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#5kMay2021 CHECK-IN #2

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who has made it this far in the “5k Every Day in the Month of May 2021” challenge!! We trust that it has been an awesome journey thus far.

Please check in by leaving a comment answering the following questions:

  1. What is your name?
  2. Have you kept yourself in the challenge by walking and / or running at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2021? If so, how are you feeling by now?
  3. Are you doing the optional challenge of reading 3 chapters of scripture per day? If so, are you doing it on your own or through the #JPM5kMay podcast?
  4. Are you planning to attempt the optional #5kMayhem challenge?
  5. What is one thing that you have been learning about yourself, about Jesus, or about life during this challenge?

(If this is your first time commenting on my blog, your comment will have to be “approved” before it shows up. No worries. Just go ahead and leave your comment and it will show up on the page after it is approved at some point throughout the day.)



436 thoughts on “#5kMay2021 CHECK-IN #2 Leave a comment

  1. 1. Carmen Schrock
    2. YES! I have been able to get my 3.1 miles in every day so far. I have taken it easy some, pushed myself some and have really enjoyed it.
    3. I am not doing the Scripture challenge but am doing a different reading plan every day.
    4. I will not be doing the the mayhem day. Maybe next year!
    5. I have learned than I enjoy bringing my 3 kids (age 9,8 & 5) along with me on walk/runs. We have a really fun time together!

    • Shawn Adams
      Yes, feeling good so far
      I have not kept up with the scripture challenge
      I might try some of the mayhem
      I have learned that I can’t run hard every day. Have to take it easy every now and then.

      • 1. Michelle Knox
        2.yes, taking it easy this year and walking mostly. Not running as much so far.
        3.I read everyday but have been consistent with the scriptures
        4.I will not be doing the mayhem day.
        5. I’ve learned how important it is to take time out each day for myself.

    • My name is Amy Mast, I have walked and/or ran a 5K every day this month so far, I’m a little sore but loving the challenge. I signed up for both optional challenges trying to get a game plan together for Mayhem! LOL I have learned it I really need accountability of a group like this to push through and dedicate myself to doing it every single day. I wouldn’t of made it through the first week if not for this challenge

      • Keep rockin and rollin you’re doing great. Thanks for getting me into the challenge. It’s been therapeutic!

    • My name is Katie Dunlap
      Yes! I have been intentional about the 5k in may every day. Some days have been tougher than others but I am feeling super proud I’ve kept going.
      I was originally listening to the podcast while walking but felt myself zoning out and not being fully able to listen so I’m a bit behind on the scripture portion of the challenge.
      I will not be doing the mayhem even if there’s ice cream
      I have learned that good shoes matter, foam rollers are my new best friend, I can carve out intentional time for something if I try hard enough, and ice cream makes me walk farther than 5k ☺️

    • Mark Kaiser
      Yes, and I feel good.
      i have learned that i was not it as good of shape as i thought

  2. 1. Justin Sheagley
    2. I have got my 5k in each day. I am feeling great.
    3. I am keeping up with scripture.
    4. I do not think I will be doing mayhem.
    5. During my 5ks I can connect with the Lord and focus on the finish. This is my second challenge and I am enjoying it.

  3. 1. Bill Miller
    2. Yes! I feel great. Lotsa trail running has brought my road times down considerably, too.
    3. No
    4. Most likely not
    5. Prioritize time each day to take care of your health, because nobody else can do it for you!

    • 1 Michael Hostetler
      2 yes been running at least a 5k every Day
      3 I’ve been listening to the podcast although I admit I have missed a day or two that I had to make up for.
      4 yes looking forward to it
      5 I enjoyed listening to Jeff read through the scriptures and pointing things out that I haven’t noticed before.

  4. Cole Kuzma
    I have kept up on the 5k a day
    I’m up on the scripture
    I will not be doing the mayhem
    I like to do the 5ks because I get to connect with god and get exercise

    • Melissa Gallion
      Yes- no-no- when in doubt leave it to him-
      Zeke Galbraith yes (setting high school records) no-maybe – trust the body God gave me
      Sorry this is late I couldn’t figure out how to do it… what to click into. ☹️

  5. 1. Mike Schlabach
    2. Yes! Been having a great time running every day!
    3. Yes, mainly through the podcast either as I run or as I drive too and from work.
    4. Yes! My own version, I am shooting for 50 miles over 12 hours instead of the 12 5ks. So I’ll be doing 4.17 every hour.
    5. I’ve loved the podcasts and the deeper dives into the meanings behind some of the statements and verses in scripture. Thanks for doing this!

    • 1. Karl Swartzentruber
      2. I’ve walked or run 5k every day so far. I feel pretty good, a little tired and sore but good.
      3. No
      4. No
      5. Learned I can actually do it! It seemed really daunting to me at first.

  6. Cassie Chance
    Yes to at least a 5K every day in May so far
    No to 3 chapters a day
    Still trying to figure if Mayhem is possible with Medina half
    Learning that I can make time for exercise when presented as a challenge!

    • 1. Miriam Troyer
      2. Yes
      3. Yes
      4. No
      5. Always makes me feel better mentally and physically.

  7. 1- Reuben Miller
    2- Yes!
    3- yes, listen to podcast every day and love it
    4—-nope nope nope
    5- I love being challenged by guest speakers and the Bible reading with commentary along with it. Also prioritizing time to just be outdoors has been awesome. Hard, but good.

  8. Joan Mathews
    Yes to doing a 5k every day
    Some podcasts
    No for the challenge

  9. 1. Marian Cozmiuc
    2. Yes, at least a 5K run every day.
    3. Yes, I do a mixture, I lsten to the podcast every day. Really good encouragements for the runners. Thanks for doing this. On weekends I tend to read the scriptures as well
    4. Nope, it will not work for me. I’d love to, though
    5. I love going and prioritizes at least 1 hour a day to connect with the outdoor, and connect with God. Also running is healthy. Also the podcasts are full of encouragements. Yay to everyone out there who is on this journey.

  10. Joan Mathews
    Yes to doing a 5k every day
    Some podcasts
    No to challenge

  11. 1. Eric Stewart
    2. Yes and feeling great
    3. Yes listen to the podcast during the 5k
    4. No
    5. There is enough time in each day to accomplish everything that God wants us to do.

  12. Jessica Kiner
    Yes most days running some days walking
    Yes I listen to the podcast every morning before work
    Not going to make the challenge
    God is always with us even in something as simple as a 5k challenge we just have to seek him

    • Heath Clark
      Training for a savage race that I’m running today but through all the training I’ve been doing it’s been good to feel healthier again to have the energy I need to be a good husband, father and pastor to a church.

  13. 1. Sara Wakefield
    2. Yes – mostly walking and savoring the alone time, but a few runs (because walking takes forever and So. Much. Rain. last week!
    3. Started out with mix of podcast and Bible for reading challenge, but then felt it was too much with the other reading I am doing, so no for that.
    4. No for Mayhem
    5. I’m learning to seek Jesus like the bleeding woman touching His cloak – all in, no matter what people around me think of me or how long I’ve been carrying my sin or pain, and with the expectation that He is going to care and heal. I love imagining their eyes locking the first time!

  14. Ron Detweiler

    Yes thankfully I have been able to do 3.1 everyday so far. I’m tired and struggling but I am finishing!

    Yes I am doing 3 chapters a day


    One thing I have learned about myself is that if I force myself out the door to get the 5k done I always feel accomplished after I’m done!

    • Rhonda Best
      Yep, feeling good, walking all the miles
      One thing I learned is that my dogs enjoy this even more than I do!

  15. Jeffrey Smith, FV, NC.

    Yes, it has been a challenge on some days, but I’m sticking with it.

    Yes, I’m following the podcast daily.


    Gods timing is always perfect, and we have to remember to praise him during trials & bad seasons as well, not just during happy times.

  16. Gail Bleibtrey
    Yes, Mothers Day almost broke me weather wise and technical issues but I pushed through and doing well.
    Yes mostly listening to the #JPM5kMay podcast (thanks for doing them!) reading on my own a few days.
    No Mayhem for me.
    Praying to know God for who he really is not who I make him to be.

  17. Rebecca Fortney

    Yes, I have done at least a 5K everyday. I feel good; strong and confident that I’ll complete the challenge.

    Yes, I’ve listened to Jeff read the 3 chapters to me daily.

    I don’t know. The challenge intrigues me, but I’m not sure if I can commit to it.

    I have been reminded that even if you’ve heard the scriptures before you can still learn something new from them.

  18. 1. Connie Mayle
    2. Yes
    3. Initially I didn’t think I would have time to listen to pod casts but on day 3 I decided to listen to it. I really enjoyed it and have been listening to them all now.
    4. No
    5. I love hearing the pod casts and getting out and completing the challenge. 😀

  19. 1. Karen Alexander
    2. Yes. I walked yesterday, but have run every other day.
    3. Yes. I am listening to the podcast every day, but I missed Day7.
    4. No. My daughter’s graduation party is that day, and I cannot due to the date restriction. Jeff, I think this is unfair. I spent most of last year walking mine alone anyhow. What does it matter what day it is? If people want to do it, let them go for it and it should count. But I am totally fine with the fact that it means I don’t have to do it this year.
    5. I am already feeling stronger and healthier. This is the kickstart that I need to get back on track with my running to restore and surpass my previous fitness level and achieve new running goals. I just have to stick with it after the challenge is over, which didn’t happen last year. But I’m going to aim for at least 4-5 days per week.

  20. 1. Keith Byler
    2. Yes! I feel good
    3. No
    4. No
    5. I’ve learned that my mind has more to do with how I’m running, than my legs.

  21. Yes I look forward to it every morning! Yes at night just before the end I sit and read! No I’m not. That I am not alone that God had always waked with me every moment !!!

  22. 1. Julie Donatini
    2. Yes…walking everyday
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Surrendering to God’s will with life decisions

  23. 1. Lynsey Overton
    2. Yes, this past week was hard because I got hit with the stomach flu but I still mustered up the strength to at least walk but it definitely was not easy and God was the only one who got me through it.
    3.I’m trying to keep up with the devotional along with the Bible study devotional that I was already doing.
    4. I was not planning on doing Mayhem challenge.
    5. If you put God first then you will be able to accomplish what you might is impossible.

    • Kellie Miller
      Yes! It’s going well!
      This challenge is very much a mind thing. Having the right mindset and pushing aside the feeling to quit is what’s getting me through!

  24. Yes, 14 for 14, all runs. I have a devotional that i have been using all of 2021 that i do daily, and I’m surprised that I’ve been able to run everyday. I had never done more than 4 days in row before.

  25. 1. Josh Schlabach
    2. Yes feel great
    3. Yes, missed a few days
    4. Yes
    5. Pushing my youngest in the stroller each day is an added challenge.

  26. 1.Jolene Miller
    2.Yes! I started out strong and I find that it is getting harder and harder to get it done but I’m doing it!
    3. No
    4. No
    5. It’s been such a good time for myself to have “me” time. It’s when I pray, listen to podcasts or audio books.

  27. Carly Desphy
    Yes, though one day was without a watch so I may have been off that day….Feeling like I need to push myself harder as I’ve allowed walks when I can and should run
    I learned that I can be disciplined when I want to be but I need to want it more frequently! (more of a reminder)

  28. Hi, I’m Erin Micklem

    I have done at least 3.1 miles everyday in May so far! I feel so, so good and more motivated than ever!

    I have not been doing the optional scripture reading every day.

    At this point, I don’t think I am quite ready for attempting the Mayhem, but we’ll see how I feel come the end of the month.

    I truly believe the Lord is the one motivating me to keep going in this challenge. I have been making sure I fit it into my schedule every day, no matter what. Some days that means waking up at least an hour early to get it in before work, which is amazing because I usually have a hard time being on time for work when I wake up at my normal time. I have learned that I am so much more capable than I have previously given myself credit for. Turns out I am much more disciplined than I thought and apparently I will do anything for a free t-shirt 😉 I have not regretted signing up for this challenge a single day.

  29. What is your name? Stacey Urdiales
    Have you kept yourself in the challenge by walking and / or running at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2021? If so, how are you feeling by now? Yes! I feel proud of myself for staying with this commitment.
    Are you doing the optional challenge of reading 3 chapters of scripture per day? If so, are you doing it on your own or through the #JPM5kMay podcast? I did not sign up for this part of the challenge but have laisyed to a few.
    Are you planning to attempt the optional #5kMayhem challenge? As of now yes
    What is one thing that you have been learning about yourself, about Jesus, or about life during this challenge? That I can do hard things even when I don’t want too.

