrison
    2. Yes, we have been very intentional to get our 5K in each day. Mostly walking, but a wee bit of running too.
    3. I (Tamra), have been reading in other places each day, but I plan to save the gospels for this challenge next year if you have it again. I really missed reading them this year, but had just finished them. Levi did not do any reading.
    4. I learned that I need to die to self more… and be joyful about it rather than resentful or impatient. I tried to ask Levi what he learned about himself but he did not get the question. I would say that I have noticed that he is really hard to motivate. He is pretty set in his ways and resistant to change.
    5. We have not been listening to the podcast or reading the blog.

  18. Joe Heatwole
    Yes, every single day…
    Sorta. I’m way behind but I did read a couple chapters here and there.
    I thought it would be easier than last year and it was not. I’ve been struggling with staying disciplined and running every day has kept me disciplined in other areas of life as well.
    I read the blog. One thing that amazes me about Jesus is how he lived his life with purpose.

  19. Justin holt
    Yes I have run or walked a 5k everyday so far, only one left. I have not been able to keep up with the reading. I have learned that my mind is much strong than my body. I also think the days are shorter in May. Sometimes it is so hard to find time to get a 5k in.

  20. David Miller
    I have run at least a 5k everyday.
    I have not kept up with with the 3 chapters a day.
    I already knew this, but it really showed this month that my wife and family are very supportive of my goals.

  21. Stephanie Baker. Most of my 5Ks were from walking. I did run/walk a few. I read my devotionals daily (not 3 chapters). I’ve learned that I need to continue to trust the Lord, no matter the circumstance. Again, He is for me & I have no need to worry, especially during this process of home-buying (I’m currently looking for a new home during this challenge).

  22. 1. Jeremy Yoder
    2. Every day!
    3. No
    4. I do so much better with goals and accountability. This isn’t really news to me… just a good reminder.

    • Shyann Galvan

      1. Yes!!! I did it!! I overcame challenges and there were days that I probably should not have done it (just one example…I had my wisdom teeth pulled and was told to rest with no exercise, I did not listen 😬) but I was tired of feeling like a failure so I kept going.

      2. I missed 2-3 days of the scripture reading 😔

      3. So if you know me at all you know that I’m in a very tough season with too much on my plate… but yet I was able to set aside time for this 5k everyday… it taught me that i will find time to do what is most important to me… if it’s a priority then somehow it will get done.

      • Great job! Don’t forget to check in one last time tomorrow, June 1, to claim your prize!

  23. Kelly Kuzma
    Yes… walked most of it but jogged some
    I listened to podcast some and enjoyed the scripture reading but did not read 3 chapters everyday
    I learned that I need to prioritize the running/ walking and it is MUCH better to Tobit 1st thing in the morning rather than wait.

    Jesus taught by example and has good intentions… all the teaching he did he was never malicious or mean spirited.

  24. Denver Yoder, yes, I have done the running/walking every day. I did not participate in the reading or blog. It’s good to be disciplined in whatever you do.

  25. Yes I have done a 5k every day. I did not do the reading plan. I learned it’s good to be motivated for a season.

  26. 1. Ronda shultzman
    2. I have ran at least a 5k everyday
    3. I have not kept up with reading
    4. I have learned that the human body is remarkable and can achieve things that I never thought I could. I have also learned it takes a village. My brother and sister in law also participated in the challenge, during which all of us were/are training for a half marathon. We have frequently taken turns “child swapping” so all of us could run.

  27. Reuben Miller
    I ran/walked 3.1 everyday
    I listened to the podcast while running till I got my Garmin. Then I didn’t have a way to listen to it as the reason for the Garmin was to not have to carry my phone along. Hence, then I’d forget to read/listen everyday. So I didn’t miss out on that part.

  28. Rick Coblentz
    Yes I’m putting the miles in.
    No I didn’t keep up with the reading.
    If you put your mind on something you can accomplish it.

  29. Connie hall I walked every day and I truly enjoyed my walks I give thanks to Hedi Hartzler for getting up at 5:30 in the morning to walk with ! I would listen to you message on the front porch if my swing and enjoyed the music and the message! I know that God has always been there through the good the bad and I know to let go of what I can’t control and leave it with him!!

