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Favorite Photos of 2022

In a previous post I wrote about developing a monthly routine of having a “Daddy / Daughter Date” with each daughter and a “Father / Son Time” with my son on their special day of each month. Someone reading this may have wondered, what about your amazing wife?!

Great question.

You will be happy to know that she gets her own day, as well. Her special day is the tenth of each month. Why? Because we were married on the tenth of the month. May 10, 2003.

And someone may also be thinking to themselves, you mean to tell me that your wife only gets ONE special day each month?!

Well… yes. And, no.

It is my desire and intent to give her at least one day each month where I look for a way to show her how special she is to me. There is nothing keeping me from doing that more than once a month, but I am determined to do it at least once a month.

Today’s favorite photo of 2022 is a photo that I snapped of my bride on my iPhone while we were out on a run in Pigeon Forge, TN. We saw an amazing mural of a butterfly and I coaxed her to pose in front of it.

Jodi is the most amazing human I have ever met. I am still amazed that she agreed to marry me, but thankfully I was able to seal the deal and get her to the altar before she came to her senses and changed her mind!

She is an incredible woman, a loving wife, a devoted mother, an extraordinary cook, a faithful friend, and so much more… I could go on and on describing how wonderful she is.

Among her many gifts, she is also a great runner. I am so proud of her for how she has faithfully plugged away at running and/or walking at least 3.1 miles every single day for the past 1,350 days. When I am home, or when she is traveling with me, we get to run many, many miles together.

I treasure that time together.

I love hearing what is on her mind. I love getting a chance to just be with her… to be in her presence. Of course, she would say that I do most of the talking, but she is also a really great listener.

3 thoughts on “Favorite Photos of 2022 Leave a comment

  1. Jodi is an amazing person and a wonderful friend! I’m so glad, too, that you got her to the altar before she came to her senses, but somehow I think she had already come to her senses and she’d do it all over again. You two are a great team!

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