  30. 1. Ryan Yoder
    2. Yes
    3. Yes. I usually listen to the podcast while I’m running the 5k for the full effect. I like the songs and the commentary and the dramatic reading of the Bible.
    4. Yes
    5. In these weird times we’re in now, we don’t have to worry or feel panic. God is completely in control and we only need to put our faith in him!

    • 1. Renee Wolosyn
      2. Yes, walking
      3. Listening to podcast most days
      4. Heck no. Definitely not ready for that
      5. Personal growth.

  31. What is your name? Marc Urdiales
    Have you kept yourself in the challenge by walking and / or running at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2021? If so, how are you feeling by now? Yes. Feeling good.
    Are you doing the optional challenge of reading 3 chapters of scripture per day? If so, are you doing it on your own or through the #JPM5kMay podcast? No
    Are you planning to attempt the optional #5kMayhem challenge? No
    What is one thing that you have been learning about yourself, about Jesus, or about life during this challenge? It is nice to get out and walk and spend time with my wife.

  32. Angela Deiotte
    Yes! 😊 I feel great.
    Yes! I listen to the podcast. That is my favorite part about this challenge.
    No, graduation weekend.
    Planning my 5k runs has to be planned out. Also, my time with the Lord needs to be intentional and not just an latter thought. Thank you for your podcasts. They e been inspirational.

  33. Jen Call
    Yes, 5k every day so far.
    Some podcasts
    No mayhem
    This challenge is so much harder this year from last year when there was absolutely nothing else to do last year! Working at the office some, helping my mom a lot and just being busy in general leaves me flustered when I have to squeeze in the 5k somewhere, but I have managed to get it done!

  34. Kaitlyn Fetterhoff
    Yes, it is easier to keep doing it. Still hard to be motivated at first.
    Yes, I read it on my own.
    I won’t be doing mayhem
    Definitely learning about consistency. This time has been great for listening to podcasts and learning more about god. I am currently being pushed in the area of faith and trusting God to do/handle what he says he will.

  35. 1- Franklin Micklem

    2 – Yes! I feel great, it has now became habit to get out and move.

    3- Yes! I’m doing the reading on my own.

    4- No, I will come up with some type of challenge for myself though.

    5- One thing I’ve learned is, starting is the hardest part. Once I bring myself to start anything and I create a habit everything falls into place.

  36. Patrick Wajda
    YES!!!!! I feel fantastic. NO REST DAYS!!!
    Yes!!! I listen to Jeff’s podcast starts every run.
    No. I have a wedding to attend that day.
    Jesus was probably a youth minister. As a preteen Sunday school teacher and youth leader at my church this really gives me a sense of having a personal connection with Christ.

  37. 1. Hannah Kidd
    2. Yes! Feeling limber!
    3. Unfortunately no due to traveling, school and work and moving.
    5. The one thing I’ve learned is that I feel sooo much better exercising

  38. 1. Brittany Grimshaw
    2. Yes, a mix of walking and running
    3. No
    4. Not this year!
    5. I have really enjoyed doing a few walks/runs with the whole family. It has been a lot of fun!

  39. 1. Michelle Kendall
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Running is hard but helps clear my mind. There are many challenges in life, but all things are possible with God.

  40. My name is Katie Gerber and I’m enjoying doing this for the first time. My daughter and friends did it last year and I watched how it made them tougher and stronger. This year, I’m watching it in myself. When we had those VERY rainy days, I’ll be honest – I complained and said “I’m crazy! Why did I sign UP for this!?” But, even in those days, I saw beauty (and flooding) on the trails, my daughter and I are getting to spend time together, and our example is having a ripple effect on those around us. I have not been able to be consistent on the 3 chapters of Bible reading, but I AM getting in the Word, though. Shoot for the stars and land on the moon, right? (I know the actual quote is different, but it’s not scientifically correct, lol) Thanks for starting this Jeff! This has been a challenge and a blessing to our family!

    • Karrie Calzo
      Yes, running daily
      Yes, listening to podcasts
      Mayhem…still maybe
      Gaining strength physically and spirituality

  41. 1. Justin Yoder
    2. I have kept myself in the challenge. I’m feeling great. My goal to do all the runs in under 9 minutes a mile is on track!
    3. I am doing the optional challenge of reading 3 chapters a day. I usually listen to the chapters on my run. I occasionally listen to the podcasts as well.
    4. I am totally planning on doing the 5kMayhem. It may not be on the assigned day but I’m doing it.
    5. I can always push myself harder than I think I can handle. A recent 10k run had me exhausted after the first 3.1 miles but I maintained my pace to the end.

  42. 1. Michael Pacula
    2. Yes, I am keeping up.
    3. No, I have not kept up with this.
    4. I will not be doing the Mayhem.
    5. I am thankful for my wife who keeps encouraging me to get my run in each day and is so wonderfully behind me through this challenge.

  43. 1. Heidi Hartzler
    2. Yes, I have walked at least 3.1 miles every day.
    3. Yes, I am listening to your podcast! I did miss one day because it was raining so hard I couldn’t take my phone!
    4. No
    5. I love listening to the scripture (I need to do it year round) and making the 5k part of my daily routine! Also to be intentional in everything you do!

  44. 1. Sue Borntrager
    2. Yes, walking it everyday. I am struggling with shin splints but hope to get new shoes today. 🙂 I can tell a big difference physically.
    3. I try to listen to the podcasts but I am behind (the kids love the songs).
    4. I look forward to doing the mayhem challenge.
    5. I have learned I definitely do better when I have people holding me accountable. It has made me “rethink” the definition of sacrifice when it comes to Jesus. Even if my mind tells me my body “should” be able to do what I did in my teens and 20’s, my body doesn’t lie to me. LOL 🙂

    • Whitney Stoltzfus
      Missed one day due to some food poisoning but gonna to make it up by doing two 5k in one day and feeling good
      I’m learning a have a lot of fear but God can take that away if I lean on Him!

  45. Linda Miller
    Some of the podcasts I have missed two
    Still thinking about it
    That anything is possible with God. And I do have time everyday for excersice!

  46. 1) Jeremy Shantz
    2) Yes. I’m feeling great!
    3) Yes. I have been listening to the podcast daily.
    4) Mayhem Saturday is not going to work for me.
    5) I am amazed at the life of Jesus & some of the stories in the Bible. Reading through each of the gospels back to back brings new life to the stories.

  47. 1. Bill Lake
    2. Yes. Most miles I’ve ever ran/walked in 15 days.
    3. Yes, I love the podcast, devotional extras ,guest speakers and the music.
    4. I want to but I’m short handed at work. If I can get some employees, I’m in.
    5. For all that Jesus has done for me, I must become a better steward with all I have been blessed.

  48. 1. Lisa Squires
    2. Yes, walking a little more than I’d like to though but feeling good.
    3. Yes, listening to the podcast and someone my own.
    4. I’d really like to try the Mayhem, but not sure.
    5. I love to run and need to make priority time to run.

  49. Jeral
    So far so good;
    I have been enjoying the podcast;
    I don’t now yet;
    Without accountability I would probably fail.

  50. 1) Isaac Leimeister
    2) I have been doing it! Feeling great and disciplined!
    3) Doing it mostly through the podcast, but sometimes on my own. I’ve kept up except for one day when I did a run with someone else, then I listened to all 6 chapters the following day.
    4) My own abbreviated version. I’m a youth pastor and have an event that day. You know how that goes.
    5) I have time for what I want in life. Saying yes to something means saying no to something else. A lot less TV watching and I’m going to bed way earlier.

  51. Sam LaMar
    2. Yep, running everyday. Every days feeling is different. 3 days this week I felt sore. But yesterday I felt great. I am needing new shoes my current ones have about 500 miles.
    3. No, I’m sure I’m getting in a lot of reading as I prepare to speak at camp but it hasn’t been a consistent 3 chapters a day.
    4. Hoping to still
    5. I need to learn to control my grump. I’m finding if I don’t run early in the day I get stressed and grumpy. I need to learn to wake early.

    • 1. Amy Geiser
      2. Yes. Have ran all of them so far. Might have to walk a couple soon.
      3. Yes. We’ve been reading them at night as a family as our nightly devotions. It’s been a good way to read this daily while keeping the other Bible reading plan I’m also doing. We’ve all listened to the podcast on some days as well, which we enjoy and always learn something, but mostly we’ve just read it ourselves.
      4. I am ridiculously excited about mayhem since I couldn’t participate last year! Don’t know how far I’ll make it, but I’m gonna try!
      5. I love the intentional time both challenges take. Forcing me to give both God and myself time during the day is helpful spiritually, mentally, and physically.

  52. 1. Kara Scott
    2. Have always been a daily walker/exerciser so this is not new to me.
    3. Only listening to the podcast of the scriptures. Enjoy them very much!
    4. No, will not do the Mayhem.
    5. There are many things which present challenges in our lives, but God is always there for us.

  53. Allene Gentry
    Missed last Saturday due to time conflicts.
    Working on endurance. Allergies and asthma are making it rough.
    Not planning to do the mayhem.

  54. 1. Tom Longworth
    2. Yes, I still feel strong without any major challenges.
    3. No
    4. Yes, I am looking forward to the challenge.
    5. It is very hard not having the ability to take a rest day when I’m sore, or overly tired from work and life. After I force the run, I am always feeling better and accomplished.

  55. Rebekah Zook
    1. Yes. I feel good.
    2. I have not kept up with the scripture reading.
    3. I do plan to attempt the challenge, but if it falls on one of my work days I will not be able to.
    4. The pandemic lifestyle suites me. I enjoy a simple life with few social interactions. However, this running challenge has reminded me that there is great value in a crowd cheering you on or just a friend running beside you.

  56. Kristi Wilson
    Yes, I have done 3.1 every day.
    It’s so important to take time for yourself every day.

  57. Scott Call
    Getting it in every day!
    Enjoy being outside, has been tougher this time around without being in a lockdown.

  58. 1. Teresa Desautels
    2. Yes, I have kept the challenge of a 5K everyday!
    3. I read the 3 chapters of scripture first thing every morning, and enjoy Jeff reading them and giving a commentary on the podcast while I run.
    4. No mayhem
    5. Reading through the gospels is giving me more love for Jesus and I’m learning that consistency pays off, because I’m getting stronger! Keeping your word to yourself is so important. I’m grateful for this challenge!

  59. Melody Swartzentruber
    Yes, doing the 3.1 every day
    Doing the reading. Sometimes with the podcast and some on own
    Nope to the Crazy challenge
    Being intentional makes a huge difference!

  60. 1. Cindy Fox
    2. Yes, I have kept the challenge each day
    3. No, I have not done the additional reading
    4. No to the mayhem
    5. I love the discipline of getting up early and going out for my 5K every morning!

  61. 1. Darren Dunavan
    2. Yes! Feeling great!!
    3. Yes, I got behind but am caught back up now
    4. Still TBD
    5. A few things… That I am a lot stronger than I give myself credit. That pushing myself is NOT a bad thing. That I work well in a “challenge” situation. That pain isn’t always a bad thing and that the numbers on the scale DO drop below 230… (I was beginning to doubt they would)

  62. Jaime Jackson
    Yes! Sometimes reading, sometimes podcast.
    Hard no!
    How much I really want to do the 5k a day
    and don’t want to do it all at the same time!

  63. 1. Beth Babulski
    2. YES
    3. I have missed some days but love the podcast
    4. Yes
    5. Need this time for me!

  64. Chadd martin
    I have run or walked every day. Most of the time I have been pushing myself except for the odd recovery day and there is no question my times have gotten better as have my lungs 🙂
    No I have continued doing my own Bible reading
    Originally no, but myself and a couple friends decided we should attempt it, so yes plan to.
    I have learned when u put your mind to something it is amazing what u can do. I have been enjoying the lovely weather and makes me thankful for the blessings God has given to me. I have been reading in Genesis and there are many reminders of people of faith in trying times, and I also want to live faith out well.

  65. 1. Kari Miller
    2. Yes 3.1 miles of walking/running every day!
    3. Listening to the podcast and loving it!
    4. No. I enjoy running but not that much😂
    5. I’m truly starting to understand things I never really understood before and realizing just how amazing Jesus really was, is, and always will be!

  66. Ronda shultzman
    Yes I have done all the 5ks
    Am still trying to figure out what to do with my kids so I can participate 😂
    I love this challenge, and every year new obstacles make it more challenging. But it’s a given in each day, just figuring out where it works best is the biggest challenge.

  67. 1. Amy Ferman
    2. Walking everyday, shins are still sore 🙂
    3. Mostly podcasts but reading on my own some
    4. Definitely not
    5.I have enjoyed getting out everyday and admiring God’s beautiful creation. Walking with a friend has given me the accountability I need to keep going.