  30. Doug Patton
    Yes – At least a 5k everyday in the month of May
    Yes – Listened to the podcast everyday – 3 Chapters/day
    I enjoyed the podcast and commentary – new perspectives
    Yes – My old legs need a break every so often
    Yes – The story of Jesus seems simple, but it is also very complicated

  31. Doug Patton
    Yes – At least a 5k everyday in the month of May
    Yes – Listened to the podcast everyday – 3 Chapters/day
    Yes – My old legs need a break every once in a while
    Yes – The story of Jesus is simple and it is complicated

  32. 1. Marion Troyer
    2. Yes
    3. Yes!!! I’ve read most of the chapters, listened too the podcast every day, it’s what kept me going!!! Thanks
    4. I was amazed at what I can’t tell my body too do😯. I’ve never run a 5k before this challenge. Thanks so much!!
    5. How much LOVE He has for a sinner like me! ❤️!!

    Thanks again for the challenge Jeff, it’s been life changing!!!

  33. I have been running/jogging a 5k each day….2 more to go! Been reading Scripture too…not listening to the podcast or following the blog much. I have been amazed to see how my endurance and speed for completing a 5k has changed over the past few weeks.

  34. 1. Dave Fletcher
    2. Yep I’ve ran at least a 5K every day of this challenge. This evening I’ll be running with the group at Wooster Memorial Park and tomorrow morning running a speed work out with Jeff Roche to complete the challenge!
    3. Nope I didn’t read 3 chapters every day. We went on a camping trip and I forgot my Bible. Other than that I’ve read 3 each day. But because of this challenge last year I went on to read the whole new testament, then took on the old. I finished reading the complete Bible one week before this year’s challenge started.
    4. I learned with God’s help I can do more than I ever dreamed possible.
    5. No I didn’t listen to the podcasts or read the blog because I was running all the time! 🙂

  35. My name is Connie Dixon – I have hit the 5k every day this month, mainly because of this group. Some days have been walking, but it was done. My reading has been all over instead of staying in one place. Proverbs, Ephesians, Matthew. Just wherever I got into it. I have learned that when faced with a challenge, I can and will overcome. It may not always be fun or easy to do, but it can be done. I have made time (even into the late hours of the night) regardless of what my day has been like. Thank you for this! Looking forward to next year!!

  36. I am still on task completing a 5K each day. The scripture and Blog are awesome. I would love it for 365 Days‼️

  37. Ron Detweiler
    1. No i have not been logging the miles as i should have been I missed 1 day then I kind of fell off the map knowing that I had missed the challenge.
    2. I have read the 3 chapters a day I love the Gospels and look forward to reading them this time of year
    3. I have learned that if I dont set goals for myself to run then I won’t, and the one morning I missed i was up at 6 AM for something else and so I couldnt get it in early as I had liked then it bit me later as i never did get it in that day with all the happenings of the day. The other things this has taught me is that I can do it if i set my mind to it. I am working on building it into my routine maybe 2 or 3 days a week.
    4. I loved the podcasts I heard 90% of them and I thought it was a great twist to this years running.

  38. 1. Ryan Grimshaw
    2 I have logged at least 3.1 miles everyday.
    3. I have not read but listened to he podcast every day.
    4. I have learned I enjoy listening to podcast.
    5. I do not have a great knowledge of religion. I have learned something everyday listening to the podcast.

    • Also I really took to heart that in the end my good deeds will not out weigh my sins. I heard that numerous times throughout the month and every time I felt like it was being said to me.

      • Great job! Don’t forget to check in one last time tomorrow, June 1, to claim your prize!

  39. Stephanie Baker; mainly walked the 5Ks, but ran/walked some of them. I read my devotionals & I learned that I must continue to keep my trust in God no matter the circumstance. During this challenge, I’ve been also looking for a new home & it could get a little frustrating. But, I’m continuing to keep my head up and focus on His will.

  40. 1. Amy Geiser
    2. I have intentionally ran or walked a 5k every day in May. Only one more left!!
    3. I have missed a couple days of Scripture reading or listening. I always get caught up, but I have not done it 100% daily. Sometimes the Scripture that I would read daily was from my own chronological Bible reading I’m doing and then I would play catch up with the Gospels. But it’s has not been 100%.
    4. I love a challenge and once I know I can do something, it’s hard to not make it happen even when it is tough to fit in sometimes.
    5. I’ve learned (and forgotten) and learned again how important it is to spend time listening to Him. He is joy, peace, truth.

  41. 1. Nicole Geiser
    2. Yes.
    3. Not every day.
    4. I have more confidence in being able to do hard things.
    5. I sometimes listen to the podcast with my mom. I’ve learned that He doesn’t give up on us.

  42. 1. Crystal Shantz
    2. Every single day
    3. No I did not follow the reading plan
    4. I discovered I kind of love audio books

  43. 1. Nixson
    2. Yes, I intentionally ran every day.
    3. Yes
    4. I learned the value of perseverance, and that through perseverance we will see results. As James 1:12 says, those whose persevere under trial will receive the crown of life.

