Jeff Polen Music

Post-Event Blog Posts

As a full-time Musicianary, I have been so blessed through the years to have opportunities to meet some amazing people and to be a part of some incredible events.  For a while now (like, for several years) I have been wanting to write a quick blog after each event that I have the privilege of being a part of, but it just hasn’t happened. 

If I were to write a blog after each event, I’m not sure who, exactly, it would primarily be written for. 

I think it would be nice to write a blog after each event for our amazing JPM Ministry Partners who make it possible for us to continue to do the work that we believe God has called us to do. Words could never fully describe how thankful we are for their faithful partnership in the gospel. 

I think it would be fun to write a blog after each event for the people who were actually a part of the event. Perhaps they would engage with the comments section, leaving an account of their own thoughts and experiences, and the blog could serve as an interactive way to continue what God was doing at the event. 

I think it would be neat to write a blog after each event for myself, as a way to further process and remember what God was doing in that specific space and time. It is always good to have ways to look back and remember what God was doing in the past, which helps to bolster our faith as we walk with Him into the future. 

Perhaps a quick blog post after each event could also serve as an interesting read to people who stumble upon this blog but do not fit into any of the previous categories. If someone like that could be encouraged and inspired along the way, praise God. 

But alas! I have failed miserably in my desire to write a blog post after each event. 

Hopefully that changes now. I am writing this quick post to serve as a sort of spiritual stake in the ground. My intent is to do better with this. The posts may be long, they may be short; I may share more than I should, and I may not share nearly as much as I would like to (given the often sensitive nature of some of the things I do and ministry opportunities that I get to be a part of). 

So… here’s to hopefully many post-event blog posts to come…


JPM Events

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