  68. 1. SaraBeth Babulski
    2. YES
    3. No
    4. Yes
    5. I don’t always want to do it after school or sports

  69. 1. Michael Makselan
    2. Yes I have done a 5k everyday
    3. No
    4. No
    5. I’ve learned that my life has gotten busy so sometimes (many times) you’ve got get you 5k in at 9pm.

  70. 1. Chris Dare
    2. Yes and my knees are sore
    3. No
    4. I’m going to try haha
    5. Discipline is never fun at the time but man with his power I feel ready to keep pushing. He is making me stronger

  71. Stacie Raber
    It has helped my prioritize my time better. And also helped with mental and spiritual clarity.

  72. 1. Chloe Yoder
    2. Yes, good
    3. Yes, on my own
    4. No
    5. One thing that I’ve learned about myself is sometimes it’s good to just step back and just go on a walk or run and spend more time with God.

  73. Christine Makselan.
    I have done all of the days! The last few have been hard, mainly because we’ve been so busy, but my husband and I have been holding each other accountable and getting it done!
    I have not done the Bible readings and won’t be doing the mayhem day either.
    What I’ve learned is that I do well when I have the accountability of someone else to push me through.

  74. 1. MaryLou Sullivan
    2. Yes I walked everyday
    3. Did some reading of scriptures. Not all
    4. No
    5. Gives me motivation

  75. 1.Mary Beth Yoder
    2.Yes!It has been amazing!!!
    3.No I haven’t.I have been listening to some of the podcasts and reading some of the gospel’s on my own but I’ve not been doing it everyday!
    4.At the first of the month I was like no way but as I get closer to it I’m really considering the challenge!I think it would be great
    5.I really enjoy the time outside I have been seeing so much of Gods creation everyday that I have never seen before by simply going on a 5k run/walk everyday.I try to go different places to keep it interesting and it’s been amazing.

  76. Travis Williams

    No. I missed 2 days due to work. I ran 2 10Ks to make up for those days missed. I know I don’t quail anymore, but I’m going to finish. Feeling really good.

    Yes, My own.


    Learning that even though my mind is saying you can’t, God is telling me I can!!

    • Jeff and Jacob Fink
      No (but we are encouraged to read more often)
      I think we have found that there is always time to make priorities happen. (I am also finding that my soon to be high schooler is much faster than I am)

      • Jacob has done the reading challenge and I am caught up but did not read every day. He registered a comment below

    • Stephanie Sommer
      Yes, I am doing a combo of running and walking. I am feeling really good with my success so far.
      It’s temping but as of today, no.
      That is am capable even when I’m mentally done!

  77. Ryan West
    Still going strong! Feeling decent
    When you feel like giving up, you’ve always got a little left.

  78. 1. Jess Stutzman
    2. Yes and good
    3. No
    4. No
    5. I almost didn’t do this since I just had a baby but then on second thought, why not? It’s the best time to do it! So I am glad I did and it’s helping me get back into shape and I am enjoying my walks w/kids and runs.

    • 1. Melissa Shantz
      2. Yes. Feeling good.
      3. No
      4. No
      5. Having a goal is helpful for remaining motivated

  79. Katie Crutchman
    Yes mostly running, walking some too
    Enjoying listening to the podcasts as I run!
    I want to try a few rounds
    I have been enjoying the release. When I’m running I’m focusing on the podcast or my running. Not all my worries or to do lists.

  80. Allison Dougherty.
    Yes I have done atleast a 5k everyday thus far. It is tough this year. My allergies are really bad 😝
    I have not been reading the specified chapters since I missed a day.
    I will not be participating in Mayhem this year.
    One thing God has been teaching me is to not put so many rules on myself. To be intuitive in life, by being flexible in listening to the Lords promptings and being creative with scheduling.

  81. 1. Jennifer Lee
    2. Yes, I’ve switched up between walking and running
    3. No
    4. No, but hoping one day I’ll be able to 😁
    5. Praising God while running makes it so much easier!

  82. Teresa Brannan
    I have found that I order listening to the Podcast when driving and listening to music while walking
    Not going to be able to do the Mayhem.
    I’ve enjoyed the community of the 5k everyday challenge… giving and receiving encouragement from other walker/runners. I have enjoyed the scripture. It never grows old.

  83. 1. Joshua Andrews
    2. Yes I have! Stiff and slow this morning 😂.
    3. No
    4. I’m leaning more towards yes than no
    5. How much the King loves to speak when I’m tired and exhausted.

  84. 1. Megan Reifsnyder (and Brianna)
    2. So far so good
    3. Haven’t done this reading plan.
    4. Nope
    5. Enjoying walking or running sometimes with friends, sometimes my daughter, and occasionally time to myself. I am not a big runner so I have always thought people were crazy when they talk about it as a worshipful experience, but I am starting to get it. 😁

  85. Sarah Cook
    I have completed a 5k every day so far and I am loving it. I was sore the first week but that has since passed. This week I was tired here and there, but I’m no longer sore.
    No, I haven’t been doing the scripture challenge.
    I can’t remember what the #5kMayhem challenge is! I need to look into that.
    I am learning, more like reaffirming, that I am capable of hard things. I just need to believe that I can do it.

  86. 1.) Chris Clark
    2.) Still in the race- completed at least 5 K every day. Feeling good.
    3.) I have been enjoying the music, insights and context in the podcasts.
    4.) I will be out of town during Mayhem
    5.) Able to run/walk more than I ever thought I would be able to complete. Have enjoyed the quality time with my daughter when she has joined me.

  87. Allison Lintern
    Yep! I have walked or ran at least a 5k everyday and still going strong!
    I have enjoyed making the time every day to complete this. My running time is when I do my thinking so being able to do it every day just adds more time to think and enjoy myself.

  88. 1 Terri Schlabach
    2 Yes. Feeling good.
    3 Yes, on my own
    4 Maybe
    5 I can do hard things

  89. Lindsay N
    Yes. Feeling glad to be half way there. Ha.
    Sort of. I’m not 100% on track. But not far behind. Doing it alone.
    No way
    That I can do this.

  90. Derek Metzger
    I have completed at least 3.1 per day and doing great!
    Not much reading going on.
    Still unsure about Mayhem. The fear of injury crosses my mind.
    I’ve learned that even on days when my legs are really sore (especially the day after my long run days), once I get out on the road and get moving a little bit 3.1 isn’t bad at all.

  91. 1. Lev Schlabach
    2. Yes- sore
    3. Yes 3 chapters read each day
    4. Yes
    5. Don’t scrape your feet when you run, it’s like braking.

  92. 1. Pearl Schlabach
    2. Yes. Good.
    3. Yes, on my own
    4. Yes
    5. It’s harder than I expected.

  93. Nancy Welch
    Yes, I have walked or ran a 5k every day
    Yes, I have listened to the podcast every day
    No, I’m not doing the mayhem
    Oh Friday feel better I love enjoying seeing nature well out on my 5K the rainy days not so much.

  94. 1. Jeremiah Schlabach
    2. Yes sore but pretty good
    3. Yes 3 chapters read each day
    4. Yes
    5. It’s hard to do the 5k if I have track practice the same day.

  95. David Begly
    I was gonna, but had something come up on the 29th.
    That I love to run…and God showing how Great He is. Everyday I feel great after a good workout. And since I do it in the mornings, it brings a great start to my day.

  96. 1. Renee Cleaver
    2. Yes, I have done at least a 5K every day and love it!
    3. I read the Scripture at night and also try to listen to the podcast as well
    4.I probably will not be able to do the mayhem but I will try to walk more miles than normal that day
    5. It’s nice to know that you are in this with a whole group and reading the comments keeps me motivated to stay on task as well as spiritually giving me a good mindset! First time doing this and I love it!

  97. 1. Justin Novitski
    2. Yes. Run most days but had to do a few walks in week 1 to rest the legs. I’m not setting any PRs this month
    3. No 🙁 I’ve really wanted to listen to Jeff I’m just not a podcast guy
    4. No
    5. I’ve been preaching through Hebrews 12 this month and talking about endurance to finish the race!

  98. Stephanie Chance
    Will try it
    Running helps me relax, especially after a stressful day/week.

  99. 1. Charlene Leimeister
    2. Yes
    3. Reading and listening to the podcast. Love it!
    4. Mayhem? Undecided
    5. The 5k everyday helps me to be more intentional in my physical and spiritual journey.

  100. Julie Boggs
    Still going running most days more than a 5k and taking some days to walk the 5k.
    Haven’t tried the podcast yet.
    Mayhem Yes
    5k May helps me have time to think and reflect.

  101. 1. Mark Kister
    2. Yes, I feel good
    3. Yes. Last week I started to use the podcast and really enjoy it.
    4. No
    5. I like the discipline it provides for me in terms of daily exercise as well as daily quiet time.

  102. 1. Michelle Miller
    2. Yes I have been running my 3.1 miles
    3. I have been reading the scriptures
    4. I will not be able to participate in the Mayhem challenge
    5. The 5k everyday keeps me moving and gives me a few minutes of alone time to reflect on my life

  103. Katie Mancino
    Yes! I feel great!
    I feel more relaxed and excited for what’s to come.

    • Yes – sometimes it ends up being even BETTER. Other times, it makes the good days that much sweeter.

  104. 1 Kelly Kuzma
    2 yes, feel better now that the sun is OUT!
    3 yes. using the podcast and enjoy it along with guest speakers
    4 no
    5 scheduling it in is a MUST, do not wait until later! I enjoy the insight from the podcast it makes me see things I have never thought of before.

  105. 1. Ryan Bucher
    2. Yes, it’s going alright!!
    3. No
    4. Probably not
    5. Even when I don’t have the energy or time it makes me discipline myself even when my mind and body says no.

  106. Jaclyn Oliver

    Yes! I have to split it up a lot of days and walk frequently but I still have been able to complete!

    Yes! I do a mixture of the podcast and me reading on my own.

    Unfortunately no, I will be on vacation!

    The mind is so powerful! It’s all mind over matter! Especially when it’s about glorifying God:)

  107. 1. Cierra Romero

    2. I have been, to be real I missed 3 days due to some personal health and time situations at night but I have been adding miles to the next day like 6 miles to still count the other day.

    3. I have been missed a few days but it is a great podcast!

    4. I am not sure about Mayhem.

    5. I have been learning that when you let God and let go of your own plans God will always work it out for the good of His children even if it might not look like it to our eyes but when we look back we see God all over those times. He is a good good friend and father.

  108. Chris Blough
    Yep- and it feels great!
    Loving the great conversations each day with my wife as we walk.

  109. 1. Jackson Mullet
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. Yes
    5. Running in winter makes you appreciate running in the spring/summer.

    • Jason Bell
      Yes, I feel great.
      I’m learning that my flesh is trying to talk me out of this everyday. Everyday I have to choose to be in this fight and push myself to stay engaged in this battle. Through Christ I can do all things.

  110. Callie adams
    It’s taught me I’m a lot stronger than I originally thought! I walk some of my miles at school to encourage my students to get exercise also!

  111. Ron Maxwell
    Yes, I’ve stayed in the challenge by completing a 5K every day. My legs mildly ache daily, it seems, but not enough to stop me. I’m feeling good!
    I’ve been hit and miss on the 3 chapters a day, listening to the podcast. I do enjoy listening to it.
    No Mayhem for me this year.
    I’ve been reminded that I can accomplish things by putting in the effort, that God is still on His throne, and that exercise accompanied by wise food choices will help strengthen your body.
    Thank you, Jeff, for creating this challenge!

  112. Christina Lorson
    I’ve been walking my 3.1 miles.
    I try to listen to most of the Podcasts.
    I do not plan on doing the Mayham Challenge.
    I’ve learned discipline, to complete the 5k even when I feel that I can’t. I’ve also developed a habit of early morning walking which sets up my positive mood for the day!

  113. Ida Troyer
    Yes,still alittle sore when I go on my 5k
    No,I need to do better
    I can do this,never give up, even though their are times when I wanted to

  114. 1. Kallie Pope
    2. Yes, feeling good.
    3. Yes, podcast
    4. No but I may push myself to go further that day..maybe a 6k.
    5. The best things in life take intentionality.

  115. 1. Yes, walking 3.1 or a little more every day!
    2. Have not listened to Podcast, but sounds like I need to!
    3. Listening to Bible while I walk or reading Chapters at home
    4. Doing the Mayhem. Last year made it to 18+ miles (6 5Ks). Going for at least 7 of them this year
    5. Enjoying the distractions of nature and quiet time every day–and today God gave us quite a beauty!! Enjoy 🙂

  116. Matt Otto
    Yes I have been able to get it done every day.
    Yes both podcast and on my own.
    No to the mayhem
    Definitely have learned that I am able to do this. Never enjoyed running but I know if I make the time and put my mind to it Ill be able to finish with the Lords help. And to just send it!