  44. 1. Susanna Yoder
    2. Every day
    3. No
    4. I can get done whatever it is that I make priority… kind of obvious, but it became very evident this month with making the 5k priority every day.

  45. Sheldon Mullet


    No, I had been reading through the epistles prior to beginning the challenge, so I continued with that.

    I have learned that I often feel like I do not have time for certain things, but when something is a priority, it is nearly always possible to make it happen.

  46. 1. David Sears
    2. 5K or more run or walk each day
    3. 3 chapters or more each day
    4. Learned: Time management makes it possible, plus being retired helps.
    5. Jesus was always teaching. Jesus often told his disciples his story/parable and then had to
    Explain to them what it meant. This shows extreme patience with those who do not understand something the first time.
    6. This program has been beneficial to physically and spiritually. I enjoy reading the chapters in sequence and all within a compressed time. The physical aspects have helped me complete the Medina Half-Marathon and two days later the Grace Church 5K at Copley High School. PS: I plan on running the Akron Children’s 5K on Saturday June 1. Then time to bring on the Akron Marathon Series.

  47. This is my May 30 check-in. This time I’m not a day late! It’s been a good month altogether, though there were a few days I barely squeaked by.

  48. Freeman Mullet

    I missed a few days but made up the miles the next day, so I have walked 3.1 miles, just not every day.

    I did not read 3 chapters every day.

    What I have learned is that it takes discipline and I feel I accomplished something.

    I have not listened to the pod cast or read the blog.

  49. 1. Melissa Mullet
    3. I have been reading in Psalms, but there were a couple days that I missed.
    4. I have learned that it doesn’t always have to be a running 5k. I have really enjoyed the days where we have walk our 5k and just enjoyed our time outside together.

  50. 1. Brenda Mullet
    2. Yes, every day
    3. No
    4. That I am very goal oriented and accountability is good for me

  51. Esther Mullet

    I intentionally walked every day for 3.1 miles with the exception of 1 day, when I biked 10 miles instead of walking.

    I read or listened to the pod cast except for two days.

    I have learned that with discipline and determination you can do it!!

    With the pod cast, which I listened to most days when I was walking, I felt like I was walking with Jesus and His disciples.

  52. Cindy Fox
    Yes, I have intentionally walked or ran the 5k each day
    Didn’t get the reading done everyday, but most days got it done
    I work well with goals and accountability.
    Did not listen to the podcasts

  53. Piper Polen – I have walked or run at least 3.1 miles everyday in May and have read the chapters each day. I have learned that if I put my mind to it, I can do it and that with God all things are possible.

  54. Cassie Chance
    I have run or walked at least a 5k Every Day in the month of May
    I have failed on the optional bible reading. I have listened to every podcast but twice I missed and listened the next day.
    I learned that I can make myself focus and listen to the podcast with very few rewindings but I’m much more focused if I follow along in my own bible.i also learned I have many people who will support me and help me get these 5ks in every day!?
    I learned self confidence is not a character trait Jesus promoted but one I have often promoted as a mother and teacher! 😑
    Thank you for this!

  55. 1. Shawn Mullet
    2. Yes, 3.1 every day
    3. Yes, read or listened to the podcast every day
    4. Its easier to stay motivated when I have a goal
    5. Just reminded how incredible some of His miracles were

  56. Joe Troyer
    Yes I have ran a 5k everyday
    I started off reading everyday but have missed some days lately
    Having a challenge and a goal to strive for I was a able to do more even when I didn’t feel like it
    I love reading about Jesus

  57. 1. Justin Yoder
    2. Yes I have!
    3. I did not.
    4. I sweat A LOT in the Florida humidity. Which is great for shedding weight… Being disciplined physically also trickles down into other areas of my life.

  58. 1. Karen Connow
    2. Yes or I’ve made it up
    3. Yes I’ve listened to the podcast and loved it!
    4. I’ve learned that I overcommit. And if I don’t take care of myself first I have a hard time taking care of others
    5. Jesus’ forgiveness is powerful!

  59. 1. Benji Mast
    2. Yes I have!
    3. No I have not
    4. I have discovered I do better with commitment when accountable.

  60. 1. Randy Geiser
    2. Yes, I have ran or walked at least 3.1 miles every day.
    3. Sorry, I had missed just a few days.
    4. I’ve learned that running and exercising along with Bible reading can improve my mood and help me with my walk in life.
    5. Staying faithful and following Jesus is what we are supposed to do, but even more importantly we are to become disciples of Jesus no matter the cost.