  117. 1. Jan Maxwell
    2. Yes still in it
    3. Yes listening to podcast
    4. No to mayhem
    5. Discipline… the mind is powerful .. I still don’t want to do it some days but most days I’m looking forward to it! Challenges motivate me… both physically and spiritually… now to have this carryon after the official challenge is over.

    • 1. Gavin Geiser
      2. Yes. Pretty good. Have enjoyed running some.
      3. Yes. Mostly reading, some podcasts.
      4. No.
      5. I’ve learned I can run a full 5K without stopping.

  118. Julie Beckett
    Yes 👏🏼 I have been walking primarily early in the morning.
    I am appreciative for health and ☀️.

  119. 1. Joshua Pope
    2. Yes, happy that I signed up.
    3 Yes, a mix
    4. Nope
    5. No matter what is going on in life, if you keep Christ as priority, he will see you through

    • 1. Nicole Geiser
      2. Yes. A little bit sore but overall keeping up.
      3. Yes. It’s been a mix.
      4. Gonna try!
      5. Perseverance pays off.

  120. Lowell Weber
    Yes. Feeling excited to be able to be part of this.
    No, not doing the devotions or podcasts.
    Might do mayhem.

  121. 1. Zach, Elijah and Heather Heatwole
    2. Yes, we’re finding a way to fit the 3.1 in every day and seeing some pretty cool stuff in the process.
    3. We’re loving the podcast and listening together in the van. We’ve had some great discussions.
    4. No, the date doesn’t work for us
    5. So grateful for His faithfulness.

  122. 1. Ryan Miller
    2. Yes. My legs are definitely feeling it but I feel super proud of kept it up so far.
    3. I have not been doing the scripture reading.
    4. No.
    5. Being intentional and having a plan is super important with you faith and your health.

  123. Maren Smith
    Yes (struggled the first few days)
    Doing the devotionals each day (which I love)
    My husband and I are both doing this and plan to do the Mayham challenge
    I have learned to take more time for myself for my health and spiritual growth with God.

    • 1. Jackie Jahn
      2. Yes I have walked or ran a 5k every day since May 1st
      3. No
      4. No
      5. This challenge has helped me get back into running. I would love to be able to run races again soon!

  124. 1.) James Lund
    2.) Yes, feeling great
    3.)No – Working with my California Soulcon team devotions
    5.)That I really enjoy these walks/runs & time with my Supreme Comander!

  125. 1. Mid Knight White
    2. Yes 5K
    3. Not keeping up with chapter readings
    4. Mayhem is a Maybe
    5. God is so good

  126. Jennifer Adams
    Yes. Sore legs.
    Not kept up on the scriptures
    At this point I don’t see myself being able to do the mayhem
    Not to try to do it with old shoes 👟

  127. 1. Sarah Zacour
    2. Yes, mostly walking and 2 runs. It has been a challenge and I’m sore mainly from being injured and then sick.
    3. Yes I am doing the readings. I usually listen to the podcast day of or combine if I get behind. Reading every day. I listen if I walk alone.
    4. No, we will be out of town for some much needed time away 😊
    5. Learning that self motivation is the key to success. Some people are really good at it; I am not when it comes to exercise or especially when I am not feeling my best. I am in constant need of Gods strength and guidance. I love the insight from your podcasts and they bring new meaning to some of the parts that were harder to understand.

  128. 1. Kendrick
    2. Yes. Feels great.
    3. Yes. Mostly on my own.
    4. Yes.
    5. Enjoy most runs with my 14 year old son, great way to spend time together. Like the accountability to stay in the Word.

    • 1. Joe Troyer
      2. Yes ,Feel great
      4. Yes
      5. Love being able to connect with my savior and with nature while running!

  129. Jenn Troyer
    Going strong – every day in!
    Need to do better with scriptures/podcasts
    Maybe on the Mayhem.
    I appreciate the discipline this challenge teaches me, you can find the time when it’s important to you. Lastly, doing this for me is really good for my May mental health (it’s crazy busy!)

  130. I’ve done the 5k every day! No scripture or Mayhem for me this year. I’ve learned to slow down- I run almost every day, but once a week I walk my 5k and enjoy easy moving.

  131. Caleb Kimble
    You always have time to work on your health. Running is a great stress reliever

  132. 1. Lisa Miller
    2. Yes
    3. I was but the last little while I haven’t been
    4. No
    5. Love being outdoors

  133. Kaitlyn Michalow
    Yes I have, I feel really good
    I am not reading scripture or listening to podcasts
    I plan on doing the mayhem
    I like the accountability and the challenge

  134. 1: Joshua Rivers
    2: I have been getting my runs in, been a struggle some days, not physically but for time.
    3: I have been reading the scriptures, again challenging for time but well worth it.
    4: I am planning on doing the 5K Mayhem, I already took the day off work.
    5: Time; time is so limited. I’ve always known this, but incorporating an every day challenge that deviates from the norm. The scripture readings have been especially challenging as even when I read normally I take breaks or multitask with something, I’ve tried to be present in my reading.

  135. 1. Elizabeth
    2. Most days. Had a couple that I had to miss
    3. I have done some days.
    4. No, but I will double my distance for the day.
    5. Am enjoying spending time and talking with my family

    • 1. Keri Mounce
      2. I have kept up it helps having 2 friends who are also walking. This weekend I challenged them to a scavenger hunt.
      3. I enjoy listening to the podcast while I walk them going back to read the scriptures in the day
      4. No to mayhem
      5. I have always walked but I am loving and listening to scripture being read and the worship songs!

  136. Kaitlyn Michalow
    Yes, feeling good so far
    I have not been reading scripture or listening to podcasts
    I do plan on the Mayhem
    I like the accountability and challenge

  137. 1. Elizabeth
    2. Most days, have had to miss a couple
    3. Some days, could do better.
    4. No on the Mayhem, but I will walk more that day
    5. I have enjoyed my walks with the family.

  138. 1. Candacie Eads
    2. yes, great, just a little sore at times!
    3. I have listened to the podcast some and really enjoyed them! I do listen to DAB daily as well as devotionals in the Bible app!
    4. Not planning to at this time.
    5. Know matter what is going on around us as long as we set our minds to doing something (goal) and motivate ourselves trusting in god. We can can do it all through him!

  139. Michael Sullivan

    5k everyday is on track and feeling good.

    Yes on the podcast.

    Yes on Mayhem.

    Interesting that over and over the theme from Jesus is that he is there for anything, but if people want his miracles they need to put forth some effort and go to him.

  140. 1. My name is Faith. I have been walking the 5k a day and it’s been great.
    2. I planned on doing the scripture reading but time got the best of me and I haven’t
    3.i do not plan on the mayhem

  141. 1. Stephanie Miller
    2. Yes and I feel pretty good!
    3. Yes! My son and I listen through the Bible app while we walk.
    4. Probably not this year.
    5. I have learned to look forward to these walks and not dread them. Listening to Scripture with my boy has made it so much better!

    • Kelly Uksas
      I learned that even though I can’t always be with my running partners. They always got my back.
      And that’s how Jesus is.

  142. Rachel Mathewson
    It is so good to get back into the habit of
    walking/jogging again! I’m feeling great
    I’ve been keeping up with my own scripture reading
    Still planning on doing the Mayhem
    Love being outside and enjoying the beauty of what God has created.

  143. 1. Jana
    2. Yes, it’s been difficult some days to get it in, but it’s coming still!
    3. No
    4. No

  144. 1. Deb Lee (Canton)
    2. Getting it done, most days by sheer determination! We have a puppy, so I’m training her for longer walks by portioning some of the 3.1 to our “constitutionals”! Feeling better a little at a time, reconditioning to the daily and the distance.
    3. Not following the 3Chaps a day, but doing a lot of reading on vocation and calling.
    4. Re-considering the Mayhem….
    5. Vocation and calling readings and reflections are perfect contemplations while walking (when puppy isn’t along…then I’m learning humility and the beauty of habits!).

  145. 1.) Kelley Clark
    2.) Yes. I’m on track. It’s hard to fit in but I’m getting it done.
    3.) I have been listening here and there to the Podcast. Definitely need to be better.
    4.) No on the Mayhem.
    5.) I have learned that I really enjoy the time spent by myself with God in nature every day. Beautiful blessings he has given us.

  146. Sheri Hartman
    Yes- feeling great!
    Yes- love the podcasts!
    Yes- bring on the Mayhem!
    Love doing this challenge with my husband. It gives us time to dive in the Word and talk about!

  147. 1. Paige
    2. Yes, on track
    3. No
    4. No
    5. I have learned I can do more than I thought I’m capable of.

  148. 1. Ben Phillips
    2. Yes! Feeling good!
    3. Doing good, and doing it on my own
    4. No
    5. That as much as I do like to run, I don’t always have a healthy schedule for it. I need to manage my time better in order to get good family time, balanced with ministry, and exercise time!

  149. Corey C
    yes, feel sore, but good
    yes, going to attempt the mayhem
    it’s easier for me to stay up on my fitness when there is a goal and I’m doing it with somebody.

  150. McKayla McCanna
    Yes- some days a little more tired than others but we’re making it happen! 👊
    Yes- Still planning to participate or atleast try to beat what I did last year. 🙃
    I have found that being able to split up my runs on work days has really helped me not get so stressed out about falling out of the challenge. I kind of love that when I get home, my last bit of mileage allows me to decompress a little from my work day!

  151. 1. Angela Reece
    2. YES!! I feel energized and excited to do it each day. It’s been such an awesome challenge that’s brought amazing fellowship and community for me.
    3. No
    4. I might!
    5. I’ve been learning that I’m capable of more than i give myself credit far, especially because most of my power to do the hard things comes from the One who rose from the dead! So thankful this challenge pushes me to work hard, prioritize and commune with my Creator God.

    • 1. Andrea ahurd
      2. Yes!
      3. No unfortunately
      4. Nope!
      5. I CAN exercise everyday if I mentally tell myself I can. That can turn into anything I put my mind to.

  152. 1. Briana Byler
    2. No, I forgot 1 day so I’m officially out but doubled up the next day and am going to still do the rest of the challenge for fun.
    3. No
    4. No
    5. That I enjoy running!

  153. 1. Laura Weiner
    2. Yes I am on track and it’s going very well.
    3. No
    4. Probably not
    5. I have learned that I am capable of more than I thought!

  154. Max Martin
    Yes and feeling great
    How good it feels to set time aside in my day to run on a quite peaceful trail and let the sights and sounds of nature inspire me to grow deeper in the Creator who is in control of everything!

  155. 1. Pam Corley
    2. Yes😊so far so good!
    3. No
    4. No
    5. If it’s important to you, you will make time and be committed!

  156. Jessica Yoder
    I have been keeping up with the 5keveryday challenge and I’m feeling great but also pretty tired.
    I am not keeping up with the scripture plan.
    I don’t think I’m gonna do the mayhem.
    God has me on a journey right now of growing in understanding of his love and acceptance of me in every stage and part of my life. And just like I’m not gonna go from a 40min 5k today, to a 25min 5k tomorrow, my relationship with him is a journey. He wants me to grow, but isn’t expecting full maturity tomorrow.

  157. 1. Jaden Weber
    2. Yep, some days it sucks, some days it rules
    3. Yes, I’ve been listening to the podcasts, love the energy there ❤️
    4. Still undecided, my friends are trying to convince me to do it, but it sounds painful 🤧
    5. Group accountability is a great way to stay disciplined with things you don’t want to do

  158. 1. Sergio Penner
    2. Yes
    3. Occasionally listening to scripture readings
    4. Yes, planning on it
    5. Healthy habits and discipline is a daily choice. Also, running with a group makes hitting my goals much easier.

  159. 1-Mark Oldham
    2- yes. Everyday seems a little easier
    4-Not sure
    5-Being Intentional on making time has made me realized how much time I actually waste in a day. The physical part of the 5k was never a concern, it was making the time everyday to do it. The first few days were tough with a busy schedule, but now it’s just part of the daily routine.

  160. 1. Jaimel Blajszczak
    2. Yes! Feeling pretty good, moving every day sure helps!
    3. I wanted to, but haven’t been able to keep up 🤦‍♀️
    4. No, will be driving home, 7 hours, from my nieces graduation!
    5. That I can push myself… and my body does it 💪

  161. 1. Ezekiel Chojnacki
    2. Yes, and I’m feeling good. It’s very rewarding.
    3. Yes and I’m using the podcast!
    4. Nope
    5. I am beginning to see how Jesus was much more of a teacher to his disciples than a preacher to the masses.

  162. 1. Emma Lemmert
    2. Yes, my calves are starting to get a little sore!
    3. No
    4. No
    5. I’m capable of more than I thought I was!

  163. 1. Cindy Mullet
    2. I have walked at least a 5k every day. This is the fourth year I’ve done this, and it has been the most difficult year.
    3. I listen to the three chapters each day on the podcast. It has been helpful!
    4. I am not doing the Mayhem.
    5. Even though it’s difficult, and means I have to get up extra early, I can do this! I also enjoy the comments about the three chapters on the podcast.

    • Elaine Hughs
      Yes, I have walked or run at least a 5k every day.
      No, but this is a future goal.
      No, not this time.
      I have learned that we get done what we make a priority.

  164. Diane and Tom Boggs. Enjoying the walk, have been trying to do 4 miles a day. Not sure if these two old ones are up for the final challenge

  165. 1. Carrie Sansom
    2. YES! 13 5k runs, one 5k run/walk combo, and one 5k walk. My legs have never felt stronger.
    3. YES! I’m really enjoying the Bible readings via the podcast. The commentary after each chapter is very thought-provoking. Awesome!
    4. I’m not sure about this one.
    5. I’ve learned that I can do harder things than I thought. I’ve also learned that I need new running shoes and possibly a massage gun. 😂

  166. 1.Kara Gorglione

    2. I have been working hard to keep moving, I have accountability partners, and my students at WCS two days a week keeping me moving with our Run for God club.

    3. I have been doing the podcast 50% and my own reading the other half.

    4. I don’t plan to complete the optional #5kMayhem challenge.

    5. I’ve been learning to lean on the Lord more, and trust his path for my life. My identity is not determined by what those around me think but by who I am in Christ.

  167. 1. Matthew Webster
    2. Yes! I actually feel pretty good. I’ve had surgery on both knees and I’ve always hated running so I expected this to suck much more than it has. 🙂 I think I did well to stop at the local running shop the day before the challenge and get fitted with a pair of shoes that fit me nicely. Everyone with feet should shop their local running store.
    3. Yes! I’ve listened to the podcast every day except one. On that day I read myself. I’m committed to seeing it through. I came for the running but I’m staying for the scripture. Great idea!
    4. I’m on the fence regarding the #5kMayhem. I think I’ll do it if I can get some of my #5kmay2021 challenge buddies on board to do it together. It would be fun if we made it an all day family picnic type event.
    5. Your podcast has been great. I’m an avid reader but I’ve spent more time in books about Jesus and Christianity than in the scriptures lately so reading through the gospels is exactly what I needed. I’ve really enjoyed the commentary between chapters and the encouragement the podcast has brought. I’m learning that my identity is in Christ. He should be what folks see where ever and whatever I’m doing. Work/home/hockey/hardware store -> i want folks to know that I am a follower of Jesus.

    • I love this! I hope you can get your #5kMay2021 challenge buddies on board for #5kMayhem. The family picnic idea is where it’s at.

  168. 1. Carolyn Silberman
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Makes me feel better mentally and physically and ready to start my day.

  169. 1. Kristen Shoup
    2. Yes!! I am having to walk for a few days due to pain in my hip, but still keeping at it
    3. No 🙁
    4. Nope, not ready for that
    5. I’m learning to listen to my body more and take it easier on myself when I need to

  170. Lisa Baker
    Yes have got all my run/walks in
    Have not been listening
    I don’t plan on doing the Mayhem
    If you push yourself you can do it!

  171. Kary Whearty
    My plan is to run each day except for Sundays. I will walk.
    I have been listening to the podcast but am a few days behind! Gotta catch up!
    I am still undecided about the Mayhem!

  172. 1. Bethany Spraggins
    2. Yes! I have done my 3.1 miles every day, as a mixture of walking and running. I feel great so far!
    3. Yes, I’ve been doing the readings on my own each morning.
    4. No, I won’t be doing the Mayhem challenge.
    5. I’ve been learning that it’s actually incredibly fun to participate in challenges that sounded kind of difficult a month or two ago. Now I look forward to my 5K every day. Also, I’ve been loving the Bible readings because it’s interesting to learn about how the books of Matthew and Mark overlap, but also teach in their own ways.

  173. My na
    me is Mary Beth Miller
    Yes, I have managed to keep up with the 5k a day
    Yes, I have been keeping up with the Scripture reading. Some from Jeff Polen podcast and some on my own
    I find staying active keeps me feeling better mentally and physically. It has also helped me to grow spiritually
    I’m having fun in the process and it keeps me motivated

  174. 1. Joe Soehnlen
    2. Doing great!
    3. Been catching some.
    4. No but I plan on making the month an even 100 miles.
    5. I have seen over the years that when my kids seeing me tackling physical challenges, it motivates them to do the same. I ve never had to beg my kids to workout with me, they generally ask “when can we”. I also take that time to guide them through any challenges they may be facing. It’s a great bonding moment that we have shared.

  175. 1. Ryan Grimshaw
    2. At least a 5k every day so far!
    3. I missed day ten of the podcast, had a busy day and didn’t realize until the 11th that I had forgot 😕
    4. Planning on trying the Mayhem, figuring out how my wife and I can both do it and somehow take care of our three kids.
    5. When something is important you make time for it.

  176. Sheri Lane
    I’m enjoying the 5k every day
    I’m especially enjoying the podcasts and your thoughts on the Bible readings. I’m thinking that it would be wonderful to read through the Bible and hear your commentary daily Jeff!
    I plan to do at least 6 5ks for Mayhem like I did last year.
    I love enjoying Gods creation every day as I walk/run

    • Haha. Thanks for the encouragement. I’m glad you are enjoying it! I think you may grow tired of hearing me talk through the entire Bible.

  177. 1. Christie Jackson
    2. Yes! Day 15 done!! Feeling great!
    3. No
    4. No! Last year was plenty. Lol
    5. I have learned a lot about myself, especially overcoming mentally obstacles while running. I love having an accountability partner this year!

  178. 1. Patrick Williams
    2. Yes running 5Ks daily, though I may walk it the day before the Mayhem and then see how I feel the day of.
    3. No
    4. Still considering giving it a go.
    5. I’ve learned that running daily requires a considerable amount of self-discipline, which shouldn’t be diminished or taken for granted. All you 5KMay-ers have my respect.

    • 1. David Miller
      2. Yes, feeling good still.
      3. Yes listening to the podcast everyday.
      4. I wish I could.
      5. I’ve learned our plans are not always God’s plans for us, and I should trust his timing.

  179. Brad Lane
    At least a 5k everyday
    Enjoying the podcast everyday
    Yes again to Mayhem
    I like to see God working through all of the 5k group, based on the comments

  180. 1. Lindy Anastis
    2. YES! 😊
    3. Yes, Podcasts
    4. No, on the mayhem day.
    5. I have learned to enjoy the run or walk and the beautiful surroundings . . . . ♥️ Spring

  181. 1. Ed Babulski
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. Yes
    5. It is hard some days to fit It in and to make sure that the kids get it in.

  182. 1. Annie McDowell
    2. Yes!
    3. I’m a little behind but working on it
    4. Not this year
    5. Eat cake. Take a nap. Go for a run.

    • Lu Yoder
      Yes, feel good and am starting to really enjoy it!
      I missed a few but I’m getting caught up.
      I can do more then I ever thought I could!

  183. 1. Candace Koch
    2. Mostly walking at 30 weeks pregnant now I did a 5k race today running it!
    3. I failed the scriptures reading
    4. I enjoy this challenge
    5. I’ve learned that God is bigger than any struggle

  184. 1. Kelly Zavala

    2. Yes!!! Feeling great!

    3. No, but I plan to start listening to the podcast on Monday’s walk.

    4. Nope!

    5. Where there is a will, there is a way. Friends make it better and easier when we are struggling. While I would not go walk in the rain or dark for me, I would do it in a heartbeat for my bff’s!

  185. Sue Hauenstein
    Yes, walking a 5K every day w my dog🐾
    Slow & steady wins the race. The consistency is making me feel stronger & healthier.

  186. 1) Missi shellenbarger
    2) yes I have!
    3) no I haven’t
    4) still not sure
    5) I am so much slower than last year!

  187. Kendra Mast
    Yes, feeling good
    The thought of something like this seemed impossible with a baby, but I’ve committed and it’s going well!

  188. Katherine Hickman
    Yes, running or walking at least a 5K everyday
    Somedays are easier than others due to scheduling or how I’m feeling. This challenge + training for a 1/2 isn’t easy!
    Learned: have to give myself a break. Somedays are good days other days are harder, and it’s okay to go slow! 🐌

  189. 1. Danielle Romanishin
    2. Yes, Walking with a friend some days and sometimes running solo.
    3. Yes
    4. Yes, minus yesterday.
    5. At the beginning I was super winded by the middle and at end. Now I’m making it through no problem. Strong and healthy are a great feeling.

  190. 1. Benji Mast
    2. Yes. Really good
    3. No
    4. Yes
    5. Running with a shin splint has presented challenges and so I feel like I have become mentally tougher.

  191. Stacey Kaiser
    I have kept up, and I’m tired.
    I am listening to the #JPM5kMay podcast
    I would love to do the 5k Mayhem, and am pretty sure that I could complete it, but it is scheduled on the day of my daughter’s birthday party so I will not be able to do it this year.
    The biggest thing that I have learned is actually how supportive my husband is. He signed up for this with me and so far has completed his 5k everyday. I’m proud of him.

  192. 1. John Ramsay
    2. Yes.
    3. Yes. I am reading the daily Moravian text scripture. It’s about 3 chapters a day.
    4. Probably not.
    5. Walking is harder than running. More blisters from my walking 5K on off days. Each daily reading includes a psalm. They are wonderful.

  193. 1. Jake Hoff
    2.Yes. Alot better physically. I’m paralyzed on left leg. Working better than therapy.
    3. No. But I’m reading it chronologically.
    4. No.
    5. Good conversation with God. Good physically.

  194. Jodi Harding
    Yep, I’ve kept up
    Nope,I would consider it, but am working that day
    The biggest thing I’ve learned is pushing yourself when you don’t want to do it. There have been a couple days where I’ve not wanted to do it, but it is all mental and you have to get those thoughts out of your head.

  195. 1. Scott Hooten
    2. Feeling good – been walking a few 5k’s also
    3. Not doing the scripture challenge.
    4. No
    5. I have time to get a run in every day!

  196. Stephen Brown
    Have kept up with the walk/run every day.
    This week has been a struggle, but pushing through.
    A little behind on reading but will get caught up this weekend.
    Not doing Mayhem.
    Spent time in prayer as I I walk. Live the fellowship time with Gid.

  197. 1 Gretchen Andreas
    2 yes! I have tried to add in running so I can PR in May. I am feeling good. My calves are very tight but it’s not stopping me. I am thinking of walking/running a 5k everyday in June.
    3. I am listening to the podcast. If I get a phone call during my 5k, I am listing to your podcast as I do other tasks around the house.
    4 I am thinking of it. My times will not have me do it all since I complete one 5k in an hour. I may do a 15k that Saturday.
    5 Completing the 5k takes planning. Often times, I don’t plan when I will complete a 5k for the next day until the evening. I am taking one day at a time and not scheduling too far in advance. I have been reminded of how calm Jesus stays while dealing with people. Often times the disciples act like my children and I do not stay calm. I am working on grace with my kids because the scripture has been challenging me.

  198. Resubmitting -not sure it went through the first time.

    What is your name? Stacey
    Have you kept yourself in the challenge by walking and / or running at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2021? If so, how are you feeling by now? Yes! Completed a 5k everyday between running and walking
    Are you doing the optional challenge of reading 3 chapters of scripture per day? If so, are you doing it on your own or through the #JPM5kMay podcast? Didn’t sign up for it but have listened to some
    Are you planning to attempt the optional #5kMayhem challenge? Yes.
    What is one thing that you have been learning about yourself, about Jesus, or about life during this challenge?I can do hard things and really having time to self reflect

  199. LaVern Hershberger
    Yes….Mostly great:)
    Missed some…getting caught up
    Only the disciplined are free in life, the undisciplined are merely a slave to their own emotion’s.

  200. Hannah Heatwole
    Some podcast, some reading on my own.
    I’ve learned that I feel better mentally, physically and spiritually when I’m excercising regularly.

  201. 1. Christine Allman
    2. I haven been able to keep up with the daily walking.
    3. I have been reading the scriptures.
    4. No on participating in Mayhem.
    5. I am using my walking time to be more deliberate to pray during that time.