  61. Derrick Miller
    Running after my bedtime at night because I have to is tougher on me than running at 3am because I want to.
    I love that Jesus made the Holy Spirit sound so great that they literally held still and prayed with such great expectation and anticipation. They seemed to be expecting something or Someone super awesome and powerful and that’s what they received.

  62. Jodi Polen – I have walked or ran 3.1 miles everyday this month, and I’ve read the chapters too (although I read yesterday’s chapters today, so I guess I’m disqualified for that portion of the challenge.) This challenge has been so helpful for me physically, mentally, and spiritually. The past few months I have been struggling with several things and getting outside to get some exercise has been great for me. The podcasts have been extremely helpful for me too. I ran my longest run of the month today, and it was actually my favorite one so far because I could really feel God’s presence with me while I was out there and He was helping me do the work. I’ve done most of my other 5k’s with my 3 daughters, so it has been fun to see them reach their goals as well.

  63. Taylor Polen
    I’ve learned that I should do some running before 5k May so I’m better prepared for it.
    I’ve learned more about the meaning of the Parables.

  64. Abigail Polen
    I’ve learned that I should prepare better before May so it’s not so difficult.
    I’ve learned more about Jesus’ life.

  65. 1. Sandra Dravenstott 2. I run and walk it really depends on the type of day I’m having 😜 3. No I have not read any of the verses 4. Doing the 5k in May has taught me discipline and consistency . It has changed me not only physically but also emotionally . I find myself more energetic and willing to try new things . Its been a wonderful experience and a blessing to enjoy seeing Gods beautiful creation daily 5. No I don’t listen to the pod cast either my bad 🤗

  66. Marlin Yoder
    No, but listened to all of them, but not always on correct day.
    Can always do it if you commit and have the desire. Hard to find the time though some days
    What a great teacher he really was

  67. Heather Heatwole

    Yes, running every day.

    I’ve been studying and teaching a class on other specific Scriptures so haven’t followed the reading plan each day. Have loved the podcast on the dates I’ve been able to listen. Thanks for doing those!

    This challenge has been stretching for me and it’s been hard to fit it in each and every day. The discipline of it has been great and reaches other areas of my life too.

  68. Kayla Farrell. I have intentionally walked or run 3.1 miles every day in May. I have learned that I can push through the pain to reach my goals. It’s easy to be distracted from the goal, but if you intentionally focus you can eventually reach the goal. This has been a great challenge!

  69. Allene Gentry
    I missed a few days due to schedule then missed 5 days due to illness. I was unable to complete 3 chapters a day but did listen to several of the podcasts (great way to spend time on the treadmill!!!!) I learned that finding and making time to run every day is HARD but I always felt so much better when I was done. Thank you for creating this challenge!!! Looking forward to next year.

  70. Jason Miller
    That when you commit to something it may not always be pleasant during the process. But the reward of the journey and feeling of accomplishment in the end makes it all worth while.

  71. Mike Makselan
    I learned that if I dedicate myself to it I can achieve it. Even on the days I really don’t want to do it.

  72. Karen Alexander. Yes, I ran or walked at least a 5K Intentionally outside or on my treadmill everyday this month. I did not read/ listen to my 4 chapters of the Bible every day, but I made a good effort and hit most days. I can achieve goals if I set my mind to it, even if I don’t want to or I don’t think I have time. I apologize for not listening to the podcast. Maybe I’ll do better next. Year.

  73. Trisha Maibach
    Yes, I have walked or ran at least 5k everyday in May. I even had friends join on some.
    No I have Not read 3 chapters a day. I listen to some podcasts on some days and other days it’s pretty soothing walking in silence.
    I’m determined and disciplined when something is important to me. I had a lot of self discovery, that I don’t care to share per say but some things were very eye opening for me.

  74. Kevin Nisly
    Yes, 5k every single day!
    No, I didn’t.
    I learned that once in the habit, running 5k every day isn’t that hard, and that I actually enjoy running for the most part.

  75. Leah Bechtol. Yes, I’ve put the miles in every day, and I’m so excited about that! I started with the Bible reading but have not kept up with it. One thing I’ve learned about myself is I’m more determined to complete this than I had thought. Thank you for putting this together, I am already planning to do it again next year! 😊

  76. Day 15 🙂 1/2 way there and so far I’ve been blessed to be able to run my 3.1 daily and read my chapters daily which is a blessing. Haven’t logged onto the blogs yet though. Hope everyone has a great rest of the month!

  77. I stopped the 5k a day due to surgery recovery complications. I am still walking, just not everyday.

    • Understandable. Sorry to hear about the complications, but way to keep going as strong as you are able!

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