  202. Marlin Yoder
    Yes, still in the challenge – feel OK, not much different then any other time when I run a lot
    Yes to scripture challenge – listen to podcast
    #5kMayhem challenge – No, I am running Medina 1/2 that day and don’t want to another 27.9 miles after that. To wimpy for that.
    What I have I learned? I think it gets easier from year to year. Maybe it’s just mental.

  203. Kimberley Black

    I have so far only missed one day due to a sand storm here in New Mexico! But I’m planning to catch up!

    I’m not sure I would manage the mayhem with a baby 🤣 but I wish everyone the best of luck 🙌🏼

    We started with the scriptures but have some catching up to do 🙈

    But we’re trying 💪🏽

  204. 1.Clara Troyer
    2.Yes walked/ ran every day so far it’s been great love it once I’m out and going feel so much better
    4. No
    5.Love it there is always time for something if you make time , enjoy your podcasts !

  205. 1. Stacey Rogers
    2. Yes, using combination of running & walking
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Just keep moving forward fast or slow it doesn’t matter.

  206. Marlene Swartzentruber
    Yes, feeling great!
    No, but I listen to the podcast quite a bit.
    Don’t think about the how many days May has, just take it one day at a time.

  207. 1. Leah Bechtol
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. No
    5. It is tough to make time for myself to do this! I need to do a better job prioritizing time to take care of my health.

  208. 1. Carrie Evans
    2. Yes! By walking. Pretty good, a little sore.
    3. Yes.Through the podcast.
    4.Heck No.
    5. It’s worth it to take the time to exercise and listen to his word this long and I can do it if I set my mind to it.

  209. 1. Harley Evans
    2. Yes. By walking. My back hurts a bit.
    3. Yes. By podcast.
    4. No.
    5. Really liked the perspectives of Judas and some of the other commentary.

  210. 1.Emily Byler
    2. Yes, it’s going well!
    3. Yes, usually on the podcast.
    4. Yes….still planning on attempting it.
    5. I’ve been reminded over and over again that it doesn’t matter how many times you read God’s word, He is always speaking to you through it! He is showing you new things, reminding you of other things, using it to make you more like Him. Also, I’m reminded of how much I love a challenge…it’s fun to push and see what can be accomplished!

  211. Kari Jones
    13/15. Improvement over 0/30 in April 😂
    I do a daily scripture scribe with friends.
    Not crazy.
    I feel better when I get movement in!

  212. 1) Brent Taylor
    2) yes, 5k or more every day thus far. Feeling good.
    3) Scripture reading going well and on pace.
    4) No mayhem challenge
    5) Learning to lead and love well like Jesus showed a f taught us. Feeling good pushing myself and doing this with a group of brothers is awesome.

    • Jason Hughs

      Yes, at least 3.1 per day. Actually feeling drain the last couple of weeks.

      Yes I’m reading daily. I’ve been reading through Deuteronomy.

      Not doing Mayhem

      I’ve learned that for some reason this is harder this year than last year. Lol

  213. loretta lambright
    got every day completed…wow what a challenge at times but loving every minute of it
    was planning on it but oh my I must confess the most important part of it I am failing!
    no mayhem… we have friends coming from out of state. hope to do it next year its always a blast.
    attitude is major and I love running and the challenge. God has blessed me with great people through running.

  214. Norman Lambright
    got every day completed. what a challenge and am in pain….but alls good
    reading every day but hitting different chapters then what we’re reading
    no mayhem
    that I love running but what a challenge to get back in it after last year. very good for great people keeping me acountable

  215. Emily schlabach
    1. Emily schlabach
    2. It’s going pretty good
    3.yes I’ve been doing it on my own
    5.God has been teaching me a lot about persistence and no matter how daunting things seem through him all things are possible

  216. Grace
    Walking daily
    Reading my own
    No mayhem. I conquered it last year. I want to do something I haven’t done before
    A commitment is a commitment even in pouring rain

  217. Mary Jane Overton
    Running each week day walking in Sundays: feeling great
    Doing my own reading
    Hoping to mayhem with everyone
    Stop looking in the rear view mirror. Each day is new for you and those around you. Approach each day with new mercy like Jesus and love in the same way!

  218. 1) Teresa Strine
    2) Running or walking a 5k everyday
    3) Yes
    4) No, I’m running the Medina Half Marathon that day, I was a little disappointed when I realized that the Mayhem was on the same day.
    5) This is definitely easier than last year and I’m stronger than I think I am. I’m glad I have a great group of people to keep me accountable and moving forward.

  219. Debbie Hoffstot, PA
    1. Trying to run at least 5K everyday trying to do more, when I’m not running I walk the 5K
    2. No
    3. No
    4. Keeping a commitment is important and is rewarding

  220. TaCara Troyer
    Yes, walking
    Discipline is key in getting out there everyday and walking.

  221. 1. Rick Petry
    2. Yes I have done 3.1 miles everyday. The consistency has been good.
    3. Yes, mostly using the podcast.
    4. Yes, bring in the Mayhem.
    5. It’s been interesting to me how much the apostles didn’t understand and even got irritated with Jesus. Give me me hope that I can do more and even in the presence of Jesus people struggled to believe.

  222. Paul Mullet
    Yes I am still in through all the rain and pain but starting to feel better
    Up to date on the scriptures using the podcast
    Our own version on the 22nd walking 21 miles for Mayhem for Kenya
    I have been reminded of the genuine love that Jesus showed to all and how I want to love as He loved.

  223. Christie Hockenberry
    Yes, walking
    Yes podcast
    Still nope!
    Pretty good, no running hurt my knee last year! Have some personal things going on in my life, and several scripts have just really hit me. Like hey I’m talking to you.

  224. 1. Iva Miller
    2. I have done 5K every day so far!
    3. I am reading the scriptures most days and love listening to the podcast!
    4. No to the mayhem
    5. Love seeing the greatness of Gods Creation in the awesome sunrises and sunsets while running!

  225. Gwen Schock
    Yes, I am still in the 5k a day challenge. I run 6 times a week and hike 1 time a week.
    I listen to the podcast/scripture most days.
    I will not be doing the mayhem challenge since I will be unable to participate the day it is being held.
    I have learned that there are many parallels between my running life and my spiritual life (never stop pressing forward, don’t give up just because it becomes difficult, encourage others along the way, etc, etc)

  226. 1)Nancy Long
    2)Yes!!! Really wasn’t sure I could do this but even when my friend couldn’t join me yesterday I persevered.
    3)yes… I’ve done both. When I walk alone it is a HUGE help. But most days I’ve read it myself.
    4) nope😱
    5) I’m walking with a friend and it has been such a blessing for us to unwind after a long workday, talk over parenting issues or other family issues. We’ve grown so close… God gave us this time I believe and I am truly enjoying every minute!!!

  227. 1. Deana Fresenko
    2. Yes I am running at least 5k everyday. My hips and ankles aren’t loving it but I’m getting it done!!
    3. I have been listening to the podcast for my scripture readings
    4. Mayhem is still a maybe depending on how my body feels at that point
    5. Last year I did this during quarantine so it was a blessing to get out of the house everyday for my run. This year I am teaching so I have to do it at 5:00 am and it is a bit harder to get myself up and going but I realize you can do anything you put your mind to. Plus it’s easier to talk to God during those early quiet hours!!!

    • 1.Duane Byler
      2. Yes, still going strong on at least a 5k everyday!
      3.Yes, listening to the podcast everyday! Thanks for doing this Jeff! Very encouraging!
      4. Planning on doing mayham!
      5. I have learned to take one day at a time and making good use of every second! Running is a great time for me to connect with God!

  228. What is your name? Stephanie
    Have you kept yourself in the challenge by walking and / or running at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2021? If so, how are you feeling by now? I have been using a fitbit and feel great
    Are you doing the optional challenge of reading 3 chapters of scripture per day? If so, are you doing it on your own or through the #JPM5kMay podcast?no
    Are you planning to attempt the optional #5kMayhem challenge? no
    What is one thing that you have been learning about yourself, about Jesus, or about life during this challenge? To slow down and set up boundaries

  229. Scott Tinman
    Yes – feeling good better some days than others.
    I am loving the Podcast…can’t believe I have not done this option before…favorite is waiting to hear the different voices Jeff does in the reading…if you are not listening to the podcast are you really doing the 5k Everyday May Challenge?
    Originally I was a no on this but may just try to see how many laps I can actually get in.
    Prioritizing the right things in life make the difference…my relationship with Jesus, wife, kids.

  230. So far, so good! Enjoying the 5K challenge and getting the Bible reading in – mostly. Sometimes 2 or 3 days worth in one day. Better than not!

  231. Paul & Rhoda Yoder
    We’re going strong with the 5k and scripture.
    Feeling better than when we started
    Definitely not mayhem
    It good to have a quite time and reflect and connect to god.

  232. Laura LaPole
    Walking everyday
    Feeling great!
    Keeping up with the readings through the podcast sometimes and with my bible other times
    Not planning on doing the mayhem
    I’ve learned that walking at night under the stars is quite peaceful and beautiful!

  233. Marybeth Hall
    hanging tough with both my 5k and scripture reading
    Always feel great once im done.
    Undecided on the mayhem but hoping to get some miles in.

  234. Patrick Grach
    Yes – to staying consistent with at least a 5k every day – feeling stronger, faster.
    Yes – to the Bible reading (using a plan through YouVersion), but checking in on the podcast – good encouragement!
    Possibly yes to #5kMayhem challenge but on a different day,
    Learning that tough stuff inspires and challenges others,
    Learning power of finding peace in Jesus and His Word rather than the unsettle stress that comes from being consumed with the news around me,
    Learning to stay much more focused on the few things that matter most (Essentialism).

  235. Bonita Yoder
    Yes-5k every day
    Yes-Scripture every day. I follow the podcast every day and find it very inspiring.
    No Mayhem for me.
    I’ve been reminded how refreshing it is to be exercising on a consistent basis! And to be intentional with Bible reading.

  236. Yes, 5k every day! Scripture occassionally. No mayhem!! Learning that I can make exercise a priority.

  237. Trista Tilley
    Yes by walking daily
    Yes via podcast
    No, not ready for that yet
    🤔 Nothing blazingly new, just reminders of things I knew, like His greatness

  238. 1. Rhonda Gingerich
    2. Yes. I’m doing pretty good. Tired but good.
    3. No.
    4. No.
    5. I’m full of determination.

  239. Linda Knee
    Yes, I have been able to do at least 3.1 every day
    Read scripture daily but not the 3 chapters
    God is Good! Not new just the many blessings and bounties he provides.

  240. 1.Sharon Renfrow
    2.Yes, I have ran (with the exception of 1 walk) everyday so far.
    3.Yes, reading 3 chapters on my own each day.
    4.Still weighing the mayhem challenge
    5. Running everyday has made reading everyday easier, cause if I can make time to run everyday, surely I can make time to read scripture everyday.

  241. Peggy Pierpoint. Yes, and like you’ve mentioned in the podcasts, the hardest part of the 5k every day is finding the time (also last Sunday was kinda rough with the cold and rain). Yes….listening to the podcasts every day….really like the comments and the behind the scenes narrative each day. Yes, I’m going to attempt the challenge, although it may be on a different day….last year was my first 5k May and I attempted the Mayhem, but stopped at 22 miles. I love every part of this challenge!! You are accountable to someone else, so you’re more likely to follow through. The podcast is awesome! I love listening to the scripture…. and even if I’ve heard/read it before, there’s still another perspective or something else God is saying, whether it’s from you, a guest, or just that I’m hearing it differently where I’m at now. Thank you!!

  242. 1. Jason Rickard
    2. Yes. Still in the challenge. Feeling pretty good. Some shin splint issues. Got some new shoes which seems to be helping.
    3. I have missed a couple days on this. Trying to catch back up though.
    4. Not this year.
    5. About myself. I believe I have found an inner strength that has been missing for awhile. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to run a 5k everyday and so far it has not been a problem.

  243. 1. Mike Garver
    2. Yes, still going strong. Pretty tired runs the past few days though.
    3. No
    4. No
    5. It’s good to challenge yourself!

  244. 1. Jordan Butler
    2. Yep, Legs are feeling it
    3. most days and mixture of all
    4. probably not
    5. Being disciplined with scripture and exercise is good for my mental health!

  245. 1. Megan Mashek
    2. I have kept up with it! I’m doing pretty good! There have been a few days that I haven’t wanted to get out of bed, though haha
    3. I am doing the scripture reading through the podcast. I love it!
    4. I am not planning on doing mayhem.
    5. I am learning to stop and really appreciate God’s nature. I love getting out of the house to do my walk whether rain or shine. And I love getting to listen to the podcast while walking. Really makes the scripture come to life.

  246. 1. Steve Knight
    2. Going great, knees are still holding up.
    3. Have finished entire New Testament, will start the Psalms tomorrow.
    4. Not planning on this one🥸
    5. I walk farther when listening to the Bible, even look forward to it.

  247. 1. Ray Ludwig
    2. Yes, feeling fine.
    3. Yes (podcast)
    4. Not planning on it.
    5. Most of the time tiredness is all mental. Getting out and doing it even when you don’t feel like it will give you a little energy boost, after you get going.

  248. 1. Joe Vigil
    2. Yes, I have completed a 5K everyday, thus far. Feeling a little beat up but I’m not injured so I will keep going.
    3. Started out doing good on this part of the challenge but have fallen behind. I plan on listening to required readings during the rest of my 5Ks. Should catch me up.
    4. Still no on Mayhem. 😬
    5. Consistency is key. Motivation gets you started but discipline keeps you going. Can’t have discipline without consistency.

  249. Fannie Weaver
    Yes walking/running everyday
    I’m slacking a bit on the scripture but was listening to the podcast.
    Will hopefully do the mayhem.
    Learning to be disciplined.

  250. Meggie Swartzentruber
    Yes to 3.1
    Reading the Scripture on my own
    No to the extra challenge
    Pushing myself every day is hard and good

  251. Alex Swartzentruber
    Yes doing 3.1 every day
    Yes reading the Bible but on my own
    No to the Other challenge
    Sometimes I don’t want to take the time to walk/run but I’m always glad I did.

  252. Gavin Giere
    Yes; and just a bit sore all over – manageable to date without Tylenol
    Yes; Reading two (2) Bible devotionals along with listening to the podcast daily
    No to the #5kMayhem challenge. I will be doing another challenge at the same time; which requires my undivided attention…maybe next year.
    One thing that I have learned is that God will always give me the strength to persevere and only my mind can slow my body’s ability to overcome; so I must stay focused on Him!

  253. Robbie
    Something I’m learning is that I am stronger than I knew and God gives grace when I need it most

  254. 1. Beverly Gable
    2. Yes. I’m feeling good.
    3. No
    4. No
    5. I’m determined to do this for my health. My husband and I are doing this challenge together. I look forward to every evening walk and talking with my husband. 🙂

  255. Mark rowe
    I’m still on track for 5k everyday. Felt mostly good. Had maybe 1 day with heavy legs and couldn’t drop the pace to normal.
    Been tracking with pod casts other then I fell behind one day.
    Yes planning on meyhem.
    It’s been great with the commentary on the pod casts with the scripture.

  256. Mary Snider
    I have WALKED every day so far! It is exactly double the distance I am used to walking! I have listened to each podcast, and have really enjoyed listening to scripture while walking! The music has been awesome, as well, and the really up-beat songs seem to happen just when I need a boost! I don’t plan on participating in the mayhem challenge. At the age of 67, with both knees replaced, um….. no. Just don’t see that happening! I have learned that I need to plan ahead to make time for the hour it takes every day to walk, and that every time I read through the gospels ( or listen to them) I am reminded of God’s unbelievable, amazing love for us! It’s also been fun to hear Jeff comment on the different writing styles of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Really looking forward to John!

  257. 1.Adam Kelley
    2. Yes I have walked or ran everyday this far. I feel good. I am using this as an opportunity to up my weekly mileage.
    3. I have not yet done this.
    4. I am undecided on this.
    5. Always keep working on yourself. You can always be a better you. A better runner, a better husband and father. A better follower of Jesus. Always push yourself and never settle for anything.

  258. 1. Missy Gilkerson
    2. Still in it! Some days are a struggle but pushing through and it feels good to get it done even when it’s really hard.
    3. I listen to the podcast. Love it!
    4. Still undecided about mayhem
    5. Learning to take one day at a time. Only one was perfect, I’m a work in progress for sure!

  259. Randal Ballew
    2. No 😢 I was sick with the stomach bug the pst two days.
    3. Yes.
    4. No.
    5. Being sick sucked!! But not going to quit! Got a 15k in to make it up and even tho I’m disqualified I’m still going to finish!

  260. Mary Gilchrist
    Reading my own scriptures
    Not sure maybe some
    I will persevere 😓 and that I am up for a challenge. It has helped me to believe that I can get fit.

  261. Josh Boggs
    No to the mayhem
    I enjoy the accountability of going out and running or walking 5K everyday.

  262. Jen Wash
    Yes. Feeling great!
    No, I just figured out how to access the podcast.
    I do my best listening to God when I’m running.

  263. Kristin White
    I have been keeping up with the challenge and enjoying it.
    I have been doing the 3 chapters of scripture and using the podcast
    Still not planning to do the mayhem
    It has been motivating to see everyone else working towards the same goals too.

  264. 1. My name is Seth Bowles
    2. Yes! Feeling pretty good. Had to do some walking days after running the first six straight. I’ve been alternating since depending if people want to join on a walk or not.
    3. No.
    4. Don’t think so.
    5. Habits are powerful. Life and the world are beautiful. God is a true artist. Running isn’t tough. The mental challenge of deciding to start can be tough. Every day is a blessing.

  265. 1. My name is Theresa Wright.
    2. I am excited that I have been able to keep myself in the challenge by alternating days of walking and running at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2021. I am experiencing some decent knee pain due, I think, to compensating for some weaker leg muscles.
    3. I have not kept up on the optional challenge of reading 3 chapters of scripture per day.
    4. I am planning to complete the optional #5kMayhem challenge?
    5. I have been learning to put more trust in my instincts.

  266. Darlene Maxfield
    Yes I’ve been keeping up and really enjoying it!
    I have been reading the Gospels on my own.
    Not planning to do the mayhem.
    I’ve been enjoying pushing myself running somedays and other days listening to the Bible as I walk.

  267. Justin holt
    Yes, I have run or walked a 5k everyday.
    I am not doing the reading
    Or the event at the end
    I have learn that taking the time to day a 5k everyday seems to be better for me mentally than physically.

  268. 1. Hi! I’m Kelly Evans-Wilson
    2. Yes, I’ve completed the run/walk 5K each day. Feel accomplished!
    3.Yes, doing the reading each day. I listen to the podcast…love them…then often I follow up with reading the chapters on my own.
    4.No, can’t try the Mayhem…graduation parties to attend that day.
    5. What is resonating with me currently, is the sense of belonging taking place in this journey. That term “belonging” has been on my mind. The idea of belonging versus fitting in… belonging involves acceptance…you get to be who you are…I feel like in the group Facebook posts we get to see people being their authentic selves…accepting people as they are…walking/running or both and really creating a sense of belonging among each other.

  269. Elisa Hill
    I have either walked or run 5K everyday. I feel great and excited to do it
    I would like to try mayhem with another lady doing this challenge but she may have to do it a different day so I will see how that goes
    I love that everyone is encouraging each other to keep going and not give up!

  270. Debbie Ricks
    Yes to 5k everyday!
    Falling behind on the reading/listening
    No Mayhem this year
    I actually look forward to this every day!!

  271. Matt Bell
    Yes, I’ve done the 5k every day.
    I’ve been trying by myself, but have fell behind.
    No Mayhem.
    Intentionality is key, spiritually and physically.

  272. Kayla Farrell. Checking in. Have not been able to do the 5K everyday. But walking what I can daily. Listening to the podcasts to keep doing the optional scripture part of the challenge.
    Will not be up to Mayhem this year. But will be cheering those who will be attempting it!
    Learning to make some quiet time in the day to ponder the gospel has been wonderful.

  273. 1. Adam
    2. Yes! I never stopped after last year’s challenge, so I’m feeling fine! But I sure do remember the soreness last year. Hang in there everyone – it does get better!!!
    3. Yes! I’m doing the scripture challenge. I’ve done 50/50 via podcast and actual reading. If I’m out solo for the day, I’ll do the podcast. If I’m out with a friend, I’ll read. [Side note: I laughed so hard when Jeff did his Dr. Claw voice, “I’ll get you next time Jesus!” I honestly almost fell over!!! ]
    4. No to the Mayhem! Huge respect for anyone tackling that!
    5. I’ve learned it’s more fun to do the challenge with friends! There are three of us that have a group text thread going! It’s fun to encourage and be encouraged!

  274. Kendra Mullet
    Yes, I’ve gone atleast 5k every day.
    Yes, have been doing it by myself.
    I don’t plan on doing the Mayhem but might try it on my own sometime.
    I’ve learned that if you prioritize something, somehow you will always make time for that. In May it happens to be running and reading😌

  275. I have done the 5k daily but am behind on the readings. I won’t be doing the mayhem. Jennifer Curati

  276. Marcus Borntrager
    Yes a 5K every day
    I listen to your podcast every day usually in the morning it’s a great way to start your day !
    Not sure if they’ll do mayhem or not
    Running a 5K every day is harder than I expected

  277. Jodi
    I have been walking 3.1 miles every day and feel great.
    I have not been doing optional challenge of reading 3 chapters of scripture per day.
    I am not planning to attempt the 5k Mayhem challenge this year.
    I have learned to make exercise a priority.

  278. Lacey Holt
    I have been walking at least 3.1 miles every day.
    I haven’t been consistent following along on the scripture reading, but I’m enjoying the podcast when I can!
    I am not doing the mayhem challenge.
    I am also learning that I can make exercise priority in a busy time.

  279. James Miller sore but determined. Yes am reading the 3 chapters a day will not try 5 k mayhem exercise is important

  280. Sean Kelly
    Yes, up and down some days sore and some days not so much.
    Trying to catch them on the podcast.
    Not planning to do the mayhem
    You really can do anything you put your mind to. Through him all things are possible!

  281. Dallas Penner
    Yes, I have been feeling really good, some days have been a drag…😅
    I have listened to some of the podcasts and really enjoyed them.
    Possibly, there is group of people in my area that want to do it but we will see, if I can motivate myself to do it. Looks pretty big 😬
    I have learned that running/walking around my neighbourhood has given me chances to meet and talk to my neighbours more! All kinds of wins… 🤩

  282. 1.) Ally
    2.) Yes (with struggle)
    3.) No
    4.) No
    5.) Your body is much more resilient than your mind!

  283. Hannah Mae Butler
    Yea- I have ran at least a 5k each day, feeling okay, but learning just how much I value my rest days prior to starting this challenge.
    Yea- I’ve been listening to 3 chapters a day via the Dwell app
    Unlikely doing the mayhem challenge, I have other running plans that day
    I have learned to value my rest days more! And that having a small running community and the accountability that comes with is something I’ve missed and didn’t know I missed.

  284. Sue Hershberger
    Enjoying the 5k everyday and reading the scripture.
    No to the mayhem.
    You make time for what’s important to you so the excuse of “I don’t have time” doesn’t hold out.

  285. Emily Robinson
    Yes, been walking most the days. Hoped to run but it’s all been walking so far.
    No, I’m not doing the optional challenge
    No, I’m not doing the optional challenge.
    I’ve learned that I walk a lot more than I thought. By the time farm chores are done, I usually have half a mile or less to complete the 5k.

  286. 1. Roger Schrock
    2. Yes
    3. Sometimes.
    4. Probably not
    5. I’m busier this year, and it’s taken a lot more discipline.

  287. Mike Wolfe
    Yes. Have had to take it slow some days (trying to avoid injury). Overall, feeling pretty good that I’ve made it this far.
    I’ve learned that I need to value time more.

  288. Derrick Miller
    I’m so grateful Jesus was willing to put up w the humans he encountered here and the pain he took on for my sake.
    And there is a funny gas smell coming from the gas well at the .5 mile mark of the trail in Fredericksburg

  289. Andy Blodgett
    Yes keeping at it. I am grateful for woods and trails to walk
    Yes to scripture
    No to mayhem
    I’ve learned you need a supportive spouse!

  290. •Kim Seese
    •yes I’ve done a 5K everyday – walked more than I planned to but forward is forward
    •caught up with the podcast today
    •planning on doing some if not all of the Mayhem
    •enjoy making myself a priority with this challenge

  291. 1. Bonita Miller
    2. Yes!!
    3. Sometimes … I do enjoy listening to the chapters on my 5k.
    4. Still not sure
    5. I enjoy running way more when listening to a podcast compared to music or if I have my kiddos and hubby with me. I’ve realized even more that I have time for the things that I make time for.

  292. Susan Schlabach
    Yes, and I am tired!
    I’ve been doing the scripture challenge, but mostly on my own.
    No way for the Mayhem! Not enough time in my day with work and stuff.
    I can be committed to a good habit.

  293. Rachael Beattie
    Yes to 5k
    Yes to scripture with Podcast
    I did last year and I think I’m still recovering so not sure!
    Just keep pushing forward

  294. 1. Kris Borntreger
    2. Yes, I have, feeling great!
    3. I have fallen behind on the scripture reading.
    4. I don’t plan to do the mayhem challenge.
    5. Consistency has been a huge theme for me! Just show up and put the work in, even on days I don’t want to.

  295. Nikki Loveless
    Yes I am super sore & tired all the time
    Ive leaned that it’s important to make time for me

  296. Marcus alexander
    Yes, feeling pretty good except for one calf
    Intended to, but haven’t kept up
    Morning runs are the way to go

  297. Checking in for Marie, Aubrey, and Gabby
    We have been walking 3.1 every day
    Probably no to mayhem but think it would be good to push ourselves to do more than just the 3.1.
    It’s easier to push yourself when you have others to do the challenge with. My hardest days were after looooong working days. What got me through that first night on the treadmill was watching the newest episode of The Chosen! Next time I have a day like that I’ll have to catch up on all the podcasts on here! 🙂 The girls have felt a difference when they are playing soccer. We’ve had some great walks and talks❤️

  298. 1. Wanda Amstutz
    2. Yes
    3. I have fallen behind on listening to the podcasts
    4. Possibly
    5. I need to make time every day for myself

  299. 1) Kyle Nelson
    2) Absolutely… unfortunately (thanks to my wife) 15 5ks / days done. My legs are tired, but I’ve kept it up. Got to keep on keepin’ on.
    3) Yes, Trying to on my own; not quite reaching this goal personally.
    4) NO
    5) That I need a day of rest. Surprised myself that I could do it.

  300. 1) Christine Nelson
    2) YES! 15 5ks have been completed. I’ve impressed myself with making it as far as I have. My body definitely needs some rest, but I’m determined to complete this challenge.
    3) I’ve been trying to read the 3 chapters a day and/or listening to the podcast. I’m a bit behind on this though.
    4) I was planning on it, but since the Mayhem has to be done on that day we won’t be participating in it because life is happening that day and we’d rather be present in that.
    5) I can push myself a lot farther than I thought. I need to make a point to be in God’s word daily throughout the day. I really enjoy doing this challenge with my husband as it’s our time to spend together for about an hour each day that is undivided.

  301. 1. Frank Mrozowski
    2 the challenge is going well but I decided to make it 5 miles a day for the money of may instead of a 5K. Little more challenging.
    3 I haven’t been very good about the scripture.
    4. Still unsure of the mayhem challenge.
    5. Hardest part is staying focused and pushing thru pain for my goals… but sore today, strong tomorrow.

  302. Summer Bell
    I’m not 100% but I do use a different app
    That he is here and near at all times and when I am determined I follow through.

  303. What is your name? Shana

    Have you kept yourself in the challenge by walking and / or running at least 3.1 miles every day so far in May 2021? If so, how are you feeling by now? Yes I have been able to, feeling good!

    Are you doing the optional challenge of reading 3 chapters of scripture per day? If so, are you doing it on your own or through the #JPM5kMay podcast? Yes I am. I have been listening to the podcast.

    Are you planning to attempt the optional #5kMayhem challenge? Not this year

    What is one thing that you have been learning about yourself, about Jesus, or about life during this challenge? Priorities in my life are my choice…. making time for my 5k, making time for prayer, we all have 24 hours in our day same as any other person I’ve ever looked up to… my choicespriorities

  304. 1. Bryan McCanna
    2. Yes! Feeling a little sore been pushing pretty hard in the first 15 days might have to tone it back a bit lol.
    3. No
    4. Yes I’m planning on it.
    5. I’ve learned with work, children, and everything else going on how important time management is to get your run in.

  305. 1. Scott Himes
    2. Yes, every day! Mixing running and walking to give the legs some less intense days to recover.
    3. No
    4. Yes I think
    5. I’ve gotten my son out almost every day this month to run or walk as well. We don’t always do it every day together, but he’s gotten 2-3 miles in almost every day which is a huge accomplishment for him!

  306. Kyle Kopke
    It’s been difficult making time. Lost my dad last week and have used the time to talk with him.

  307. Laura Ice

    1. Laura Ice
    2. 5k every day
    3. Yes, enjoy the podcasts
    4. No
    5. You can do whatever you set your mind to, however God is right there with you to help you through it.

  308. Bekah Schock
    Yep a 5k every day
    I am definitely feeling a bit tried
    Yes I am doing the reading by myself
    No thanks to the mayhem challenge
    That if I just get something done instead of putting it off I will feel more accomplished

  309. 1. Michelle Kaufman
    2. Yes, I have made it so far, definitely a big commitment for me, but it has been good.
    3. No
    4. No I am not planning to
    5. Good things take time and discipline!

  310. 1. Megan Slomkowski
    2. I have! I am feeling good, a bit sore but good!
    3. Yes and on my own.
    4. No i am not. 5. I am learning that I am able to conquer my mind when it tells me
    To stop going after 1 mile and not feeling alone. God is there to help

  311. 1. Brad Slomkowski
    2. Yes and I am feeling very sore but feel amazing.
    3. No
    4. No
    5. How much I missed being this active everyday. I’ve been out of sports for almost ten years and it feels good to wake up sore each day

  312. Andrea Clark
    Started the month strong and caught a cold around May 5. So I took 2 days off that week but doubled down that weekend; Took one off with a busy work week this week but doubled down today. So mileage for 5k a day is in tact! As a mom who is just trying to make time for her health again, the flexibility is key – I am proud of myself of finding ways to keep the mileage up!
    No scripture challenge
    I want to do some version of Mayham. Maybe only 6 hrs or maybe on Memorial Day instead of Saturday – the time commitment will be hard with kids.
    My body is very quickly responding to daily workouts again after the COVID hiatus – learning to love it more but listen to it! And that I can find time if I try hard enough.

  313. 1. Carl Cohen
    2. Yes, 15 for 15 and feeling stronger each day.
    3. Yes, reading but plan to start the podcasts. I hear they’re great.
    4. I’m still not sure what the Mayhem is.
    5. This is another proof point that when I listen to the Spirit and not my flesh, I can do more than I think I’m able to. Too often in the past the flesh has held me back….NOT TODAY satan.

    • If you intentionally quit early, then yes, it sounds like you are out. If you didn’t realize you were .8 miles short until afterwards, then I would say you should give yourself grace and consider yourself to be still in. Sometimes a watch or phone is off by a bit. If that is what happened, I wouldn’t let it keep you from staying in the challenge.

      • Emily Vonck
        Yes and feels good so far!
        No- I have not been reading.
        I do not plan to do mayhem.
        How important it is to be active for physical and mental health!

      • 1. Marion Troyer
        2. Yes. Soreness!
        3. No.
        4. Yes!!
        5. That I can run through pain! “because of Jesus”!!

      • Jeff,
        Kelly is my co-worker and we are in the same 5K a Day in May accountability group. I heard her story and don’t think she should be disqualified. Furthermore, most of her runs are a lot further than the required 5k and she has even been known to double up on a day every once in a while. Just thought I would throw my two cents in. Thanks!

      • Never thanked you for this kind note !!! I got back in the saddle and murdered the rest of the challenge!!

  314. 1. Becky Blackford
    2. I have completed at least a 5k everyday. Sometimes broken up into 2 segments, but always getting it done. I do realize that I’m ‘checking in’ after midnight because I forgot to sit down and do it yesterday. This may disqualify me from officially continuing the challenge. My legs feel a bit heavy, but otherwise I’m fine.
    3. I have just started listening to the podcast and unfortunately haven’t kept up with the reading.
    4. I’m not able to do the Mayhem this year.
    5. Early morning running is the best for me. I can do it later, but it feels harder.

  315. I’m a little late on the check-in. I had a great family day yesterday and finally got my 5K in last night, but it was done. It’s been going great so far. I fabulous and motivated. Reading the Bible every day and I’m still planning on the mayhem.

    • Brian Borntreger,
      Yes, keeping up.
      Pretty steady but have missed a few days
      Will not be doing mayhem
      Learning to have grace for myself and others. Especially in light of the Grace I have been shown.
      Sorry this is late. Completely forgot until this morning.

    • 1. Kyrstn Was
      2. Completed 5K daily
      3. No pod cast
      5. No mayhem
      6. Afternoons or mornings, just depends on day

  316. Ruth Graham
    Yes to at least a 5k everyday
    No have not kept up with reading/podcast
    Highly likely to Mayham if I can figure out the logistics while running a half marathon in the morning.
    I’ve learned I can make time for what’s important

  317. 1. Marion Troyer
    2. Yes!
    3. No.
    4. Yes!
    5. I can run through pain.. Because of Jesus!!!!

  318. Sorry I posted on the Day 15 podcast. I thought that was where we checked in. It wasn’t until I heard today’s Day 16 podcast that this was the place I needed. I hope I am still in this. It’s been very challenging and I feel pretty good.

    Wayne Latsch
    You have to keep pushing yourself. Don’t give up, you got this!

  319. Regina Dickes
    Yes, I’ve been walking most of my 5ks
    Listening to podcast as I do the 5k a day.
    You have to make the time fo get your 5k on and Jesus with you as you do your walking makes it twice as nice.

  320. Jim Seelye – sorry that I missed yesterday!
    Not as much as I’d like.
    Possibly 🙂
    Never, ever give up!

  321. 1. Richard Strain
    2. Yes, walking most days but got a in10k last week and did a 25k trail run yesterday. I am tired,but
    keeping at it.
    3. I am not.
    4. Still considering, but leaning towards probably not.
    5. I keep going even when I want to stop.

  322. Debby Klinect
    I have not.
    No because it is the same day as Medina Half Marathon.
    Never quit!

  323. 1. Kevin Griffin
    2. Streak is alive, over 100 miles thus far too.
    3. I’ve not completed all the readings
    4. Not doing the Mayhem as I’ll be traveling that day.
    5. I’ve learned that I’m ready to work again.

  324. Tracy Griffin
    Yes, still on 5k streak
    Behind on bible reading but will catch up
    No, will be on vacation

  325. Marty Phillips
    Yea still going strong, I have done a few 10ks along the way. We’re at Disney this week and have been putting 10miles in the park each day as well!
    Listening to the amazing podcast each day – we really enjoy that!
    Yes- I will attempt mayhem.
    The 1st step is the hardest

  326. Liz Schlabach
    1. Yes ( late check in, but I’ve been getting my 5k in every day!)
    2. Sometimes
    3. Maybe
    4. Discipline

  327. 1. Cindy Van Stavern
    2. Late check-in (traveled this weekend) but I’ve been completing at least 5K each day!
    3. No
    4. No
    5. Improving my pace and feeling stronger every day!

  328. Sorry I did not get checked in on Saturday

    Sergio Mast
    Yes – I feel good
    Nothing really

  329. I forgot to check in on the 15th.🙈 Yes I am enjoying it again this year.
    No I am not reading the passage this time.
    My son and I are both doing it. It’s been a fun thing to do together.

  330. 1) Brian Beachy
    2) 5k or more everyday- feel great
    3) Mostly listening to scripture when running. I’m a few chapters behind right now.
    4) I’m hoping to, not sure yet
    5) Jesus…teacher, friend, redeemer

  331. Lindsay
    I have a friend I challenged to do this too and it’s been fun having a “partner” to get through this challenge

  332. Sandy Knauf
    Trying to 😊
    Mayhem—oh yes!!!
    Learning that I’m good at procrastinating but persistent!! Love hearing the birds in the mornings!

  333. Julie Beckett

    Yes 👍🏼

    I have been walking a 5K or more each day in better weather this year (less rain).

    No Mayhem for me but know that I will be cheering on each and every participant! To be able to complete that is quite an amazing accomplishment!

    I have also been listening to books on tape which I have really been enjoying.

  334. Posting on behalf of Isaiah and Anna. Not sure if he posted on the wrong thread or didn’t do it correctly.
    Isaiah- yes still in, still doing the devotion/Bible reading challenge, he’s not sure on the Mayhem yet, he’s learning it easier to complete when it’s not so hot.

    Anna- yes still in, not doing the Bible reading but wants to try the Mayhem and she’s learning it’s easier to do it with friends.

  335. Kary Whearty (Toledo, Ohio)
    I totally forgot to check-in! 😬
    I’m still walking or running every day. My walk turned into a faster than I like run Sunday evening as thunder and lightning rolled in! I got busy cleaning out the garage and almost forgot, but I went in the rain!
    I’m reading, but have missed some days.
    I’m not planning on the challenge.
    One thing I’ve learned…..even when I don’t feel like going (like Sunday evening), I never regret it!

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